Chatterbox v. Autocom

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Regarding Starcom:

Also, the $30 audio input cable is worth about 30 cents. Mine failed early with no abuse. Luckly it is not special. You can pick up a nice heavy strain-releived, gold plated version from Radio Shack for about $8.
Yep, that cord sucks - I've gone through two cords & finally replaced with Radio Shack's $6 version. Other than that kudos to Starcom. I've had mine several years, mostly using my MP3 player, but intercom has worked well with passenger. The other exceptionally awesome trait is using the Starcom headset mounted semi-permanent in my helmet, I can wear foam ear plugs and still hear music/intercom perfect.

I'm not even going to start with my extensive "Crapperbox" experience.

I'm possibly in the market for one of these units. Any input regarding either of these would be great, both positive and negative. Thanks in advance. Oh, it would be for my wife and me. She is a passenger on my FJR.

BTW, if any of the Admins read this, is it possible that I could get the 50% warn taken off my name? I've been good.
I have the Chatterbox. Never used the other system.


pretty much everything.


Volume control. I'd rather have the volume on the rotational dial, or on a second one, rather than just the mike squelch/vox sensitivity.

One tidbit on the chatterbox, if you buy one I would recommend the cheaper multi sport option. We have one guy that rides with us that spent way more money on the fancier one with noise reduction and extra channels, but none of us can hear him. The multi sports are much easier to hear.

No way to compare the cheap without being able to add other devices Chatterbox with a high quality sound system that you can add radio, cell phone, radar detector , gps, satellite radio with quality stereo sound plus an option for earbuds.....If you just want a cheap, low quality all in one two way radio, chatterbox is it....

Finally (successfully) got the Autocom wired w/ ipod, radar detector and phone. Have yet to try the phone while driving but it looks like it's going to work. Can honestly say that I will never be happy with the speakers provided by the Autocom system. They do have clarity from about 125 hz on up to 15k-18k (don't know their actual specs) BUT they have NO bass response AT ALL. Eventually, will go to a different ear monitor but these will do the trick for a while. I did learn that the units that share power to the battery (ex. radar detector) do need the audio cable with a filter. They sold me that cable for use with the ipod but it was only needed for the radar detector. Found they (Autocom) are very eager to sell you accessory cables (OK, helpful <_< ) and all in all, nice folks.

I went with the adaptor cord (plugs inline at Helmet) for my Autocomm & use custom fit earbuds - Excellent sound & very, very little wind noise. Have also used Etymotics ER-6I noise cancelling earbuds for the best sound ever but uncomfortable if you ride LD much. I've talked on the phone at 100 mph & been told they could hardly hear any background noise, Awesome deal !

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One tidbit on the chatterbox, if you buy one I would recommend the cheaper multi sport option. We have one guy that rides with us that spent way more money on the fancier one with noise reduction and extra channels, but none of us can hear him. The multi sports are much easier to hear.

One of the major differences in the top end X1 and the X2 is channel frequency. Anything above chanel 6 is are not compatible. If you are in a group with both X1 & X2 units, both can communicate with the use of any chanel below 6. Channel 6 and above, only the X1 communicates to X1 devices, and X2 units can only communicate to the X2 units.

I'm possibly in the market for one of these units. Any input regarding either of these would be great, both positive and negative. Thanks in advance. Oh, it would be for my wife and me. She is a passenger on my FJR.



I've been using the Autocom AVI unit and I am more than pleased with it. It is pricey, but if money is not an issue..... :eek:

I use mine for bike to bike with a Kenwood FRS radio, Mp3 player (I like to listen to tunes), cel phone, and eventually will add a GPS and Valentine.

I did not like the ear phones although they worked well, the helmet noise was just too much to overcome.

I had ear impressions made and sent them off to Westone for fitting with speakers. Awsome! they block out the wind noise and have great stereo sound. I normally wear ear plugs anyway.

The Autocom noise cancellation system is amazing as it increases the volume as helmet noise increases.

My wife has called me on the cell phone from home and says she can't tell if I'm even on the bike.

The VOX operation is great if you have the mic set up right. The mics' sweet spot needs to be right on your lips to work well and the volume adjustment takes a little tweeking to get it right but when its done, you don't have to mess with it again.

I have everything mounted under the seat except the Mp3 player and the cel phone which I keep in the tank bag for easy access.

I did have one problem: I could not get my Verizon cel phone to work. When I called customer service, the tech said, " Oh yah, the Verizon phone won't let the cable jack seat all the way into the phone port, just take a razor and trim 1/32" off the cable jack". That did the trick. Now it works fine. :clapping:

No, I don't work for Autocom. It is just a good product with good service.

I've had a Chatterbox for the past 5 or 6 years now. It works great for bike to bike communication and rider to pillion intercom. The VOX can be a pain if you don't have patience, like any other set up. You can always set it up for push to talk.

The sound quality isn't going to be Bose good, but you can get decent sound. Many of my riding buds have them and will agree that their quality control can be spotty. As mentioned though, I've had mine for 5 or more years, on my helmet the whole time, been through downpours, etc.

It's easy to use, about a third the price of some of the other set ups and you don't have wires going to you and everywhere else. You can plug in your phone and stereo device.

I would also recommend the lower end FRS Multisport. It's ergonomics are easier to use than the X models.

Wireless intercom, bluetooth (can support more than one phone) Cardo stuff has been recieving good reviews.
Bluetooth will eventually be the way to go when it comes to communication between bikes and listening to whatever it is you want to hear when on your bike. This particular set up looks only to be good for your phone and intercom. No bike to bike, unless you dial up your bud. :)

StarCom1 vs Autocom vs Integratr IV


Have been looking for a well built good quality with little noise problem Comm unit for the Bike FJR1300 and I kinda narrowed down the three. Can anyone offer any advice on them? Looking for the ability to use with GPS,Cell phone,Radar,Radio bike to bike, Ipod.

For starters their is the StarCom 1 selling for around $277 but having diffulty finding anyother place than UK and sportbikeeffects that sells them. Then you have to buy the cables and that probably adds up.

The next choice is the Autocom I have good and bad review so I am skeptical, and selling for $459 for their top performer is kinda high on the price range for me. Then their is the cables.

Last is the Integratr IV

selling for around $160 and yes you need cables, but for a cheap unit what's the catch?

Anyone tried this one? Mostly worried about the Noise problem.

Thanks, ;)


I paid $299 (going price) for the Active Plus unit, don't see the need or expense for moving up to the next level. Also must buy cables to add a few more devices....I wouldn't consider another brand since this has been excellent for me....
