Can '03-'05 FJR cosmetics be used on an '06-'09 FJR?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Since the bike I purchased had recently been in an accident (resulting in the majority of the fairing being damaged...and the cluster/windshield/headlight/stay(s) that allow said fairing to mount), and because '03-'05 parts seems more available (used), I'm wondering if I could just purchase those parts from the older bike and install them on my '07. I'm essentially talking about everything...headlight, windshield, all fairing, taillight, etc. I'd like to retain the '07 seats, gas tank and lower, silver tank trim that wraps around on the ' the pics, it looks as though that wouldn't necessarily be a problem. When I put pics side-by-side for the two generations, they look identical from a frame/engine/mounting point/etc standpoint. Anyone ever heard of such a thing? I rather prefer the look of the '03-'05 anyway, so I really wouldn't mind doing this. Thanks.

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As shared multiple times before....generally no for many of the accessory items you detail. Review the FJR Model Comparison Matrix and you'll find lots different between Gen 1 and Gen 2 FJRs for these kinds of things...and the things that are interchangable.

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As shared multiple times before....generally no for many of the accessory items you detail. Review the FJR Model Comparison Matrix and you'll find lots different between Gen 1 and Gen 2 FJRs for these kinds of things...and the things that are interchangable.
Thanks for the unnecessary "as shared multiple times before" part...not. Anyway...I'm not so sure I believe that. It looks as though it's the same bike underneath (frame/powertrain, etc) and, so long as all of the fairing/lights/trim/etc are being replaced, it should work. I'm not certain about the wiring harness, though. I'm wondering if it will plug into the back of the instrument cluster, headlight and so on.

Anyway...I'm not so sure I believe that.
Knock yourself out. ;)
Oh God...not another attitude-laden individual...and an administrator to boot :( . Believe me when I say that that is farrrrrrrrrr more annoying than a question asked before. To even have such a category is insulting, rude and wholly unnecessary.

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Wow, this hasn't happened on a Friday in a while.

Just because you didn't get the answer you wanted to hear doesn't make that answer wrong. The two generations are significantly different. You'd be better off buying a first Gen bike in good shape and parting out the crashed one you have rather than trying to retrofit the parts you are looking for.

If you don't believe it, then go for it and take lots of pictures so the rest of us can benefit from your experience.

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Oh God...not another attitude-laden individual...and an administrator to boot :( . Believe me when I say that that is farrrrrrrrrr more annoying than a question asked before. To even have such a category is insulting, rude and wholly unnecessary.
And I thought it was another attitude-laden newbie that ignored #6 and various other guidelines when they signed up. Silly me.

You're going to provide many hours of amusement to the fine folks here.

Thank you and welcome! :wub:

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Oh God...not another attitude-laden individual...and an administrator to boot :( . Believe me when I say that that is farrrrrrrrrr more annoying than a question asked before. To even have such a category is insulting, rude and wholly unnecessary.
And I thought it was another attitude-laden newbie that ignored #6 and various other guidelines when they signed up. Silly me.

You're going to provide many hours of amusement to the fine folks here.

Thank you and welcome! :wub:
The ONLY reason I have attitude is because of that which you brought forth initially...and the move to this absolutely inane thread category. Are you a child or something? And no, I won't provide hours of entertainment. The reason I won't? It is because I have learned not to revisit threads...ever...when this kind of bullsh!t ensues (as it so often does). It is absolutely pointless and I've no interest in talking to a wall made of many, many bricks. I say these things because they are a direct representation of how I feel. They are not controlled, or influenced, by a fear of being criticized or, God forbid, banned. Were I to be banned (for my honesty, candor, articulation and expression, mind you), I'd simply rejoin with different stats/info and, once again, begin the seemingly futile attempt to gain knowledge without the crap that goes along with it (a pipe dream, to be sure). Incidentally, and for what little it will undoubtedly be worth, here is a response I received from an anonymous individual (hopefully he/she will remain so...for his/her own protection from the multitude):

"I totally agree with your assessment of Ignacio's attitude, he always comes across to me as a rude Mr. Knowitall...I'm glad you told him so right off the bat in your reply

These kind of admins and forum gods ruin the experience quite often and there a a few of them on here

ride safe"

In closing, and before I no longer view this thread, I've one final thing to say. I appreciate two things about this forum: #1) much of the information that is available, and #2) the apparently miniscule contingent of members who feel no need to "dogpile". I'm out.

And no, I won't provide hours of entertainment. The reason I won't? It is because I have learned not to revisit threads...ever...when this kind of bullsh!t ensues (as it so often does).

