C Baily +4 shield question

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Just picked up an '08 a couple of weeks ago and it has a C Bailey +4 windshield. I was wondering if the larger surface area and resultant increased wind pressure of the larger shield can result, or has resulted in, failure of the bracket mechanism or other problems at high speed. Does it make any difference with the shield all the way up stress wise, or does it not matter? This may seem trivial, but I had a larger aftermarket shield break on another bike break at 100 mph and almost crushed my wind pipe. Thanks

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Never heard of a Cee Bailey breaking on a FJR. The windshields are attached with a plastic screw that is designed to break-away in the event a rider goes through it, or the bike tips and the windshield catches on something. It protects the driver and windshield mechanisms, but if it makes you nervous, you wouldn't be the first to replace those plastic screws with something more substantial.

I have the +4 +4 on a Gen I and it was not a problem up to mach looney, so I'd say don't worry about it. Inspect the fasteners from time to time, especially if you use the OEM plastic.

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I too have a "4X4" CB and routinely ride with it all the way up...(for my passengers comfort) we been up to 132 and the shield is still secure (with stock plastic screws)

It's been hit by birds and even golf balls, but has not departed yet. My only thought on why an aftermarket shield might fall off is that when installing, the screws were over-tightened, loading them with stress or perhaps even inducing fractures in them.

God I hope not...because cruising around Nevada at triple digit speeds with my +4+3 for extended periods and 170,000+ mile--the windhshield brackets and screws have performed exactly as designed. It's like Yamaha engineers knew what they were doing or something. :rolleyes:

Now, whether the windshield itself broke in mid ride is another story. There was a CB that broke a chunk out of it nowhere near the bracket....in Nevada at high speed. But, that's a story for another threaqd.

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What everyone has said. Been using CB +4/+3 on three different FJRs (1 GEN I & 2 GEN II) and have never had any issues with them. Some here even run the +6 high with no reports of either bracket or screws loosening or breaking.

No worries, just use it! ;)


Mine is a +5.5" CalSci windscreen, and no issues yet. Have only had it on for a short while, though. It did arrive with more substantial screws to replace the plastic ones which I have yet to install.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Puts my mind at ease.
