Chimps can be downright dangerous. There was an attack in March 2005 some miles east of Bakersfield, California in which a pair of chimps attacked a man and his wife at a facility for primates where their chimp "Moe" was being housed. They were celebrating Moe's birthday, a couple other chimps got out, were apparently jealous of Moe getting cake and attention and attacked suddenly. Husband was a big guy and took the brunt of the attack, while wife had her thumb bitten off. He nearly died -- lost his fingers, had his face pretty much ripped off, a foot mangled, testicles ripped off, and more.
EDIT: the above is what was in several different news accounts. A seemingly bettter and more complete account is now at
Chimps are supposed to be something like 3 to 5 times stronger than humans, particularly in their upper bodies. You take a gun to a fight with a chimp. Large caliber and use hollow points. Just sayin'.