Central/South Florida FJR Owners

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Just curious...
How many of you ladies' blouses rode your FJRs to work today?

I did. :assasin:
while you pantywaists work, us ladys blouses have the day off.... lol... :bleh: :bleh:

Just curious...
How many of you ladies' blouses rode your FJRs to work today?

I did. :assasin:
while you pantywaists work, us ladys blouses have the day off.... lol... :bleh: :bleh:
If I'm correct in assuming wpbfjr partially stands for "West Palm Beach..." then right now, 9:30am 10/24/2005, you guys are getting your asses kicked by Wilma.

Must be gratifying to your collective manhoods to be ass-kicked by a cartoon-character named storm. :p

I'm at work 'cause my 4 radio stations are providing hurricane news coverage to about 175,000 people in Central Florida.

You're NOT at work 'cause your a ladies' blouse. :D

I would have, but was afraid to get rained on this morning - and getting frozen on the way home (at 1:30)... ;)

I HOPE I can ride it to work sometime this week without freezing on the ride home...


I HOPE I can ride it to work sometime this week without freezing on the ride home...
Wait a minute, aren't you on Florida? I thought it was always warm down there. I left for work yesterday AM in the dark at 37 degrees and got home just before dark and it was 40 degrees. My commute is a little under 60 miles each way. Not really cold on the FJR except my lower legs. I wear a warm jacket and heavy gloves. Still shopping for motorcycle pants.

It's usually hot, humid, and miserable down here...

so we aint used to these frigid nights (below 40).

In fact, we're expecting frost tonight in my area.... :eek:


Phlash, I see from your profile you're in Ridge Manor. Not all that far from me. We oughta get together some time.

In fact, we need to get all the Central Florida FJR-folk together and go scare some locals. :)

Ok, I would say that 40 is pretty cold, especially for folks accustomed to the warmer weather down there. My Dad spends his winters in Lake City, FL to get away from the cold. I'll have to call him and tease him about the cold weather down there. :p

Tell Dad he needs to move further south.

Lake City gets DAMN cold compared to Central/South Florida.

Easily into the teens and 20's that close to Georgia, where we rarely see 30s.

Probably been 20+ years since the temp went into the 20's.

Hey, we're talkin' 2 miles in the middle of a tropical storm. (Far enough away from the center of Wilma to not warrant hurricane strength)

And those wusses up north complain about snow.


Yes, we should...

I'm just up 98/50 at I-75 (at river, b4 WalMart dist)...

A Central FL meet sounds good to me, as long as I'm off work whatever day ya'll agree on... - Reno is a bit too far for me...


Been riding the FJR or the SV650 everywhere...had almost a direct hit here in S. Miami, eye passed a bit northwest of us. Not much damage to our house (others were not so lucky), but our power may be out for as long as four weeks. Gas is in short supply here so have been riding the bikes almost exclusively. Trying to save what gas we can get for the generator. Lots of trees down, so it is nice to be able to squeeze through roads that are impassable in a cage.

I'mmmmmmm baaaaaack!

We had direct hit from southern eye wall (Deerfield Beach, FL).

Damn storm screwed everything up here. Still without power. No home phone or broadband either. Had no cell phone signal until this morning, and I am now connecting through it and powering computer off the generator.

Big problem: NO GAS! I waited FOUR hours in line yesterday starting at 6:30 am only to realize it was going to take me another five or so hours to get to the pump. Sorry, but that is too much of a waste of my life just to keep my generator running. Fortunately my neighbor took a trip to Vero Beach and got me 10 gallons.

Anyway, glad to be back on again.

