California Sport Touring?

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I also won't deal w/ CAS anymore. Yes, I got the parts in good order, but so many have had problems, plus my limited time to get out to ride, just won't chance it. I have a GPZ1100 and Murphskits has some good stuff for that bike as well as the Connie. I'd use him if I could. I've heard that he can get just about any part. I ordered the PCIII, Iridium plugs and helmet lock device (for the license plate mount) and a Powerlet from CAS.

I have had one experience with them - an order for four things. Three arrived in a reasonable time (they certainly were not shipped the same day I ordered, but within a few days or so) but the fourth item was missing with no explanation in the package why it was missing. As I found out later, the missing item was a drop-shipped item from another vendor and it finally arriived about three weeks later. In the interim, I sent a couple emails with no response.

So I doubt these guys are dishonest, but I do think you want to be sure you want the stuff to avoid returns and never order something which is time-critical.

They do have a very good selection of stuff that appeals to sport-touring riders and the prices are reasonable.

- Mark

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Well on my nightmare order I was going to run up to Oakland to visit my brother and decided to get Heli-Bars, ThrottleMiester and as long as I was ordering I ordered a cover. I ordered one week before leaving so I ordered 3 Day shipping.

The ThrottleMiester came 3 Day from the Mfg, The Heli-Bars came ground from the Mfg and it took 3 months to get the cover!

I never got any reply from any E-Mail I sent and it took countless phone calls to finally get the cover!

Is there another place that sells an FRJ Dash like they sell at


Josh in MN

Check out and their top-gun accesories.

I haven't tried either ECM shelf. I am seriously considering ordering the PIAA brackets though.

I have a set of their TOG's I bought from them. Had no problems at all dealing with them and the product arrived promptly. No Muss, No Fuss. Just like it oughta!

- Colin

Well whether credit is due or not I have to say that my entire order from California Sport Touring arrived today. Order placed on Oct 12th. That isn't bad for a six item order from CA to Nova Scotia.


I've ordered stuff from them about 10 times. If I order on a Sunday night the stuff is usually on my porch Tuesday or Wednesday. Not bad if you ask me. I live about 60 miles from them. If you bring your wheels in for tires, they will mount them for $15 each. Not bad if you ask me.

Ordered from them on many occasions and had nothing but excellent service, and you can't get much further away from them than me and still be in the continental USA, I am in Florida, however, it never takes longer then 3-4 days for any order to arrive.

I will say, that after talking to Kim, the owner about some of the asshats on this site and other sites, and the way they expect him to bow to their childish demands and remarks, I am not suprised some have had bad service, and I know he is glad they take their business elsewhere.

He also supplied several items with less than 48 hours notice for the EOM giveaways, and never asked for anything in return.

I would have no problem recommending them to anyone in my sphere of influence, you may be different.

Now, MAWONLINE, don't get me started on that topic :eek: <_<


Ordered from them on many occasions and had nothing but excellent service, and you can't get much further away from them than me and still be in the continental USA, I am in Florida, however, it never takes longer then 3-4 days for any order to arrive.
I will say, that after talking to Kim, the owner about some of the asshats on this site and other sites, and the way they expect him to bow to their childish demands and remarks, I am not suprised some have had bad service, and I know he is glad they take their business elsewhere.

He also supplied several items with less than 48 hours notice for the EOM giveaways, and never asked for anything in return.

I would have no problem recommending them to anyone in my sphere of influence, you may be different.

Now, MAWONLINE, don't get me started on that topic :eek:   <_<

Your right, I feel like a real asshole expecting 3 day shipping when I pay for 3 day shipping, replys to my E-Mails and prediction on when I will get what I order.

I guess I should just shoot my self for being such an :asshat: !


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and the way they expect him to bow to their childish demands and remarks, I am not suprised some have had bad service,
I gave them more than ample opportunities to "Fix" the problems with my order. (Got read my earlier response to this thread detailing my experiences) I never complained when dealing with them just wanted to try to get the problems straightened out. But every time, and I do mean EVERY SINGLE TIME I had to deal with these ass-hats they screwed up in some new way. I never posted a single word or complaint about them untill long after I had given up.

So as far as I am concerned any statement that implies I (or any of the other screwed over customers) might have been a difficult customer in any way is big heaping pile of SHIT!

