Cal-Si or Vstream. Need a decision!

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Jan 9, 2006
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Ok vast pool of talented and experienced riders. I need someone to step up and make a decision. I run a Rifle +5-+4 shield with tuning block. I am 6'4" and have a Russell seat so I sit up high. The only way I like to run my current shield is full down. I get clean laminar flow, no turbulence and no suction. I do get a lot of noise and no protection from the neck up. With the shield up I get lots of suction(back pressure), turbulence on the forehead of my helmet and a lot of noise from the turbulence. Knowing alittle about me now which of these fine shields would be best for me? My highest priority is getting rid of turbulence that comes over the top of the screen and hits my forehead. Next I would like it quieter. Third is removal of back pressure. Hopefully some of you have test ridden both shields and have a strong opinion on which is the best. Try to give your answer based on my three priorities. No mealy mouthed "Opinions are very subjective" or "both these shields are wonderfull and its a matter of personal preference" garbage. I need a answer! These are very different approaches to our collective problem. One must be better than the other. Look forward to the final answer.

Ok vast pool of talented and experienced riders. I need someone to step up and make a decision. I run a Rifle +5-+4 shield with tuning block. I am 6'4" and have a Russell seat so I sit up high. The only way I like to run my current shield is full down. I get clean laminar flow, no turbulence and no suction. I do get a lot of noise and no protection from the neck up. With the shield up I get lots of suction(back pressure), turbulence on the forehead of my helmet and a lot of noise from the turbulence. Knowing alittle about me now which of these fine shields would be best for me? My highest priority is getting rid of turbulence that comes over the top of the screen and hits my forehead. Next I would like it quieter. Third is removal of back pressure. Hopefully some of you have test ridden both shields and have a strong opinion on which is the best. Try to give your answer based on my three priorities. No mealy mouthed "Opinions are very subjective" or "both these shields are wonderfull and its a matter of personal preference" garbage. I need a answer! These are very different approaches to our collective problem. One must be better than the other. Look forward to the final answer.
Cal-Sci Tall version gets the thumbs up!

If you don't recognize the validity of a person's choice based on personal preferences and subjective considerations, you have an unrealistic view of the whole issue. Go buy all these screens, like I've done, and make your own informed decision. I'm not going to add my opinions and other " garbage " to screw up your search for the holy grail.

If youn't recognize the validity of a person's choice based on personal preferences and subjective considerations, you have an unrealistic view of the whole issue. Go buy all these screens, like I've done, and make your own informed decision. I'm not going to add my opinions and other " garbage " to screw up your search for the holy grail.
Relax. I was just having some fun trying to make it sound urgent! ( which it is not) Just want someone who has tried both shields to tell me which they prefer. If you are one of those people I would like to get your pick based on the priorities I outlined. Read your posts in the past and they were good. Maybe I am unrealistic concerning these shields.They might both be the same in performance. If that is the case let me know that and I will flip a coin.

Unfortunately, you cannot ignore that there are some fundamental differences between individuals that wiil greatly affect how a screen performs. How tall you are, how wide you are, what your riding posture is, all these considerations come into play. Even the helmet you wear can be a factor. Whether you use a topcase, or not, can be an influence. I'm not being coy here, but the simple truth is that a screen that's right for me can be all wrong for you. With all that said, I happen to prefer the VStream to the Cal Sci. Both are free of back pressure in my experience. I find that the VStream is a little more free of buffeting and somewhat quieter as well. Therefore, I have found the VStream to be my screen of choice. I'm 5'10", you're 6'4". I doubt very seriously that you will find the dynamics of the performance envelope to be the same for the two of us. Good luck.

Where are you located? There's a chance you can find member with both, and for the price of lunch, could prolly catch a ride on them.

But my vote is the VStream. No turbulence, little to no back pressure, and very quiet.

Where are you located? There's a chance you can find member with both, and for the price of lunch, could prolly catch a ride on them.

But my vote is the VStream. No turbulence, little to no back pressure, and very quiet.
Thanks guys for your input. I live in Minnesota and plan on going to WFO in Reno. Really want to improve on the windshield comfort factor for the 4000 mile round trip.

Well, I did not go for the cal sci, I have tossed the stock, terrible.

cb 4+4 buffeting and back pressure not good either.

