Centerstand question

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... is most likely all fachachta.
Dude, what? WTF is in that air you are breathing out there in Cali?

What, like you've never been in Brooklyn? Fuckin'-A, dude, start living, wouldja?!

Oy vey!

Azoy gait es!

You'll note that there are slight differences in spellings and translations due to colloquialisms (um, that means in brief, local dialectal idiosyncrasies or, in Brunese, how locals say shit...) and cultural modifications. Kinda like Yiddish Ebonics... :blink:

Anytime you lower a bike, you're raising havoc with the centerstands and sidestands. You don't have to lower a bike very much before the centerstand becomes unuseable. Sidestands are generally more tolerant of changes. I don't care how strong you are - centerstands don't work via brute strength, they work by leverage and the any significant lowering can reduce your leverage enough to make the centerstand just too hard to use. Conversely, raising the rear suspension makes a centerstand easier to use, but it may not leave the rear wheel high enough off the ground to provide stabiliity.

To get a useable centerstand back, you can either raise the bike back up or shorten the centerstand legs.

- Mark

Just grab onto it, give it a good tug and you should be able to get it up.
<insert gratuitous chuckle here>

Board method works well too. :)

Ok I will get a 1x6 board and try that method plus work on technique. Thanks for these tips. I don't plan on cutting the centerstand or ripping seat foam. Pretty funny how this thread developes into Jay Leno one liners. Thanks for laughs. :)

Been there and done this.

I'm vertically challenged so I lowered my bike quite a bit. I later ground down the side of the sidestand (quite a bit) to make it lean properly. I also used the wood trick for the centerstand, but painted it a highviz color and taped reflector tape around the edges so I can through it on top of the luggage when traveling and it helps add visibility for idiot cagers.