- Colin

Order from these guys? Don't do it man, just step away from the edge and we'll talk about it. Ordered stuff from these guys 3 weeks before riding from IL to CA. Rode to CA without half the stuff. Don't call them on the phone and "bug" them either. If this was pizza place they would #@&* on your pizza and deliver it cold.

Order from these guys? Don't do it man, just step away from the edge and we'll talk about it. Ordered stuff from these guys 3 weeks before riding from IL to CA. Rode to CA without half the stuff. Don't call them on the phone and "bug" them either. If this was pizza place they would #@&* on your pizza and deliver it cold.
Yeah, and don't buy one of those FJR's they all tick.

They may have delivered 10 's of thousands of orders correctly, and screwed up a few, big freaking deal.

If you never want to make a mistake, don't do anything, bad mouthing a company on the internet is like winning the gold at the Special Olympics.

You may have one a medal, but your still a retard.


I will say, that after talking to Kim, the owner about some of the asshats on this site and other sites, and the way they expect him to bow to their childish demands and remarks, I am not suprised some have had bad service, and I know he is glad they take their business elsewhere.
He doesn't like being called on the stunts he pulls. Next time ask him if any of the statements being made by those who are upset are untrue.

"A few" doesn't deal with the details of what happens. How about all the people who have paid for expedited shipping and not received it. More than one guy's had his order shipped slow boat because CAST underestimated the expedited shipping cost. Instead of calling to see if the customer wanted to pay the higher (actual) price, they shipped ground; causing a critical part to arrive late that was needed prior to a trip. And that's just one example to add to the list already here. No attempt to contact a customer to let them know anything's shipping differently or under multiple packages or even to answer the mail or phone calls placed by paying customers who are left high and dry.

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Yeah, and don't buy one of those FJR's they all tick.
Apples and Bananas.

CST must deal with each customer on an individual basis.

They don't respond to you, they don't deliver as promised or for what you pay.

They don't call you or email you back. They don't inform you of changes.

They seem to suck at business practices.

Granted it doesn't happen to every customer, but they have shown to basically not care about the customer and when a customer is satisfied it is because of a simple order gone lucky.

A malfunction valve guide on 14% (approximate) of one product is totally different.

I don't like the tick idea anymore than others but now that it has blown wide open to the public and the company, I am sure it will be resolved. It is taking too long

as well but it does take time and research to fix it properly.

CST is shady.

CST is shady.
Concur. And "shady" is a kind description.

And as Bounce correctly observes, they don't like when their shit is called out, so they will "retaliate" by having their faithful try to deflect the truth on the various forums/email lists. But those of us who have been around a long, long time know how CST operates. No amount of deflection is going to eliminate that.

My results with CST have been historically POOR.

Just like many here, on numerous orders, they have screwed up my order, failed to respond or return e-mails/voicemails, promised ship dates that never materialized, required constant pleading to ship, etc.

It's a shame, because they have some good stuff listed and the site is not half bad.

For me, I would order from them if they were the only ones selling something or if they had a SIGNIFICANTLY lower price. Otherwise, I will always avoid this dealer.


This is all very interesting, because I've always had a good shopping experience with CAST and have recommended them to friends and listmates. My most recent order was placed 12/27/05 and I've received all items in good order by 1/5/05. And this is a cross country, CA to NY order. Helmut was very helpful with me on the phone with questions and looking up items that I couldn't find on the website.

Yes, some parts were drop-shipped right from the source, but that's fine by me. In fact it's better for me, particularly when the source is on the East Coast as is the case with GIVI products. My drop-shipped Powerlet and Throttlemeister goodies were here in like 3 days.

I find that CAST has very good prices. More importantly, it's like sport touring one-stop-shopping for all the brand names and types of accessories that I like. When I got my B12, I scoured the net to compare prices on a list of items that I wanted. CAST had equaled or slightly beat everyone else in nearly all the items. But the thing I liked the best was that CAST carried nearly everything I wanted. My thought is that if I can get them together in one order, rather than one item from this store and one from that store, I save shipping charges. The fact that they were very competively priced was just gravy.

After reading these posts, I think I'd order again. But I do hope their performance, or perceived performance, improves because I do like their stuff and pricing.

+1 on MAW. I don't know how they stay in business. :****:
