Check out our Route. Let us know if you're on it.

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Flying Kiwis

Active member
Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Hey Guys and Girls, here's a link to our google map showing our proposed route across the States. It has dates indicating when we expect to be in certain places along the way. If you're anywhere along the route and would like to meet up for a chat, coffee, meal, drink, ride or anything else let us know and we'll add you to our list of "must does". Keep in mind its a work in progress so make any suggestions you think might be worth while and keep a watch on it as things may change although I think we're getting close to a final copy now.


Allan & Jen

You two will be running within about 30 minutes of my place as you leave Yosemite headed west. I used to fly with a Kiwi (and an Aussie, but that's another story) so it'll be a natural to meet up with you folks for coffee. Keep us posted as your travel progresses and I'll plan on meeting up with you.


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You two will be running within about 30 minutes of my place as you leave Yosemite headed west. I used to fly with a Kiwi (and an Aussie, but that's another story) so it'll be a natural to meet up with you folks for coffee. Keep us posted as your travel progresses and I'll plan on meeting up with you.John
Its great to hear from you John, you're on the list, we'll keep you posted.

Yikes. You guys must really like the heat a lot?

I'm no where near your route. Just saying that I'd have taken a more northerly one in the middle of summer.

Be sure to drink plenty of water, and have fun. :thumbsup:

One suggestion is to see a little of Colorado, the section you planned won't see the nice parts of that state.
The folks in Pagosa Springs, Durango, and Cortez feel slighted...! :eek: :)

One wonders -- your opinion of other sections of their chosen route?

Like: from Dallas TX to Las Vegas NM -- especially that section on I-40 from Amarillo TX west thru Santa Rosa NM...? :unsure:

Edit: Ya'll might consider being in KNOXVILLE, TN FOR NAFO Sept 23-26 ???

(National Assembly of FJR Owners rally)

yep, New Orleans, but Sept 22-23 per the map is during NAFO

you are invited to stay with me and any services I can render to make you stay enjoyable

timing is everthing as my September is busy:

PGR National Rally is Sept 9-12

NAFO is Sept 23-26

I plan to ride to Sag Harbor, Long Island, NY to visit Chris da TheAxeman and Jordan either just before or just after NAFO

Feel free to email me mholiver at cox dot net to stay in touch and I'll be happy to give you my phone #'s

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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Edit: Ya'll might consider being in KNOXVILLE, TN FOR NAFO Sept 23-26 ???(National Assembly of FJR Owners rally)

yep, New Orleans, but Sept 22-23 per the map is during NAFO

you are invited to stay with me and any services I can render to make you stay enjoyable

timing is everthing as my September is busy:

PGR National Rally is Sept 9-12

NAFO is Sept 23-26

I plan to ride to Sag Harbor, Long Island, NY to visit Chris da TheAxeman and Jordan either just before or just after NAFO

Feel free to email me mholiver at cox dot net to stay in touch and I'll be happy to give you my phone #'s

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
Thanks Patriot, we didn't actually realise NAFO was on in that location at that time otherwise we may have tried to fit it in but at this stage we're on a bit of a tight schedule so I don't think we can do it. I'll email you directly.

You will be close to a bunch of us at the end.... I assume you are flying Air NZ back from LAX.

Lets us know nearer the time and i will sort some thing out.


You will be close to a bunch of us at the end.... I assume you are flying Air NZ back from LAX.
Lets us know nearer the time and i will sort some thing out.

Thanks Mr Fairlaner, thats certainly something to look forward to. We'll be sure and keep you posted on our progress. Less than three weeks to go now, starting to get a bit excited, beena long time since we last had a holiday and we've never had one like this, can't wait.

Did you consider going to Deals Gap (aka "The Dragon") via the Cherahola Skyway? It's only a tempting 150 miles north of your starting point... This is perhaps the premiere motorcycle mecca in the USA. Not only a sweet ride, but you get your picture taken for free by two or three professionals photograghpers staged along the way. Then you can look online and decide to purchase. Would be a nice keepsake for you. If you don't get a picture, it didn't really happen!

If you think you can swing the change in route, I can post a couple of links and a photo or two to whet your appetite, or do some Google for Deals Gap. :matrix:

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Did you consider going to Deals Gap (aka "The Dragon") via the Cherahola Skyway? It's only a tempting 150 miles north of your starting point... This is perhaps the premiere motorcycle mecca in the USA. Not only a sweet ride, but you get your picture taken for free by two or three professionals photograghpers staged along the way. Then you can look online and decide to purchase. Would be a nice keepsake for you. If you don't get a picture, it didn't really happen!
If you think you can swing the change in route, I can post a couple of links and a photo or two to whet your appetite, or do some Google for Deals Gap. :matrix:
We did consider that but infortunately we have limited time and can't do everything but thanks for the interest in our little excursion in your country.

We did consider that but infortunately we have limited time and can't do everything but thanks for the interest in our little excursion in your country.
I understand, so many roads and so little time. is one from the FJR SFO Rally held in May.

Twisty Butt Arkansas

Those are some great roads in northern Arkansas. Light traffic and very good road surfaces. Your planned route takes you right into the middle of it. Instead of staying on hwy 62 to Marshall, I'd make a right turn at Clinton, go toward Mountain Home, then Big Flat and find your way to Push Mountain. If time is limited, go toward Yellville, then over to Berryville. This won't add too much time or distance.

Your stop at Eureka Springs was the host city of the rally and the Best Western hotel there is a good stay.

Anyway, just one tiny piece of the large riding puzzle I hope you can partake. Enjoy your ride!

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