Ca. hwy 36 video

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Man, that is hypnotic! Very cool to watch, and a beautiful ride. Kim at Calif. Sport-Touring (from whom I bought my FJR, BTW) was just telling my about Hwy 36, which I've never been on. Probably about time. Jb

My freind and I rode that last summer, WHAT an incredible ride!!!! Words can not describe that road. It was so awesome, we are going back again this year!! We'll be there in July. Can't wait!! Great video, I will post my own, when I get back this summer....


Nice video. Great quality. 36 is so nice, and seldom has much traffic. It appears that most of this was captured on the eastern half of the ride. It changes dramatically as you head farther west and approach the coast. But what a reward when you reach the ocean, especially on a hot summer day.

Hard to believe Master Burleigh's never ridden it!

Tim's had the up for quite some time. I first saw it maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Guess which road I rode shortly thereafter?

Nice ride, I have to try that one. I've done Hwy 36 from Red Bluff east into Chester and Lake Almanor. That area around Lake Almanor and Lassen park is AWESOME! Take the roads into Lassen Volcanic Park and go from one end to the other, it's worth the trip.

I got a friend of mine that lives in Paradise, CA. He is a somewhat active member over at Pashnit and he recently posted the following:

Sat I took a ride to Red Bluff to check out the new Kawawalskis at the fairly new dealership there. After I got done drooling on most everything they had in the store I took a ride up the legendary 36 to Platina. That is when it happened.........

I've read a few reports of the road work on 36 and rode through there while some of the construction was going on last fall. This was the first trip to Platina since they finished and I'm pretty sure I threw up a little in my mouth when I got to the "Roller Coaster" or should I say the remains. I stood on the pegs, pulled the wrinkles out of my pants, gave the bars a little wiggle, sat a little farther forward on the seat and prepared for the slides, wheelies and giggles I knew were coming. I came around the right-hander at the bottom of the hill in 4th prepared to snick it into 3rd and roll the throttle on and.......... It was gone, smoothed, straightened only the pics and the memories remained.

Not only did they remove all traces of it they removed it's little brother just after the railroad tracks at Red Bluff. Not to be content with that they destroyed another fun section up along the river bed near the horse place.......

I know there is still 90ish miles of giggles left from Platina to the coast but the ride to Platina is now the boring part. As short as the 3 sections were they were the heart and soul of that road. I will shed a tear every trip over there curse the Evil Overlords who decided this was a good idea till the day I die..................

Seems that at least the first 30 or so miles of Hwy 36 going west from Red Bluff got raped by the evil ones at CalTrans.

This highway is made for riding. I saw Tim's ride report on Pashnit, and have made the trip twice.

Last time, I camped at Grizzly Creek State Park.

From Red Bluff, the first part of the road is like a roller coaster; the middle part is a beautiful mountan road; then you end up in


~140 miles of FJR nirvava. I'm going again in June.

No, wait...It's a lousy road, no scenery, LEO's everywhere, lot's of traffic. You should all stay far away from this road.




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Thank for breaking the news to me, Bandit. It's better to know now.

I can't believe they did that!

Progress sucks.

Yep, RIP Roller Coaster. :(

Carver and Barabus on 36:


Carver schmoozin' the traffic lady at the beginning of the work at the Roller Coaster.


My Hwy 36 vids:

So......Have they gotten rid of the road all together or just some of it???? I would like to make a roadtrip to the 36 from SoCal but wonder if it is still there. Whats the scoop?

So......Have they gotten rid of the road all together or just some of it???? I would like to make a roadtrip to the 36 from SoCal but wonder if it is still there. Whats the scoop?
We met a BMW rider last summer that lives in Red Bluff and rides 36 EVERYDAY!!!! He gave me his card with his email address on it, I will check with him and find out some details. We're supposd to meet up with him for the ride this summer. Lucky bast..d, he's logged over 200,000 miles on his BMW and Ducati since retiring. The guy truly LIVES to ride. It was a blast riding with him though, we passed him in the single lane portion of the road, only to have him riding our tails the rest of the way. He likes to keep it mellow through the one lane area, we were pushing it pretty good.

I'll try to get some kind of answer before next weekend

From what I gather after Ron took his ride, the first 1/3 of the trip out of Red Bluff got straightened and smoothed out. The remaining distance is still pretty nice to ride, but from what he said the best parts are gone. I believe it's still worth the ride.

We gotta start electing government officials that ride and make sure they micromanage Cal Trans. Maybe we could get them to put it back the way it was!

And FLRBluesman, I love it here in Quincy! I moved out here from the east coast about 2 years ago and the riding around here is awesome. I can be in the Feather River Canyon in less then 10 minutes from my front door. If only the CHP wasn't so vigilant in this area it'd be perfect. But I can still live with it.


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