Carb sync

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Apr 28, 2006
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I'm new to this forum but I do read it often and now I have a question. I did a carb sync on my 04 FJR recently which has a little over 20,000 miles on it and the problem I had was the #4 cyl. was low and when I tried to match the other 3 cyl. that were even and on the mark I ran out of adjustment. So what I did was lower the levels just a bit to keep the screw from being bottomed out. I do the adjusments listed here in the forums. Any thoughts or ideas?

#3 is the base around which the others are adjusted. Seat all the adj screws lightly, turn out 1/2 turn, begin anew. May have to adjust idle speed several times before all is done.

Someone installed carbs on your FJR??? Shit...that's the problem. Take it back to the dealer and insist on fuel injection...then you can sync the throttle bodies.

This is quie a common issue on the FJR.

You could do as Rad suggested, or... you can simply do the classic fix. Recall there is nothing special about cyl #3; it's just that you need to have a reference base to match the other throotle bodies against when doing a synch.

So, back off your bottomed out cyl #4 adjustment ~ 1/3 of a turn, and now it (cylinder #4) becomes your base reference cylinder, and synch the other three throttle bodies to it.

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Thanks Radman & Warchild,

I just finished re-tuning using your suggestions -

worked perfectly. Sorry for "carb sync" instead of "throttle body sync" but glad you guy's understood.
