Chicago Help/Info??

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2006
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I'm flying into Midway next Friday 10-26-07 @ 7:00 AM to pick up my new to me 07 FJR :yahoo: I need to get from Midway to St Charles can anyone in the area advise me of a inexpensve way to get from A to B. Look's like about 40 miles on S&T. I can pick the bike up anytime after 9:00AM but the party I'm buying from can't pick me up until sometime after 10:00 which means it would be 11-12:00 before I'd be able to start home (500 Mi) and Id really like to be on the road home before that. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Hmmm...I think a cab is going to be your best bet. I doubt there is any kind of shuttle that will go from Midway to St. Charles. Send me a PM, if you want, and I will do a little research for you, and talk to a few people who fly out of Midway more than I do.

I would be interested in where in St. Charles, since I used to own a business in that area. If you need to kill some time in the area, I can recommend some places. Also, DuPage Motor-sports is just East of St. Charles, and it is the dealer I bought my FJR from. I bought it there because i had found their service department to be very good with my previous bike.

It's actually probably closer to 50 miles. I may be able to give you a lift (assuming you're buying breakfast). Won't know for sure until Monday. I'll let you know then.

A new FJR....hell, even I'M excited!!

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It's actually probably closer to 50 miles. I may be able to give you a lift (assuming you're buying breakfast). Won't know for sure until Monday. I'll let you know then.
A new FJR....hell, even I'M excited!!

PM sent

I rode past the HD dealer that has your bike this morning, but since it was only 6:15 am, it wasn't like I could go in and browse. I assume you are talking about the dealer just south of Rte. 64 on Randal?

Wow! You bought their bike, and a plane ticket, plus all the crap that goes with flying! The least they could do is pick you up at the airport.

Grab the nearest cabby and tell him where to take you. Just pay it and get your FJR

Congrats on the new bike!

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FYI (if you can't get a ride from a member).

American Taxi rate to St. Charles (west of Fox River) is $64 flat rate plus $1 fuel surcharge + tip. It's a 50-60 minute ride. When you arrive at Midway, call for cab at (847) 255-9600.

Click here

I just got a PM from XHD4FJR. I had offered to pick him up but it appears the dealer has decided to do the right thing and take care of that for him.

Good luck XHD!!

I just got a PM from XHD4FJR. I had offered to pick him up but it appears the dealer has decided to do the right thing and take care of that for him.
Good luck XHD!!

Thanks to everyone who offered help or information. I've been dealing with a totaly unexpected death in the family this week and was starting to doubt if I was going to be able to travel this weekend. Looks like everythings handled and I will be picking my new ride up Friday. Again Thank You ALL!

I just got a PM from XHD4FJR. I had offered to pick him up but it appears the dealer has decided to do the right thing and take care of that for him.
Good luck XHD!!

Thanks to everyone who offered help or information. I've been dealing with a totaly unexpected death in the family this week and was starting to doubt if I was going to be able to travel this weekend. Looks like everythings handled and I will be picking my new ride up Friday. Again Thank You ALL!
Condolences on your family loss. Hopefully your new FJR will give you plenty of smiles and reflective time to deal with the loss of a loved one.
