Buzzer for 1st and 5th gears

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Constant Mesh

Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Jul 11, 2005
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I'd like to have a brief aural indication when I've selected 1st and 5th gears.

Today I slowed to a stop at a traffic light and downshifted to what I thought was 1st but I actually stopped at 2nd. My launch wasn't what I expected. Obviously if I keep downshifting I'll always find 1st. But on rare occasions I'll stop at 2nd by mistake. I've sometimes considered adding an aural indication controlled by the neutral switch. If I don't hear a brief blast from the neutral buzzer I'll know I haven't reached 1st.

I'd really like a brief buzzer blast to confirm I've selected 5th too. I often pull up on the shifter one more time to verify I'm in 5th. I know I'm in 5th but for some reason I have to confirm it. I don't know of any simple method for linking a buzzer and 5th gear.

First sounds different than any other gear on the way down, and 5th is a smaller RPM drop than any other gear on the way up.

I would think that by the time you reach 5th, the road and wind noise will be such that your buzzer needs to be quite loud, and thus would be audible for miles, and everyone around would look at you and think odd thoughts.

I don't mean to sound like I think it's a silly idea, exactly....... but I kinda do.

As for buzzing as it passed neutral, what's the difference between that and selecting neutral?


And there's nothing to indicate anything higher up.

Unless you found some sort of electronic gizmo that could be trained to recognize the relationship between engine speed and road speed, and thus know exactly which gear you were in, and even display it for you.

Mine had one of these when I bought it, the display filled with water bubbles the first rain I encountered. Replaced it with a new one, which died completely after the first rain I encountered. After that, I learned to count. It took about 25,000 miles, but I've gotten pretty good at it.

My bike's dash when I bought it in 2007, with the gear indicator above the clock:


You just gotta to feel it. Heck, back in the day, I didn't even have a neitral light!

Riding a gen I, I never have trouble knowing that I'm in first. Of course, first is the one below neutral :) . It does souund different; more whiney, but apart from that, it revs differently.

And speakng of revs, in the fourth and fifth, I can look at the tach and compare it to the speedometer to quickly tell what gear I'm in. For example, in fifth gear at 50 mph, the engine is turning about 3K; 4K at 70 mph. HTH, WBill

God forbid, I ask about which oil is best. Yet this thread is still here.. lol.

(just kidding with you, take it easy..)

My first reaction to this thread was, you need to ride your bike more. Second was, you need a GenII or III.
