Christmas spending poll

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  • 0 - 20 Years old

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  • 20 - 40 years old

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  • 40 - 60 years old

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  • 60 - 80 years old

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  • So old I forget how old I actually am

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
I'm wondering just how much the gloom and doom economy is effecting folks this year during the Crimby / Festivus / Winter Solstice holidays.

I know that my family and I have taken a (necessary) small adjustment in how we observe the holidays, and from my vantage point it is completely for the better. For me personally, I much more enjoy the family getting together and sharing the good times more so than the gift giving.

But I do know that the tradition is a strong one and there are some who feel it is wrong to change it. Especially for the kiddies

So what are you and your families doing this year?

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We always buy practical things for the holidays, typically things that we would buy anyway. The only extravagance for us is the decorations, beverages, and food. This year will be about the same as previous years in overall spending.

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This year, for the first time, AIW's family finally agreed to only give gifts to children, grandchildren, or God children. No need for adult gift exchange. It got to the point that most every adult's list pretty much were all "gift cards" to one's fav store. I always just wanted WalMart cards to buy grocerys in Jan while paying off the credit card bills. Amy Jo's Dad couldn't bring himself to let go of the "Christmas family tradition" of the big hooply gift giving time Christmas morning before mid day meal. Now that he's gone and things have happened since Hurricane Katrina, we've all desired to simplify our lives in many ways.

AIW and I just do what we usually do all year and lotsa little things unless something happens that special moves are called for:

she wholeheartedly encouraged and even "made" me fix the bike and get back on the road cutting back on other stuff to make it happen. I think it was self interest as I'm not easy to live with anyway, and without my therapy and she says getting away from her for a night or two every month or two is a "good" thing.

WARNING: \sappy on - no foul stopping here

She's a teacher, and mostly leads little ones, so there's bleach solutions and soap n water cleanup, and washing of hands alot. One day, she forgot where she left her engagement, wedding ring set and the anniversary ring wrap set. This has happened before and within a few to 24 hours, it's found or remembered where left. Well this time, no search or call for help at work or turning the house upside down including cushiony furniture found it. I think that was the only more than a day depression symptoms I've ever seen in my glass half full, it'll work out, deep faith wifey.

Well, I started thinking and praying for some discressionary $$$. Funny thing was an extra generous tax return check was in the cards when my fall/winter analysis was done concerning Christmas spending and how to pay for it when Jan came. I had a wedding pic of her hand with the engagement/wedding ring on it and got on the internet looking for matching jewelery. Found a sight called "Generous Gems" which had her exact wrap with emeralds. I called the customer service number and only got voicemail for days. I sent an email to customer service, and the owners are a middle age couple and the lady responded that, "yes, they could custom make the wrap with saphires to match, and for same $300 price as the emeralds, but it's no return and pay first. She "guaranteed" I would be happy and was moved by my story. I knew I was covered using a credit card, so ordered it. Well, it was beautiful and a perfect match.

Then, since I could not find my wife's wedding/engagement set (my "like Uncle who was my Dad's Sgt in WWII owned a nearby jewelry shop and was a watchmaker by trade) purchased 20 years ago, I went to the local "rich people's" jewelry store who some employees go to my church and the owners (family owned) of the shop are happy to clean and inspect anyone's rings etc for free. We go there with all our rings every Nov to get checked out.

Well, John Boudreaux (Boudreaux's Jewelers) comes over to wait on me and I tell him my story and show him the wedding pic of my wife's hand at the reception. He whips out a dozen catalogs and asks me to describe the rings in words. As I talk, he stares at the pictures. In summery, the rings are cross section rectangles, with a flat top and a flat bottom with a bit of curve on the edges and the four prongs do a half twist as they go up for the diamond mounting. My uncle advised I purchase the "best" diamond I could afford, not the biggest, so went with a 1/4 carat VVSI top of the line near perfect stone.

Well, John made notes and asked me to come back in a week as he did some research. I did and he pulled out a catalog with a book mark which was all "twisted prong" settings and voila, there was "our" ring. He whips out a box of diamonds and says these are his best "smaller" stones and I could pick out any one I wanted. I asked for his recommendation and he smiled and showed me two. A matching 1/4 carat excellent one, and a 1/3 carat excellent one. He said, "look, I love your story, and if you'll bring your wife by some day to show me the ring on her finger, you can have the bigger one for the same price I'd charge you for the whole set."

OK, the moment of truth. "John, how much is this gonna cost me?" With a grimace on my face (he said I looked like the condemned man on his last day!!!). He checks his cost on the ordered ring set and says he can't do anything about a "special order" set. I'll charge you what they are gonna charge me plus $100, OK? How about $650?. I was sweating all this as 20 years before, my Uncle charged me a total of $600 and I'm figuring triple min. John says he's had the diamonds quite awhile as most folks want bigger ones. How about $250 for the $ charge for the mounting'll be under $1000 with tax that OK?

