Can I use this tail bag on the FJR?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
I bought the Cortech Sport Saddlebags and Tailbag for my Hayabusa, but never put them on the bike. It is obvious that I don't need the saddlebags with the FJR, but can I use the tail bag? Having never owned an FJR, I don't know if the tail bag is too wide for the back seat for when I don't have a passenger. Could it possibly even be used on the luggage rack? I am about to list the bags and a couple of other items on Ebay if I won't have use for them on the FJR.



No, you can't use it. It's useless....throw it away. Or, better yet, send it to me. I'll gladly take it off your hands. :lol:

Thanks for the reply. My kids are out of school for Spring Break so I gave them the task of listing some of the items on Ebay from my former Hayabusa (like my $400+ matching helmet :angry: ). I will let them sell the saddlebags and I will keep the tailbag.

