Change of shorts anyone?

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I think the pilot needs some more practice in cross wind landings. He should have come out of his crab a little earlier and lowered his right wing into the wind. The right main should have touched down first then his left main and then the nose wheel . It would have been very interesting if they have a video of the second landing. I will bet he got it right that time.

For non pilots, if you do not lower the wing in to the wind you are going to get exactly what happened. I will bet his fellow pilots gave him static when they seen the video.


........on top of that is was probably the left seater who was landing that bird. Right seater would've just gone to munich or sumptin.

Though I'm a pilot and an A&P; and my wife an Airline pilot and CFII/MEII, I'll refrain from commenting based on the lack of information.

Nevertheless, it was a great recovery...wasn't it!

reminds me of the time i went for a ride with a friend of mine. he was teaching this guy how to do takeoffs and landings in a crosswind. small ass plane, big ******** in the seat when i finally got out of the damn thing :wacko:

15 to 20 mile crosswind in a little single engine plane

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