car pooling

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CC member # 17,----- DUP member # 7, mensa club m
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
southern oregon
I'll be riding of course. Don't need a special day for it :) .Thread hijack: any So-Cals besides me notice a LOT more cars in the carpool lanes during workday commutes? People must finally be starting to get beaten down by gas prices.

Car-pooling is the next best thing.

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I thought anything and everything was illegal in Kali? Except, of course, lane splitting. :eek:

I'll be riding of course. Don't need a special day for it :) .

Thread hijack: any So-Cals besides me notice a LOT more cars in the carpool lanes during workday commutes? People must finally be starting to get beaten down by gas prices.

Car-pooling is the next best thing.

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I thought anything and everything was illegal in Kali? Except, of course, lane splitting. :eek:
Only if your "right"

odot ~ did u mean to start a new thread here or did your drunk digits do something you can't undo?

Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.... :eek: (perv's insert their own thoughts here)....

Who's FlyingLow? Is that a post from another forum?

Lanesplitting and going in the carpool lane are both legal for motorcycles in California. We just can't use Honda polish and pay 3.36 for regular oxygenated gas that goes 35 miles to the gallon.

Last edited by a moderator: thread suggestion. I wish someone would hijack one of my threads for a better purpose. Give me a reason for living....etc...etc.

odot ~ did u mean to start a new thread here or did your drunk digits do something you can't undo?

No, this is cool. He's quoting me from a different thread in which I temporarily flew out of the pattern, and started it's own thread.

Odot: Way ahead of the curve on this one :lol: .

Edit: hot topic, I guess. 3 quick replies came in before I could type and proofread this one.

Last edited by a moderator: thread suggestion. I wish someone would hijack one of my threads for a better purpose. Give me a reason for living....etc...etc.
Where are my hip just started to get really deep here.... :eek:

Sorry you haven't figured out how to really steal a thread, twn. Well, there ya go. I stole two of them in one fell swoop. I want another nOOb credit for that one, dude.

And seeing as I can't find a single utterance of "FJR" in the text of any of these messages.....I'm going to hijaak it to it's new rightful home in Completely Off-Topic Discussion.

If you put the Honda spray polish under the imported AZ or NV oranges you can probably slide past the border Gestapo :)

yeah, I's a dead thread....just like everyother one that I have started. Except for the toilet one I had. That one rocked....went on for a few weeks....don't burn it down by saying that it was in the winter time. The only way a thread could last that long.


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