Car Question

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
LaPine, OR
My daughter is looking to buy one of these. Anybody have any real experience with this car ???

I think any Mitsubishi that's still running after 5 years is considered a classic.

You don't see that many of them.

Had one chase me down 35E until I finally smacked the hammer down, only to have it cross 3 lanes a few minutes later in an attempt to sideswipe me into the ditch. On Frank, I shouldn't have to add. Observations:

Quick for a Rice Box (was touching 120)

Decent handling at speed in the right hands (his weren't)

Cops scratch their heads when you say "Lancer". Some stealth help there I guess.

Commonly driven by ********, according to my survey (sampling of 1)

I'd pass.

Had one chase me down 35E until I finally smacked the hammer down, only to have it cross 3 lanes a few minutes later in an attempt to sideswipe me into the ditch. On Frank, I shouldn't have to add. Observations:
Quick for a Rice Box (was touching 120)

Decent handling at speed in the right hands (his weren't)

Cops scratch their heads when you say "Lancer". Some stealth help there I guess.

Commonly driven by ********, according to my survey (sampling of 1)

I'd pass.
Must have been an Evo which came to the states ~2004 or maybe fall of 2003. Fast little buggers with a good 276hp out of a 2.0l engine. I almost bought one instead of my STi except it didnt have 5 doors. :)

That said if this is a regular old evo (1.6l or 1.8l, I can't remember), I'd run from it. I didnt have much luck with my old Eclipse Turbo and the evo's in std form were pretty rough around the edges. I once had one for a rental car and found the seats uncomfortable, the engine was loud and made all kinds of racket and the fit/finish was dissappointing. Just my .02

My daughter is looking to buy one of these. Anybody have any real experience with this car ???

My wife has been driving an 02 Lancer since I met her (in 03).

I never really liked it (bright yellow little fart of a car), but she refuses to give it up. It now has 105k, and still never misses a beat. Basic mantinence only, so far...

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