Cant' get seat lock to work

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Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Franklin, IN
I have not had my seat off for months. Today when I tried I could not get the key to turn. It looks to me like the key is not going in far enough like it does in the ignition. I have looked around for debris or anything that would keep it from turning. Can anyone verify that the key goes in all the way like it does in the ignition or only partly. I have a 2008 model.



On the first Generation the key only goes in about half way. Don't know about the Gen2's. Sometimes I find mine tricky to open.

If I push down on the seat while trying to turn the key that relieve some pressure on the latch and it works.

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. It turned out the pillion seat wasn't mounted properly, although it looked like it was. So I just poked, pryed and prodded (with my hands only) for a few minutes until I finally loosened it and it came off. Then the key was fine. Somehow, when I jammed the pillion seat onto the bike, it also jammed the lock.

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When you do get it off, check to see how easily it goes back on. I was always having to push down on the seat to get mine to relock. Took a dremel to the latch, removed 1/8" and latches more easily now and unlocks more easily now.

I finally figure it out with the help of the forum members. I have Corbin seats installed and it looks like it was in a bind. If I press down hard on the rear seat I can get it unlocked. I need to either remember to do that or make a modification to the bracket so it is not so tight.

Thanks to all that responded!

Just went to the shop and checked and i did have to put two 1/4" washers(one each bolt) between the latch bracket and seat pan on the front to make it latch comfortably without major compression to unlatch. Only takes 2 min's and is easier than trying to bend the latch bracket/ring.


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So the consensus here is that sometimes it does help to smack the pillion's seat if you need to get your key in deep? I can buy that.
