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I wasn't too sure at first either. The biggest thing for me was letting the bike stand up enough to rest on both legs of the stand. For that I got someone to stand on the other side for moral support more than anything. Once it's centered, I stand on the tang with my right foot and pull up and back. It really did help having someone there the first couple times.

There's definately a 'feel' to it. I haven't gotten my FJR yet, but on all other bikes i've had with center stands, I use the same procedure.... but get a feel for the lifting.

One note -- most people try to do it too fast, or yank it up. Take your time, it doesn't have to be yanked, jerked, or forced...

I have seen many jerks do it, but you don't have to jerk or be a jerk to get it done smoothly. :detect:

Like everyone here says, its all in the motion, however more push on the leg, and absolutely make sure the steering wheel is straight. It will feel like your lifting a 15lb turkey while pulling on the right frame handle, but the straight wheel is the key.

A couple of points - that others have mentioned in seperate posts.

1. when putting bike on center stand - start by standing bike up (neutral doesn't hurt) and push down on center stands - MAKING SURE THAT YOU FEEL BOTH FEET OF THE CENTER STAND TOUCH THE GROUND. Then you know that the bike is relatively level and the full center stand is supporting the bike. THis is important! I've seen many people fail at the center stand technique because they didn't start with both of the center stand's feet on the ground - trying to lift at an angle.

2. As others have said - it isn't lifting hardly at all. It is more PUSHING DOWN with your foot than lifting with your arms. You are mostly guiding the bike and keeping it steady.

3. A slight roll back might help - but not a technique I like. It was the only way I could get my old Triumph on the center stand.

once you get into the pushing down - than pulling up - it all sort of works. Doing it in a fluid motion instead of stopping and starting will help.

Just make sure you keep a good grip on the bike by the left handle bar and the right gripping point under the seat.

My wife could put my LT on the center stand -

the first time I tried the FJR I dropped kicked it 12 yards ! I was immediately contacted by an Australian Rules football team and offered a contract. - Wow - FJR's are good for more than just riding ! :haha:

There's definately a 'feel' to it. I haven't gotten my FJR yet, but on all other bikes i've had with center stands, I use the same procedure.... but get a feel for the lifting.
One note -- most people try to do it too fast, or yank it up. Take your time, it doesn't have to be yanked, jerked, or forced...

I have seen many jerks do it, but you don't have to jerk or be a jerk to get it done smoothly. :detect:
Very good point. Smoothness is good.

I have also noticed on my FJR that is a little harder to tell when both stand feet have contacted the ground in comparison to my old FZ6. Just FYI for those who may be coming off a smaller/lighter bike.

Good description. When I got home from my first ride on the new bike, my husband made me try to put it up on the centerstand. After 3 attempts I finally got it, and now it's much easier. I think it was a huge challenge to try, but once you feel how to push down it's difficult. Now I can do my own maintenance before my husband gets home from work, since I could never get my old bike on the stand.
I think all the men on the forum can agree that your husband is one lucky guy! B)

Took my wheels off for the first time last night - put a 3/4" board under the centerstand. Gotta tell you, it was muy dificil getting it up...on the centerstand. Almost called for help, but would rather bust a gut, again.

Gotta admit, after getting my 05 a year ago, and reading all the posts about "how easy is is getting it up on the centerstand"; I felt like a moron -- as I COULDN'T DO IT!! :dribble: Then one day, VIOLA! it went right up like a charm :eek: . It definately helps having someone else on the other side "spotting you" the first time, as it felt "wierd" tipping the bike up stratight from the left side.

But, just step down on the centerstand, and gently lift by the seat, and now it pops right up. Makes me wonder why I found it so confusing and difficult at first :(

All the tips on this forum were a great help. Jay

Picked up my FJR last friday in Ft. Myers, Fl. Been enjoying all on line discussions and have learned lots from all of you. I felt like a dummy because I couldn't get on centerstand. Now think I got it. Thanks for good info :D :D :D

Speaking of the center stand,,, or to hijack the thread does anyone have an issue with their heel hitting the stand while riding I move around alot I guess but it feels strange like it's going to snag me and not let me get my foot down???

Took my wheels off for the first time last night - put a 3/4" board under the centerstand. Gotta tell you, it was muy dificil getting it up...on the centerstand. Almost called for help, but would rather bust a gut, again.
Next time, put it on a 1X4 then graduate to the 2X4 (I "walk" mine 1 side at a time). It works for me and makes it much easier. It's a trick I learned from an old Goldwing owner.

En' yoos-yooley, ah jis picks up my FJR with my rite arm en' thin ah reaches down with mah left ahrm en' flips thet dang-ol' sucker sinterstand raht dah-yown. Thet seams to be thuh eze-yest weigh to getter dun. Shur heps win ahm inna hurry!

The thing to do to make centerstanding easier is applying force to the foot lever at 60 deg angle towards the back of the bike, instead of straight down, as is often suggested. If you've learned to centerstand it easily you're already doing this without thinking about it.

Try it with weight straight down, then with a rear of the bike angle and let me know what you think.

I know this might not be an option but if there is anyone near you who knows how to do this, it is sometimes easier after being shown.......

I (with help from another who had as much experience) tried putting my old bike (1100 Virago)on the center was like trying to move an elephant :headbonk:

then another friend showed me (i could not believe it) it was so much easier I honesty felt that at that moment if there was an elephant around I would have tried to move it too :wacko:

Good luck.....
