ok, new day. I got home and got the digital out before even casting a glance at the bike or wife. Let me tell you, she was none too casual about it when I got home! Honey this and Honey that, it was bizzare. On to the damage so I can get closure.
If you havn't yet, get off your arse and buy some mokos!! This is all of my front right damage:
The FZ-1 mirror bent out of the way beautifully without so much as a scratch and the handlebars were unscathed thanks in LARGE to the fact that I always lock the bars to the right: (note my super sexy stock 'summer' screen)
here is the site of impact: Nothing but a damaged refelctor
on the other side is the worst of it, scratched saddlebag!!
then the minor sand/grime on the other touchdown points - muffler and footgear:

- front has 12,500 miles, rear has 5,000. last week I ordered New avons from fjrgoodies. Should be here soon...
Sadly the avatar is not my wife. I saw this avatar on some other obsure forum (atv site i think) and 'stole' it.
This is my biking companion:
when I remarked on how she lifted the bike, she told me she was paying attention to the drill team show at americade a few years back when they demonstrated how to 'properly' lift a fallen goldwing. Oh, and she also mentioned bill bixby's research.
bottom line i guess is -BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS BUY MOKOS or togs
On the ride in this morning I did notice the steering is off center a bit (points 3-4 deg. right) So tonight I will lossen the trees and re-torque. Anyone know the settings?