Geez, I wanted to kiss him and said yes, can I pay with my credit card right now before you change your mind (or I think before your Dad gets wind of the deal). He smiles and says sure, but don't forget to bring your wife in to show it on her finger.


Well, AIW was deeply moved and it was one of the best visions and mission accomplisments and I consider the first rings (I was teaching PC classes in the city on commission and had the best month ever when I had decided to propose) and now the replacements gifts from God who arranged it all.

She said with tears in both our eyes, "on my death bed I'll thank you for both sets of rings and will cherish it all always."

\sappy off


Sorry for the ramble.

Mike in Nawlin's

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Holy cow, Patriot! Good on 'ya!

I wanted to scale things back this year, but my wife just isn't willing to give up just yet on Christmas. . . . one of her most treasured times of year that brings enough happiness to her that I'd be a real Grinch if I argued..... besides, I'll just have to work a little extra, what's a few more shifts, right?? Riiiigggghhhhttttt............ (Picture Al Bundy's neighbor Mr. Darcy staring at his shoes mumbling "yes, dear.") :butcher:

Drinkin' an fightin' like always :angry03: :aggressive: :fans: :yahoo: :clapping:

Why should this year be any differnt?


The last 5 years I did not get caught up in the Holiday thing. I just like to get together with family and friends it is more satisfying for myself. If I buy things I do it after the holidays for a lot less money.

I'm pushing 60 (thank goodness I'm not pushing daisies) and have been divorced 20 years. My daughter is 25 and has moved to Louisiana, which is a fair piece from North Carolina. I got my gift the other night when she called and said she and her boyfriend would be doing a whirlwind tour which would include Christmas eve and Christmas morning here. My brother will be visiting too.

My brother and I won't exchange gifts, but I'd give the world to my daughter if I could. But facing a big tax charge for rolling over funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth this year, I will be limited in what I can do. I'll give her about $200, which is probably less than last year, but it will be greatly appreciated. Mostly we will exchange hugs and fatherly kisses and "I love you." Plus, I will cook her favorite meal Christmas eve. You can spend a ton on Christmas, but as the kids get older, if you are as lucky as I am, you can share your love with each other. It doesn't cost a thing, and it can't be bought at any price.

Patriot, what a great love you have. You are a lucky guy.

I wish all a joyous holiday season.


We'll spent about the same as always, Christmas has never been a gift giving extravaganza for my family. We've always preferred the spiritual over the material Christmas.

This year the family decided no gifts, but to spend two weeks someplace warm instead. Just a few more days and we'll be on the beach in Mexico!

Yeah, amazingly that category has zero entires! :blink:

I was thinking that I would be able to cross correlate station in life with Christmas spending pattern. You know like when the kids are young you spend a butt load, but when you retire (or approach it) you get a little more stingy thrifty. ;)

But I forgot that I can't see which votes go together so the age thing is a waste other than to show that most of us fall in the 40-60 category, with an equal distribution above and below that. I think we already knew that.

In fact, the age distribution plot looks a lot like this: :****:

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Yeah, amazingly that category has zero entires! :blink:
I was thinking that I would be able to cross correlate station in life with Christmas spending pattern. You know like when the kids are young you spend a butt load, but when you retire (or approach it) you get a little more stingy thrifty. ;)

But I forgot that I can't see which votes go together so the age thing is a waste other than to show that most of us fall in the 40-60 category, with an equal distribution above and below that. I think we already knew that.

In fact, the age distribution plot looks a lot like this: :****:

your chart is opposite for me,

my age is 24 (25 on dec. 27, woohoo!) and since my father been off work for over a year, i have spent just about all of my "free" money on him and family so they can keep the house this month and buy grocery's every week. so x-mas spending is up to about $43 this year for oil for his car this year and no tree this year. on the upside he got an job finely and starts 1.7.2010, hopefully 2010 will be a better year. It would be nice to start doing some riding soon (with only 14233 miles on an 07, its kinda sicking to see it become an "garage queen")

but normally yes since i am single i spend an way too much on x-mas gifts (when money flow is a non-issue)

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and FYI We've spent a butt load lot more this year than we usually do or jave before.

you missed spelled Have

In fact, the age distribution plot looks a lot like this: :****:
Yup. Ten birthdays today and not one falls in the first two groups. FJR=FogieJoyRide?

What is a "butt load"? A "shit load" I understand.

On the one hand is ... what ... constipation? On the other hand is a manure wagon. Now that is a lot of shit.

Yesterday my seventeen year old son said "just for poops and giggles". I had to correct him.

I remember when I was seventeen. My aunt's boyfriend asked me what my tee-shirt meant. "What does Disco Suck?"

I really admired that guy. A Notre Dame law school grad, I listened to every word he said. "If you're going to swear, you should swear well."

He was right about that. Some of his other advice ended up being wrong, and it wasn't until many years later that I realized my hero was an uppity, pretentious, ass.

Sometimes I'm an uppity, pretentious reflection of my hero.

But I don't give a shit.
