Cardo Scala G4

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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Hoover, AL
For a couple of years now I have been drawing from the Forum and really haven't added much. Not that things are going to change much with this meager post, but with all the new bluetooth headsets coming onto the market I thought I would throw out my initial impressions of the Cardo Scala G4. I previously owned the Scala Q2 and give it very high marks. Battery life is unbelieveable and the quality of the intercom, I know now, is second to none. But this review isn't on the Q2, this is about the new Scala G4.

Just so you know the context in which I use the Scala. My set up with the Q2 was iphone via bluetooth for phone connection. Intercom pairing with my wife as pairing A and riding buddy as pairing B. A Mixit2 amp to effectively handle audio from my Passport 8500 and music from my iphone into the headset via MP3 connection. I never could get loud enough sound from my Nuvi 760 to throw it successfully in the mix. It worked, but not well enough. The radar audible warning came through without interupting the music. That's not the way the Mixit is advertised, but I had no complaints because I actually like it better hearing it without interupting the music. I can hit the mute on the radar detector or turn the volume down if necessary. All of this worked fairly well, but I've never been overly pleased with the sound quality / loudness at high speeds (slab riding of 80+). It's always been ok in town or cruising the twisties. But as with any new technology, at some point it was going to be inevitable I would take the leap. So on to the G4....

I've had the unit for only one week. I took a 250 mile shakedown ride this past weekend and these are my thoughts so far.....

Overall impression - Very Good.

Bluetooth connection to iphone for stereo streaming music - EXCELLENT!

The drawback to that setup for me is the audio warning (via MP3 plug) for the radar is subordinate to the steaming audio in the G4 priority. Therefore, when the audio is streaming, the radar (or any other audio coming through the MP3 plug) does not interrupt the music (nor can it be heard in the background). I can still set it up the way I did previously and run the music through the Mixit along with the radar, but the audio coming through the A2DP is so much more superior in sound and loudness that I am in process of working out a work around for the radar audio. I found that basic ear buds connected to the radar does the trick and serves as my "ear plugs" anyway. We'll see how that goes for now-- I am researching a bluetooth dongle for the radar and if that'll work, then I'll go 100% wireless to the helmet. I kind of like to hear the radar and while not interrupting the music, so I may stick with the wired ear bud approach anyway.

Bluetooth connection to Nuvi - Scala doesn't connect to Nuvi - that's just a flaw in the whole Nuvi thing, it clearly would have no issues with the Zumo. I'm just not interested in spending $600 to have directions transmitted to my helmet right now.

Bluetooth to iphone for phone purposes - as opposed to the connection from the Q2 to the phone being rated EXCELLENT, I am not near as impressed with the G4 connection. I have found there is an occasional delay and the sound quality is not as good as I experienced with the Q2. (see below for possible solution)

Intercom connection with the other G4 headset - the same "delay" is in the intercom connection also. When you speak to open the channel, you have to give it an extra beat before the channel opens up. Also, whereas the sound quality via intercom between riders was so loud in the Q2 I often had to turn the volume down, I find the volume in the G4 to be adequate at best. I called Cardo and asked about the delay. They confirmed it to be a known issue and hope to resolve it with future firmware updates. (The units are upgradeable through USB connection to downloadable Windows software)

There are many other features on the G4 but I won't go into those here, as I really haven't done much else with it. I can tell that the FM reception is better, but I don't use that very often so that never was an issue to me. The buttons seem like they will be easy to use with gloved hands and seem to be well laid out.

Again, my overall impression of the unit is very good. There are a few bugs that need to be worked out, but the freaking streaming bluetooth music is AWESOME! It's enough to make the upgrade to the G4 very workable. It solved my music audio issues, but created minor problems with other connections that worked extremely well with the Q2. But there's nothing I don't think I can either work around or Cardo will fix with future upgrades.

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Thanks for the report,

I have been debating on pulling the trigger for a set of G4's and from the sound of it I just might wait a bit longer. I have excellant MP3 hardwired with earbuds through my Zumo for Music. I also use my MP3 player for FM Radio but that means I am directly wired to the MP3 player and only get visual on the GPS. I don't currently use my phone when riding But it would be a plus to have everything working together. One thing for sure is I would love to get rid of any wires dangling from my helmet.


I had the G4 all last season. New software upgrade was just made available recently and improved on some of the issues around volume control. Very please with the unit, but also using a Nuvi which does't connect to the G4. For me the main purpose is music, phone and intercom with fellow rider.

The latest software update has a one click intercom capability where if someone drives by with a G4 on, it will announce them and you able to click once ot talk to a stranger. Possibly just moments before he goes into the ditch because you scared the crap out of him.