Um, gee, it doesn't happen to most of us. Have you considered why 'it so often does' happen to you. Perhaps you are a little too thin skinned, and then respond with worse than what you perceived you originally got? It really doesn't have to be a pissing contest.

Anyway, since you're not going to read this I'll stop here. Looking forward to your report with pictures of how you fit Gen 1 fairing pieces on a Gen 2.

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And no, I won't provide hours of entertainment. The reason I won't? It is because I have learned not to revisit threads...ever...when this kind of bullsh!t ensues (as it so often does).

Um, gee, it doesn't happen to most of us. Have you considered why 'it so often does' happen to you. Perhaps you are a little too thin skinned, and then respond with worse than what you perceived you originally got? It really doesn't have to be a pissing contest.

Anyway, since you're not going to read this I'll stop here. Looking forward to your report with pictures of how you fit Gen 1 fairing pieces on a Gen 2.
The FJR has been out a long time. Lot's of data has been acquired and posted. Almost everything one wants to learn about an FJR can be "looked up" in a database of some sort. But I wonder if some of these new folks are interested in the social aspects and maybe want to discuss and have some interaction regarding FJR issues that are new to them with other FJR owners.

If you are an old timer and have heard it all regarding FJRs and don't want to participate, then don't. But I don't believe insults are called for. It certainly inhibits other new people from sharing their experiences and asking their own questions. And while this forum contains an excellent knowledge database re FJR issues, if it becomes *only* a database it will probably die, which would be unfortunate, as it has historically been an excellent forum and clearly the population of participants have a huge knowledge of things FJR.

But, man, they can be cranky.... Now I mean, they weren't in the earlier days.


a long time lurker

And no, I won't provide hours of entertainment. The reason I won't? It is because I have learned not to revisit threads...ever...when this kind of bullsh!t ensues (as it so often does).

Um, gee, it doesn't happen to most of us. Have you considered why 'it so often does' happen to you. Perhaps you are a little too thin skinned, and then respond with worse than what you perceived you originally got? It really doesn't have to be a pissing contest.

Anyway, since you're not going to read this I'll stop here. Looking forward to your report with pictures of how you fit Gen 1 fairing pieces on a Gen 2.
The FJR has been out a long time. Lot's of data has been acquired and posted. Almost everything one wants to learn about an FJR can be "looked up" in a database of some sort. But I wonder if some of these new folks are interested in the social aspects and maybe want to discuss and have some interaction regarding FJR issues that are new to them with other FJR owners.

If you are an old timer and have heard it all regarding FJRs and don't want to participate, then don't. But I don't believe insults are called for. It certainly inhibits other new people from sharing their experiences and asking their own questions. And while this forum contains an excellent knowledge database re FJR issues, if it becomes *only* a database it will probably die, which would be unfortunate, as it has historically been an excellent forum and clearly the population of participants have a huge knowledge of things FJR.

But, man, they can be cranky.... Now I mean, they weren't in the earlier days.


a long time lurker
OK, I guess I was a little harsh. But, the OP came in with a question, got an answer, then immediately responded with attitude. Part of my profession includes writing, so I know how hard it is to make a point in writing without having people take it the wrong way, but the OP was clear enough with his response. This forum belongs to SlapNPop and his appointed administrators and they make the rules. I admit that I don't agree with everything in the rules, or everything an admin. says or does, but it is they who keep this place going. If the OP had asked for additional information after reading some of the available information I would have been happy to help where I could. Who knows, maybe he can figure out how to adapt Gen 1 pieces to a Gen 2 and add that useful information to the forum.

Just one more NG's perspective: I haven't seen any harsh or unwelcoming comments in the short time I've been poking around here, and the OP certainly seemed to over-react to what (to me) seemed to be a little gentle chiding. On top of that, he then dismissed the answer to his question, from a guy who apparently has a hundred thousand or so miles on these bikes.

I searched for the FJR forum because I was considering buying one in the near future and I want to learn about them. When I saw specific threads titled "New Owners Read This", "Important Info for New Users", "FAQ & Common Historical Info" and "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads", I thought, "Great! This site seems pretty organized and buttoned-up, and maybe I should check these threads out before asking some basic question that's been answered a million times before". I assume that some of this was done with humor and some good-natured sarcasm; both things that I appreciate.

So, after reading thru many back posts here and ordering some old road tests from MC Reports, I've moved from the 'considering' camp into the 'this is my next bike'' camp. I'm going to enjoy it here :thumbsup:

So, after reading thru many back posts here and ordering some old road tests from MC Reports, I've moved from the 'considering' camp into the 'this is my next bike'' camp. I'm going to enjoy it here :thumbsup:
You're gonna like the bike! I know I'm trying to add another 20K to mine this year. ;)
