Don, you dork, get a second opinion about your shoulder. If that agrees with what your doc says, sign that paper. My bet is you will be amazed with how much better you feel and how much faster you recover. If I hadn't had a job where I spent so much time in the OR, I'd be freaked out also; however, these replacement parts are very good.
I sent that video and a message off to my sister. She'll have seen this and know what recovery rates are like. I'll let you know.
Thanks AJ, I would be lying my big fat Irish ass off if I was to say that this Total Reverse Shoulder Replacement doesn't have me as frightened as our RadioHowie in front of a mirror! jes' sayin' and nuff said!
I don't know how different that is than a hip replacement, Don, but I've had both hips done. It's scary as **** but if YOU prepare yourself correctly and make sure your doctor and anesthesiologist know EVERYTHING about you and how you react to meds, you should be fine. It will hurts some, especially for the first few weeks, but in 4-6 months you'll be saying it's the best thing you could have done! Sure, there will be limits on SOME activities, because you don't want to wear the prosthetic joint out--so your boxing and MMA days are over. But I cannot tell you how much happier I am, how much LESS pain, and more mobility I have.
As for the Broncos, I have no affection for them but as a NY fan utterly DETEST the Patriots. So a few calls went against them? Tough ****! I see them get away with so much holding and pass interference, and even personal fouls that you almost think the NFL doesn't want TOO many calls on its premier team of the last decade! The superbowl day the Giants turned the 18-0 Pats into 18&OH,NO! was a happy one!
I'm indifferent to most NFL teams. Hating Dallas is easy, of course, as is NE. But the ONE team I once admired that I truly detest is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Less the team than the fans. I have sat in Giants Stadium with fans from Dallas, Washington, New England, Oakland and Philadelphia, but by FAR the most obnoxious, the most troublesome were Steelers fans. They were the ONLY fans who went beyond loud devotion to their team to rivaling British football fans--like Liverpool--in pure childish idiocy, picking fights, and finding ways and means to spoil the game for the hometown fans. Happily, the last time I was there, the buffoons had to watch the Jets make a stupendous comeback!