Checking a tire pressure gauge

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May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Roseburg, OR
OK, so last year my tire wear pattern indicated I was running pressures too low. I used my good gauge and set the pressure, then went to the shop and asked them to check it with a gauge they said was checked and accurate -- 3 pounds lower by my guage. That set of PRII's lasted much better than the previous Storms and I was satisfied.

So this year I have the PRII's spooned on from the group buy and I check the pressure. My gauge that was 3 pounds under supposedly reads perfect (42 psi) now. I pull out two cheapo pencil guages and one reads 42psi and the other is so far off it's pathetic.

So how do I figure this out? I know somebody will tell me where to go, I'm sure. Should I just buy another one? But then how do I know THAT one would be accurate? I'm confused.

You don't for sure...with any of them....unless you want to get into the area of having your gauge professionally calibrated.....or invest in your own expensive equipment.

Most gauges are close...and the better ones are more consistent. Do you know that 42 psi is the absolute correct pressure anyway? Or, is it that you prefer things set to 42 psi as measured by one your gauges? The latter's the most important why don't you use just the one gauge and ignore others?

You don't for sure...with any of them....unless you want to get into the area of having your gauge professionally calibrated.....or invest in your own expensive equipment.
Most gauges are close...and the better ones are more consistent. Do you know that 42 psi is the absolute correct pressure anyway? Or, is it that you prefer things set to 42 psi as measured by one your gauges? The latter's the most important why don't you use just the one gauge and ignore others?
That gives me a baseline Ignacio -- fuzzy one but a start. I'm not buying special equipment. I ran 42 on the gauge (my best and good brand) for part of the summer, then 45 on the gauge after Warchild suggested I run a little higher pressure after seeing my fat arse and load in a parking lot (and the tire wear to that point) at a sponsoring dealership near NAFO. Tires seemed to last longer and I liked the feel.

So given the info you just gave me I'm going to run 45 front and rear based on my gauge reading and stop worrying. Maybe the shop gauge was off or they didn't fill them to the pressure I requested (that couldn't happen could it?). If the tires start getting loose I'll back off the pressure a tad for more traction. That logic sound right?


Yeah...din'tcha thinka doin' noe serch? :huh:

Eye meen, whozzit s'posed tuh keep evvybuddy strate iffen yew don't leed by zample lyke Googlin tire gauge, huh? :rolleyes:

C'mon! Whar bee alluh them serch Nazi's fer the lass cupla weaks. Yewer all lettin' me down! :bleh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I offered the kinder, gentler answer -- a pertinent trace of the already available info but I wasn't a Nazi, asshole, unhelpful oldtimer that commanded [thunder & lightning] Thou shalt search and help thyself [/thunder & lightning]

You guys suck lemon juice! :cryingsmiley:

Ignacio was the only one nice to me. You others all hurt my feelings and I'm going to take my ball and disappear forever! That will show you.. :angry03:

Gave me a good laugh. Thanks. :friends: :****: :good: :good: :jerry:

You guys suck lemon juice! :cryingsmiley: Ignacio was the only one nice to me. You others all hurt my feelings and I'm going to take my ball and disappear forever! That will show you.. :angry03:

Gave me a good laugh. Thanks. :friends: :****: :good: :good: :jerry:

Well, OK. But make sure you've got nitrogen in your ball.

Wouldn't want it to deflate. :huh:

Well, OK. But make sure you've got nitrogen in your ball.
Wouldn't want it to deflate. :huh:
And what ever you do, don't use that nitrogen around an open flame.
Huh? I thought nitrogen was an inert/non-flammable gas.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, can be er...uhm...interesting around open flame.

I offered the kinder, gentler answer -- a pertinent trace of the already available info but I wasn't a Nazi, asshole, unhelpful oldtimer that commanded [thunder & lightning] Thou shalt search and help thyself [/thunder & lightning]
I thunk et Marty wuz a growed-up manly sorta feller en he prolly undersude Eye's mebbe havin may tung furmlee plantid en mah cheaks. :(

You guys suck lemon juice! :cryingsmiley: Ignacio was the only one nice to me. You others all hurt my feelings and I'm going to take my ball and disappear forever! That will show you.. :angry03:
It's nice to know we can still succeed when we put our collective minds to it. :D

Well, OK. But make sure you've got nitrogen in your ball.
Wouldn't want it to deflate. :huh:
And what ever you do, don't use that nitrogen around an open flame.
Huh? I thought nitrogen was an inert/non-flammable gas.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, can be er...uhm...interesting around open flame.
Guess I was one winkie short on this reply. In its natural state, N2 is quite inert, but it can asphyxiate you.

As to the thunder and lightning search comment -- I would never be that tough on a newbie, I was sure a veteran of >1k posts knows routine and I was just having fun. Hmmm, guess I'm up to two winkies short now.

Hydrogen and its portly near neighbor oxygen aren't to be trifled with individually, but when these two guys get together to party, seek serious shelter.


One of the companies that I worked for had a problem with all the manufacturing personnel falling asleep in the afternoon, almost always everyone at the same time, every day. After some serious testing we found that our nearly air tight clean room environment was filling up with nitrogen from the different N2 using processes. When we started introducing some well filtered air the sleepies went away.

Ignacio was the only one nice to me. You others all hurt my feelings and I'm going to take my ball and disappear forever!
Or so you think. I filed away your name on a special list of people to make the forum load more slowly and inconsistently for you. It's much more insidious, passive-aggressive, and search welfare recipients won't even realize they should long for the days when I was just an upfront dick. ;)

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Ignacio was the only one nice to me. You others all hurt my feelings and I'm going to take my ball and disappear forever!
Or so you think. I filed away your name on a special list of people to make the forum load more slowly and inconsistently for you. It's much more insidious, passive-aggressive, and search welfare recipients won't even realize they should long for the days when I was just an upfront dick. ;)
:rofl: :lol2:
