One VERY IMPORTANT POINT no one has mentioned in the above replies.....
If you do attempt to "adjust" the CCT to see if your "tick" goes away, make the adjust WITH THE MOTOR OFF, and by turn the adjusting screw COUNTER clockwise ONLY!
I know, it's counterintuitive, but the adjusting shaft of the CCT turns counter clockwise to tighten...clockwise to loosen. The ONLY time you need to turn the adjuster clockwise is during a cam removal (as in during a shim replacement) or CCT replacement. Otherwise, don't turn the adjuster clockwise.
And if/when you do a manual adjustment on the OEM unit, it only takes a slight turn of the screw, counter clockwise, to extend the CCT plunger to take up any slack in the timing chain. Then and only then do you start the motor and see if your noise has gone away.
IF a turn of the screw counter clockwise eliminates your noise, get thee to your dealer/internet supplier and replaceth thine Cam Chain Tensioner with all due haste!
A cam chain noise that goes away when the CCT is adjusted indicates the CCT is dunfer and is no longer doing its job. Adjusting away the noise is placebo. The CCT needs replacing at that point in its life.
Good luck!