Change of shorts anyone?

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Ohhh wow!, I saw that on the news this morning. I remember them saying the pilot aborted & the 2nd time was a charm. A 2nd time??? You think the passengers broke down the cockpit door?!?!?

A professional maneuver, my anus. If I was in the cockpit I would have slapped cappy up side the head.

I've experienced nearly the same thing flying into Johnston City, TN, on my way to a meeting with Texas Instruments. Our plane was attempting to land while there was a tornado warning. We dingered the left wing tip, then dingered the right wing tip; we went down the runway in a lurid left slide that fishtailed into a lurid right side slide. The whole mess came to a tail wagging, shuddering (screaming, arm rest gripping, gasping) stop just before the end of the runway. Everyone got out and kissed the ground. You don't start to live until you just almost died. It came close to being as bad as the flight I was on from Puerto Rico to Biloxi, MS, but that was lightning strikes with hail, freezing rain and wing icing... Even though the PR flight was even more harrowing, it was a different set of circumstances.

I have some idea of the stress the passengers experienced during the aborted landing, I can't imagine what they were feeling when the plane came in for a second attempt.

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That crab angle on approach was a little extreme to look at but nothing way out of the ordinary. It looks like he got nailed with a stiff crosswind just as he tried to straighten out to touch down. I can't second-guess whether or not the pilot made a bad call trying to land in that weather - he might not have had any warnings about microburst activity/etc., I don't know - but he did a hell of a job keeping that thing in the air. I'd like to see what some of the pilots that post here think.

A professional maneuver, my anus. If I was in the cockpit I would have slapped cappy up side the head.
probably a good thing you weren't in the cockpit :p

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To slip into an angle like that on a commercial aircraft is a big no no after the decision Point is made....Testing is one thing and so is Military flying but he should of aborted ASAP once that angle increased substantially, but then again maybe he was? And the wind may have contributed to the roll as well?

The sign of a good pilot is not one that can get you out of trouble, but one that keeps you from getting into trouble in the first place. I vote stupid pilot. He knew the wind was severe by his crab angle, and he certainly got the pre landing winds report from the tower.

After working on airports for many years, I have noted one essential observation: You do not need to take an IQ test to get a pilot's license.

I saw that this morning too. According to the news report I saw they said that he was trying to land in hurricane force winds 150mph. I live in AZ and the news teams are the closest thing to brain damaged so they may have meant that the plane was traveling at 150mph. But in anycase, they also reported that the left wing actually hit the ground. If you watch closely you can see a puff of smoke. Looks like an E-ticket ride all the way. Gran :hyper: ted

I bet the pucker factor was so high it took hours to pry the passengers out of their seats :dribble:

He should have aborted this landing a lot sooner. That's why they call it a "Scarebus". Mother nature wins again.
