CFO Video

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Midland, MI
just to let ya know i fianly got to editing my video of the cfo.

it contains picks from the web and from me and video of the ride that i took with the boys.

its not a pro job but good and long with soundtrack and all.


and he said he needed shoulders like mine?

and no photo shop photos i promise.

i guess if ya want one email me and i will send ya a dvd of it for 10.00

(dvds aint cheep!)

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Hey Trini, put me down for one. :clap: :clap:

Let me know how you want to ship it, get your money, etc...

Oh, and I hope the soundtrack isn't all Aerosmith :dribble: :haha:

ok i think i made a much shorter and low grade trailer of this dvd to give you a look at it .

and i found a hosting site that i pay like 5 bucks a month for to here is the link.

link work dammit

let me know if it worked for you.

you should be able to right click and save it to your pc its like 20 min. long but the movie is like an hour.

let me know how ya like the trailer and if it works.

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stryg8r and weatonfjr your dvd will be in the mail monday hope you like and enjoy p.s play them make shure they work before ya send any cash.

no workey no cashey.

some players dont like home dvds


I can't access the trailer file but send me a DVD, anyhow.

Let me know if you want me to pm my address.

dobias <_<

yup send me your address and i will burn ya one this week and send it out to ya

im still working on the web link for hosting my video trailer will work soon so keep trying

That was my fault TWN. I was leadin' them.

This wasn't no Ohio Ramble (read: Hoon ride) :lol: j/k

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Nice job T ! If I can't get it to disc, I have one for you to burn it to. Good pace too Wheaton...... Can't wait until next year.


yo goerge your copy is done and if any body else wants i need your address so i can send ya out one

goerge you got to come and pick up yours mono a mono :D

Thanks T, just remember I don't do furniture or boxes ;) When you gonna be around ? I've got another favor to ask anyway.



Just got the video DVD. THANKS...It plays just fine. It was fun to show my wife and kids some of what I do when I'm "away".

I didn't see that LUNGING dog in the know the one that just about got a faceful of your boot. Oh well...

Your money will be on its way shortly.

Thanks again for the great work...

the video was still to big when i got to editing so the dog went on the editing floor but thanks for the props it is my first dvd made for people other than me and the faimly.

and i will be around all day sunday big g if im not riding i think somewone is putting a ride togeather havent checked all my mail yet and the front tire allen socket ya got can i barrow it [SIZE=21pt]please[/SIZE].... :D

to all that wanted a dvd hope ya got it and liked it.

to all that payed me thanks money well spent.

to all that havent payed but forgot no prob checks in the mail right?

to all that still want one you know who to email.

