Can You Kill A Spouse In Ny?

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Frankfort, NY
Well, my baby blue had it's first tip over, and I wasn't even there :angry:

Just called home to see if I left my glasses there, and my loving spouse of 12 years says "I see you drove to work today"

"yeah I did"

"why? you never drive to work"

"I had to bring in my laptop and it won't fit in the topcase"

"well I hit your bike and it fell over"

"you are joking, RIGHT?"

"No but it's fine, i picked it up. it's reall heavy" (imply casual conversational tones)

"How can it be fine? you hit it, and it hit the ground!!" (not casual)

"I was backing up the jeep and I'm just not used to it being there in the mornings, and I just bumped it a little, and it fell over into the grass on it's right side" (still eerily casual)

"what is damaged?"

"it looks like the saddlebag reflector on the left bag is cracked. I guess that is where I bumped it. I don't smell any gas, so none leaked out of the tank, and the right footpeg has some mud on it, so everything looks good"

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

This is a visual of my driveway:


HTF can she hit a bike that has been parked in the same spot every day since the day we moved in???

I can't go home to check on my baby till 5 cuz we have big wigs from DC coming over next week and have some work to get done before they arrive.

Please motorcycle gods, make the pain go away!! :angry: :angry:

She is not having a good week... Three days ago she drained our dug well by trying to fill a pool I told her not to buy, Then after I told her to NOT use our well to fill it. Any suggestions on how to make it look like an accident? :assasin:

Shit happens, and it's done, so give her a break and she'll owe ya one. Looks to me like ya just got a set of nice pipes outta the deal. ;) I mean, shes got equipment a guy can't really do without, ya know? Even a scoot can't do everything.

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BH, I gotta agree with Rad. Besides, if she can lift the FJR up, you might not come out on top in a free for all.

Play it cool and use the tiniest imperfection as an excuse for those Blue Flame slip ons you know you've been secretly coveting.

Anyway, the reflector has already served its intended purpose, time to sleek that baby down a bit! :focus:

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P.S. Nice place !

P.S.S. To answer your original question, you can do em anywhere. But I think you have to live in California to get away with it. :dntknw:

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I am impressed how level headed the two replies so far have been. As I was reading your story I noticed things like ,"why? you never drive to work." (so it was your fault she hit the bike). I started getting angry myself...then I read the messages from the two level headed guys and realized that they are right. Tell her that you love her, and give her the phone number to call for the new parts :)

By the way, you live in a really nice looking place!

Somebody has to say it so I guess I'll jump in with, Hey It could have been a lot worse. She just cracked a reflector. That's not enough of a reason to murder your ol lady. Now if she backed over your FJR and left the Jeep parked on top of it...,well that would be something all together different. By the way, nice lawn tractor.


I wholeheartedly agree with the other guys. Forgive her if you can.


PS: If you can't, let me know and I'll make a coupla phone calls :bubba: :bubba: :bubba:


Reminds me of the time my wife backed my brand new GTO covertible into the lake.

I was really pissed but,I was able to buy a buch of farkles (do they call them that on cars?) for it that would have otherwise been "a waste of money".

You may have tapped the mother lode if you play your cards right.

You guys have been real sweet. If MY wife and she told me she picked up the FJR, I would say WTF? Hummm maybe she had Help :bleh: :butcher:

PS I don't put anything behind my wife backing up. Why don't you guys back in and have the car facing to leave? TJ

I can't give the full damage report till I get to see it tonight.

Yeah a reflector is minor, she doesn't really know what else to look for. Overall I was/am pissed about her indifferent demeanor, as if she backed into one of the kids bicycles and not the holy grail of sport-touring :)

She will still live for a while, but I AM glad we have separate beds (different story for a different forum)

Thanks for the compliments on the house It is 10 acres of wooded bliss. If I may be so bold as to put up a link to that other forum, here is some more images:

images in the other forum...

And thanks for the tractor compliment. I bought a Husky GT2254. I looked at the Deere's, but they could not touch the price on the husky 22HP 54" deck within $1500 :blink: Do Deere and Harley have the same marketing guys??

may cooler heads prevail (Maybe I CAN get some toys out of this one!!)

PS I don't put anything behind my wife backing up. Why don't you guys back in and have the car facing to leave? TJ

Cuz then they'd knock them down coming in ! :eek:

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Is that your wife in your avatar? I'd let her drive however she wants as long as she comes home once in a while.

Actually I backed my new Passat into my truck a couple years ago and broke a $130 tail light. And the truck filled my mirrors. And I was sober- so I can see how accidents happen. But I'd still be pissed. And I'd forgive her and move on. Good luck, hope its not as bad as you fear it is.


A few things, Hammer...

What did you do to piss her off? I mean crap! Look how much space there is between the Zook and your bike (if that's where they are normally parked)! See what happens when you twist your bike's throttle more than the missus'?

Are sure it's just the reflector that was damaged? Pull out that farkle list cuz' you're gonna find a lot more things that have been 'damaged' in the tip over, right?

Lastly, really bitchin' shed ya got there, too! :D

Hey, (quickly changing the subject to let thiings cool down) I live in rural NY. Ulster County. You anywhere nearby? I have only seen one FJR around, a silver '03, and it is always going too fast fro me to see who is on it.

Uh, I think you bent the handlebars hon, I need new ones. and you tweaked the exhaust....gotta get new ones...

,|,, on the shed twowheel :lol: The door is too low for my baby to fit into and I have a Harbor Freight 'garage' in transit till I get a pole barn up next spring

temp garage on the way

Yeah, her cherokee is usually to the right of my Chevy tracker (zook is fightin words! :ph34r: )

geezer, frankfort ny. 13340

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Since the damage is already done and your "healing" has already started (you did the right thing by coming here before you went home) this might be an opportunity for you to show her mercy and compassion by... (WTF??? I'm starting to sound like I'm from Cali! Doh!)

No, don't do her man. They always suspect the spouse first. (They're usually correct.)

Eh, if nothing else, this should be a good lesson for the rest of us. (Don't get married?)

Good luck with it 'Hammer.

I dunno, I just came home and found her laying there...with that motorcycle on top of her :eek: It must have fallen on her when she tried to move it out of the way of her jeep.


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That might work but for the fact that the Yam dealership service truck got there first.

Hammer can you use that tractor to plow snow? Cause when I see that driveway the first thing I think is "damn the wife's gonna have a sore back after shovelling that!" :)

