Can You Kill A Spouse In Ny?

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48" blower off the front w/weights and chains on the rears.

If I place the berm right, she will be able to glance off of it on the way down the drive and HOPEFULLY stay out of the woods. :lol:

I'm thinking about buying another beatup pickup to park next to my 76 C20 scottsdale. anyone in NY know of any 76 K20's with a plow for sale cheap? :cownoy:

This sounds like a beautiful oppotunity to me. I'd wait for the Dale Walker complete system. If you don't like the stock saddle, you can take a knife to it when she's not looking. Need new grips? Got sliders? She might do it again. Sounds like you'll need every farkle you've ever dreamed of. Try to keep the smile off your face when you get home

  Replying to Can You Kill A Spouse In Ny?
Probably not the best choice of words to use on a public forum... :huh:

Although I can MOST DEFINITELY understand the frustration.

Too, I will ASSume your wife doesn't read this forum very often...... :D

With that much gravel, I think you need to add a dual sport to the driveway!

Advice from a guy that's been married 43 years would be, "did you get hurt?". Followed by "it's not a problem cause if you're alright we can always fix anything that's broke"! If the woman can pick up the FJR, I personally wouldn't try and piss her off! Life's too short to start any fights!

Bluehammer,hit her with the pink hammer. Maybe you'll feel better when you're through.

Sorry about the tip over. You did have Moko's or R&G's right?

Glenn ;)

You realize, of course, if you play this JUST right, she will NOT be able to say "NO" for the next year! And I ain't talking 'bout farkles! :rolleyes: :D :p :wub:

Build a garage up there where the lawn tractor is and put a sign on it that says MOTORCYCLE PARKING ONLY....... :D

ok, new day. I got home and got the digital out before even casting a glance at the bike or wife. Let me tell you, she was none too casual about it when I got home! Honey this and Honey that, it was bizzare. On to the damage so I can get closure.

If you havn't yet, get off your arse and buy some mokos!! This is all of my front right damage:


The FZ-1 mirror bent out of the way beautifully without so much as a scratch and the handlebars were unscathed thanks in LARGE to the fact that I always lock the bars to the right: (note my super sexy stock 'summer' screen)


here is the site of impact: Nothing but a damaged refelctor


on the other side is the worst of it, scratched saddlebag!!


then the minor sand/grime on the other touchdown points - muffler and footgear:






;) - front has 12,500 miles, rear has 5,000. last week I ordered New avons from fjrgoodies. Should be here soon...

Sadly the avatar is not my wife. I saw this avatar on some other obsure forum (atv site i think) and 'stole' it.

This is my biking companion:


when I remarked on how she lifted the bike, she told me she was paying attention to the drill team show at americade a few years back when they demonstrated how to 'properly' lift a fallen goldwing. Oh, and she also mentioned bill bixby's research.

bottom line i guess is -BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS or togs

On the ride in this morning I did notice the steering is off center a bit (points 3-4 deg. right) So tonight I will lossen the trees and re-torque. Anyone know the settings?

Anyone know the settings?
Here ya go

Lower Pinch Bolts 23 Nm

Upper Pinch Bolts 34 Nm

Sorry I don't have it in Ft/Lbs


PS: Bluehammer, that front tire gives me the creeps :dribble:

**** happens .... give her a kiss and say i love you . she feels like **** anyway after hitting the bike . hey droped my bike with my wife on it last week her sholder is out of wack and she needs therapy . a week later i am waiting for here her say you $%^&*() ass how can you drop the bike with me on it , whats wrong with you $%^*@ cant you see the road below you . not one word just dont worry about hon stuff happens we are lucky it could of been alot worse .

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i am waiting for the insurance adjuster should be here monday. might have a pipe for sale . a new pipe is about 400 bucks .

If it were me I'd leave the pipe as is for a while. Or, maybe get some after market slip-ons. The scratches on the bag would bother me and required some fixin'. And, of course, I'd do something with that cracked reflector. Overall it looks like things could have been much worse.

I was planning on getting a radar detector mount as my first farckle, followed by a Givi top bag and THEN some sliders. Maybe the sliders should come first.... I won't go into the 'drill or no drill' question on which ones to get because I haven't decided yet.

pipes are staying on. the photo is showing dirt on it, but a quick brush off shows that there are no dings or dents.

the reflectors will both come off this weekend with a hair dryer and some dental floss.

the right saddle bag will just have to look like ass until I, until I, well, it will just have to look like ass. sort of like an eternal "look what you did" on the side of my bike.

OR I could get one of them fugly man-bras that were posted on another forum! :haha:
