Can Your FJ do this?

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Sure, your FJ can break a 150.

Sure, your FJ can pop wheelies.

Sure, your FJ can maybe even do stoppies....

But can your FJ do THIS?


I'm sure I could get that much air, NO PROBLEM !!!

It's that landing part that would be a wee bit challenging.........

and then half the farkles would fall off.

Excellent clip dcarver !! Thanks for the clicky.

It was interesting the way the rider was 'rocking' the bike back and forth while in the air - he was apparently setting up the landing angle -

That is control. not to mention the big brass ones he has ...

Why, yes it can! Did it several times chasing Highlander on his little Hwy 120 loop this summer on the Yosemite run. Still trying to get the stains off the saddle... :blink:

Sure, your FJ can break a 150.Sure, your FJ can pop wheelies.

Sure, your FJ can maybe even do stoppies....

But can your FJ do THIS?

Since my FJR isn't an FJ and that kid's bike isn't an FJR, who can say?
OK Bounce, just for you... you can attempt the jump on the FJ[SIZE=14pt]R[/SIZE].. :D

i can assure you that, if my FJR did it, it would be without me...

...even if i had been on it at the beginning. :blink:

But, can your FJR do THIS....




That thing just looks mean with those nobbies on it.... :assasin: looking at the photos i'd swear you were in ohio...Flat Corn and

Him the rider was reving that engine and trying to keep that front end from nosing down so he could make a safe landing.

No offense but I question 372 feet that is 12 feet more than a football field from the back out of the end zone line to the other my guess would be 180'

I could do it but I don't want to show the kid let them have something they think they're better at...yeah...right...only difference between him and me would be that my pants would be wet and very full as I reached the top of the takeoff ramp... :fie:

Yes I'm quite certain my FJR can reach or exceed the entrance speed needed to hit the ramp. If I flip the lever to stiff suspention it should land in one piece. I will just need the surgery and full body cast afterwards to get my balls unjammed from up by my neck when I hit the tank on landing and then the impending crash after because I couldn't drive after getting racked that hard. Otherwize I don't see a problem :D

Sure. Here it is jumping a small hill in preparation for the BIG jump.


