Arrhythmia and Blues
I have sinned...over and over and by God ,and it feels good...not gay though, although i am very happy and like a good live musical and spend far too much time in the hair care products aisle, but my bike is named Zigmund ( Ziggy ) and yeah its gay but i like it and Yoko likes it too.....cheaper than a shrink by far...anyway, the dealership ****** up my front tire change...i said " Pilot Road 3 "...i got "Pilot Power 3" on the front...and they uncharacteristically got the balance perfect this time too...i blew it too and didnt knock it off until after 120 miles of **** eatin grin Sunday gotomeetin' riding in and around Kerrville Tx....stopped to get OJ and sit on the curb and try to see what the hell was goin on and there it to the "made in spain"...i gotta calm my weed guy down as real road 3's have seriously strange looking sipe and tread patterns and i totally missed it...good chit....and i love it !!!! i called em back and assuming i live to get another set they gonna treat me right next time...this happened many years ago on a CBR and they made good on the next round...hopefully i can keep sinning for at least 4K...Heres to Happy Accidents...................or daddy as we say down here.......
Blessings ,
Blessings ,