Capay Valley Ride

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Quote by OldMichael

"Sorry about the poor quality of these pics. Again,,........... Dr. Rich was at fault.

He had touched my camera earlier"

Don't know about the rest of you, but, I've NEVER seen a poor quality pic from him !!

Great pics Michael ----- and the rest of you guys of course.

Pink's your color too :) Or you mean the hoodie to hide her buzz ? :lol:

We're out of here -->> few days at the coast -- truckin' it though.. checking back at the weekend.

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OK -- I have 4 shots I can add. Couple of "milling arounders" and more.I have no idea what's goin' on with Steve here !! Maybe Rick should know ?


Come up with a caption for this one!

How do these FJR dudes score such hot chicks?


it is all about being a good Liar Salesman.

Is she flipping me off? I think so.


I asked her, she said she was giving you the Peace Sign! but you might want to zoom in on the original and see if she is telling the truth :D

Great report and absolutely awesome photos! That must have been some fun ride.... :clapping:

Thanks for sharing :)


I know I'm a little late with my ride report but here it is. Rather than repost a bunch of pictures that look just like the ones that everyone else posted I'll just post the ones that I shot that are unique.

Here are the rogdeb crew helmets.


Here we have (from left to right) ditbwc, HYCLE, and Dr. Rich.


Here is the sign at The Corners General Store looking gray-haired and grizzled. Kinda like some of our riders.


Here is a shot of the combo Coffee Shop / Grocery Store. Notice the sign in the window I have highlighted.


Here is the close up of that sign. I think someone might have miscalculated. Isn't it April?


Oh and here is a picture of some creature coming out of the woods. Did any of you guys see this thing!?!


I think there have been other sightings of this creature in the past.


He has even been known to ride a motorcycle from what I have heard. Maybe he saw all of our bikes and wanted to take a look.


Great pics especially of the oldest yet fastest silver '03 version. Was a fun spring ride. As usual it was good to see the familiar and the new faces.

Nice collective report!

But I gotta say, you'd make a lousy biker gang. "Round up the gang, we're ridin'. Let's meet at the.... Mini Mart!" :blink:

I had a great time on this first ride with this group of amazing people. It is true that my wife had to bring her matching flip flops, and yes, they did sparkle. That is yet another reason why I love her!!

Great ride to all. We had a wonderful time and look forward to many more. I was a bit disappointed in the low number of cigar smokers in the group though! More for me I guess.

See you all soon!