I concur with the Q2 Scala Rider, it is an awesome system. Radio is loud, intercom loud, phone quality--the best.

My wife and I love it. We ride together 2up or on separate bikes it is clear and has long reception.

It instantly connects beautifully with the Zumo.

I turn on the bike and the phone connects first, turn on the scala and then it connects.

I enjoy making calls or receiving them, via the zumo....therefore I can get caller ID.

Ooops! this is the G4 - parade, sorry to intrude.

Thanks for your review. I think it's actually important to talk about one unit in the context of what else is available. I have the interphone F4, which is bluetooth only, a Zumo 550 and an iphone 3GS. I have been on a quest to have them all play nicely together. Basically I want to use the iphone direct to the headset for phone and to stream from the ipod AND to stream Pandora. If the zumo and the iphone are both connected via bluetooth to the F4, this cannot be done. Why? Same issues about priority. The Zumo550 is seen by the F4 as 'A PHONE'as it uses the headset bluetooth protocol. There is no way to change that. The iphone, being A2DP is seen as a 'music player' and there is no way to change that either. Some phones you can decide whether to stream the phone only or also the music player, but not the iphone. So iphone to F4, sure. Zumo to F4, sure. Both? Nope.

Another option is to pair the phone and zumo and then the zumo to the F4. But then iphone music is lost and everything is mono. Another option (which I am going to try) is to connect phone to zumo, set zumo to Bluetooth ONLY the phone, send nav and music from the zumo to a dongle, and pair the dongle with the F4. At least then I get stereo music and the zumo in theory allows music and directions except when there are phone calls. But, still no Pandora. I have head rumors that if I use the dongle on the iphone this might work, but I dont have high hopes - It is maybe possible to BT the phone to the zumo and stream music from the headphone jack to the dongle to the F4, but I doubt that will work.

Its amazing that with the phone being so popular and the zumo being the dominant gps for motorcycling, that the manufacturers of the headsets don't foresee these kinds of issues.

Eric, you have a couple of options. First, unless you've got the quietest wind management system on the planet, you may be able to convince yourself stereo music doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Therefore, an extra step of course, is to load your music to SD cards in the Zumo 550 and use it as your mp3 player.

Another option is to have an audio out cable from your iPhone and plug into the mp3 input on the Scala G4, or F4 if it has that capability.... yep, a wire when we want to go wireless.

Or, spend the big bucks and get a Zumo 660 which does output stereo bluetooth. Requires loading that music to SD cards, I know.....

Eric, you have a couple of options. First, unless you've got the quietest wind management system on the planet, you may be able to convince yourself stereo music doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Therefore, an extra step of course, is to load your music to SD cards in the Zumo 550 and use it as your mp3 player.

Another option is to have an audio out cable from your iPhone and plug into the mp3 input on the Scala G4, or F4 if it has that capability.... yep, a wire when we want to go wireless.

Or, spend the big bucks and get a Zumo 660 which does output stereo bluetooth. Requires loading that music to SD cards, I know.....
Ray I don't want to hijack this OP too badly, but I have tried the lo-fi route and it pretty much sucks. All I really wanted todo was to stream pandora and listen to directions, but this might not be possible.

Back to the original question - they guys that make these headsets know we want to 1)talk to each other and 2) listen to either a zumo 550 or 6xx and 3) use either an iphone/droid/blackberry. Why the heck can't they manage this and, if they can't, why don't they tell us before we buy their headset? :angry:

....guys that make these headsets know we want to 1)talk to each other and 2) listen to either a zumo 550 or 6xx and 3) use either an iphone/droid/blackberry. Why the heck can't they manage this and, if they can't, why don't they tell us before we buy their headset?
....and hear the radar detector, and talk to our pillion (and, sometimes, listen)......

Didn't want to spend the money on the Zumo, have the iphone 4 and the scala G4. Tried a Nuvi 1490LMT, can't link and really not impressed with the quality on many points on the garmin. What to do? Had a Navigon GPS before and really liked it.

Downloaded Navigon Mobile Navigator for the iphone ($44.99). Now music, phone and GPS all come from the iphone. Mobile Navigator has it's own maps so it's not dependent on data connection and has much better quality, POIs, routing and better view than the garmin. Same package is available for ipad for those who want a really big screen. Even has a 3D terain view. Phone call comes in, music goes quiet. GPS instructions announce, music goes quiet. All just the way it should be.

Just sat on the couch with the helmet on, doing the tail of the dragon from end to end in simulation on the GPS/iphone app. Meant to be, because the GPS showed the speed limit at 40 kmh, but the simulation took me through at 70 kmh.