V stream had for 1.5 weeks it the real deal!

I feel the best thing would be to spend money on all the shields like others have done then finally buy the V stream :p

Save your money, for a car windshield it is great to look through and you'll enjoy the sound of your jet that much more :D

For that 4000 mile trip it will make you a pricless commerical

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Well, I did not go for the cal sci, I have tossed the stock, terrible.cb 4+4 buffeting and back pressure not good either.

V stream had for 1.5 weeks it the real deal!

I feel the best thing would be to spend money on all the shields like others have done then finally buy the V stream :p

Save your money, for a car windshield it is great to look through and you'll enjoy the sound of your jet that much more :D

For that 4000 mile trip it will make you a pricless commerical
Thanks for your input. Vstream is coming in very strong among the respondents. I'm leaning in that direction. Thanks again.

Well, I did not go for the cal sci, I have tossed the stock, terrible.

cb 4+4 buffeting and back pressure not good either.

V stream had for 1.5 weeks it the real deal!

I feel the best thing would be to spend money on all the shields like others have done then finally buy the V stream :p

Save your money, for a car windshield it is great to look through and you'll enjoy the sound of your jet that much more :D

For that 4000 mile trip it will make you a pricless commerical
Thanks for your input. Vstream is coming in very strong among the respondents. I'm leaning in that direction. Thanks again.
Well I broke down and ordered both windshields.They will be at my house in Lakeville Mn. on 6-17-06 for a barbeque at my house. Anyone who would like to check them out (demo ride) is welcome. Look in general discussion area for address under "4th annual MPLS FJR Barbeque"

Well, I did not go for the cal sci, I have tossed the stock, terrible.

cb 4+4 buffeting and back pressure not good either.

V stream had for 1.5 weeks it the real deal!

I feel the best thing would be to spend money on all the shields like others have done then finally buy the V stream :p

Save your money, for a car windshield it is great to look through and you'll enjoy the sound of your jet that much more :D

For that 4000 mile trip it will make you a pricless commerical
Thanks for your input. Vstream is coming in very strong among the respondents. I'm leaning in that direction. Thanks again.
Well I broke down and ordered both windshields.They will be at my house in Lakeville Mn. on 6-17-06 for a barbeque at my house. Anyone who would like to check them out (demo ride) is welcome. Look in general discussion area for address under "4th annual MPLS FJR Barbeque"
Is your bike an '06? I just ordered the short (+2.5") cal-sci shield, thinking the Vstream wouldn't be available for some time, for an '06 that is.

Never had a Cal-Si but I just got and installed my Vstream. It is a bit larger than the stock and wider. I rode it to work for my 30 mile commute on the expressway and I can tell you it was a big difference. A lot less buffeting especially when moving past large vehicles and it felt more stable. I am 510 and can still see over the top of the shield when it is completly lowered. It puts the wind right at the top of my helmet. Seems to cut the wind to the hands, which will come in handy in cooler weather. I did notice more wind coming around near my chest and stomach, which feels good for summer riding. All in all, works great for me.

Ok vast pool of talented and experienced riders. I need someone to step up and make a decision. I run a Rifle +5-+4 shield with tuning block. I am 6'4" and have a Russell seat so I sit up high. The only way I like to run my current shield is full down. I get clean laminar flow, no turbulence and no suction. I do get a lot of noise and no protection from the neck up. With the shield up I get lots of suction(back pressure), turbulence on the forehead of my helmet and a lot of noise from the turbulence. Knowing alittle about me now which of these fine shields would be best for me? My highest priority is getting rid of turbulence that comes over the top of the screen and hits my forehead. Next I would like it quieter. Third is removal of back pressure. Hopefully some of you have test ridden both shields and have a strong opinion on which is the best. Try to give your answer based on my three priorities. No mealy mouthed "Opinions are very subjective" or "both these shields are wonderfull and its a matter of personal preference" garbage. I need a answer! These are very different approaches to our collective problem. One must be better than the other. Look forward to the final answer.
Or you could just drill some holes in your stock shield and test ride the ones at WFO...<G>

4 1-1/2 inch holes in about the same place as the holes in the CalSci. Seems to work just fine...

About an inch from the top position it's so quiet I'm not sure the bike is running...<G>

