Christmas spending poll

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I am

  • 0 - 20 Years old

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  • 20 - 40 years old

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  • 40 - 60 years old

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  • 60 - 80 years old

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  • So old I forget how old I actually am

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  • Total voters
Not a lot of spending this year, but that's about the same as other years. We used to celebrate when the kids were little but now, our daughter usually works Christmas Day and so do I. We exchange small gifts with the kids and a few friends.

No Christmas tree at our house either. Two huge puppies would destroy a tree and all the ornaments in a matter of minutes.

I haven't read all the posts, but I gotta say, "I fucking hate Christmas." All the people fighting over gifts, and me running all over the place looking for stupid gifts for grown fucking adults that can buy their own shit is ridiculos. I like that my kids like Christmas, but if I didn't have kids, I wouldn't even stick around for this holiday. The other day I bought a DVD I wanted and got told by my wife to knock it off because I was buying things she had already bought. That's my thing. I'm a grown boy. I can buy my own stuff, and I buy it when I need it. I think waiting till Christmas is BS if I need something now. I like getting together with my family, but we should do that all the time, not just because retailers tell us we have to exchange gifts.

So to summarize...Buying gifts for other adults is fucking stupid. If you are over 18, you should not expect shit. Get a job and take care of yourself. If you have kids, buy gifts for your own kids. It is not up to the rest of your family to buy gifts for them.

Stupid Christmas.....Hahahaah....

I haven't read all the posts, but I gotta say, "I fucking hate Christmas." All the people fighting over gifts, and me running all over the place looking for stupid gifts for grown fucking adults that can buy their own shit is ridiculos. I like that my kids like Christmas, but if I didn't have kids, I wouldn't even stick around for this holiday. The other day I bought a DVD I wanted and got told by my wife to knock it off because I was buying things she had already bought. That's my thing. I'm a grown boy. I can buy my own stuff, and I buy it when I need it. I think waiting till Christmas is BS if I need something now. I like getting together with my family, but we should do that all the time, not just because retailers tell us we have to exchange gifts.
So to summarize...Buying gifts for other adults is fucking stupid. If you are over 18, you should not expect shit. Get a job and take care of yourself. If you have kids, buy gifts for your own kids. It is not up to the rest of your family to buy gifts for them.

Stupid Christmas.....Hahahaah....
I think some one peed in his egg nog. If it wasnt for that last sentence though it would've been tough to tell what his true feelings were. Hot Rod see you around town soon I am moving to Alamogordo in Feb. I will remember not to bring you any Christmas cookies.

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Aww come on AJ, tell us how you really feel :lol:

Honestly? I do share some of the same sentiments.

If It's going to be aboot gifts.. Keep it to the kids.. ;)


As usual nice sharing the true grit of the season Mike,

As for us, I had planned my SS1 to CA, for early Jan-putting away funds for it and x-mas and getting the bike ready, unfortunately my S-Father passed away last Wed.(he was 97 so he was 27yrs in the bonus round -for those that know) and I had to go to CA for the family stuff/funeral. This truly impacted the way plans were set for X-mas. Darn a flight anywhere's is quite pricey. We for the past couple yrs. just get gifts for the kids, and have them buy gifts for each other or a gift for a (less-fortunate) kid from the church...our boys 10-12 & 17. We usually save a few months out, just to make their x-mas all about giving and the understanding.

Well, I am still planning for the trip; having faith that all will be provided. I was seriously using seeing the family in CA for motivation and drive in completing the SS1 &BB1.5 but, as I said; just seen them all this weekend. If/when it happens, I'll have to musta-up-some focus and determination of just getting it done (oddly enough still excited though).

It's quite amazing observation I made being on the West Coast and the South Coast this past week. Christmas Spirit (Decorations/city deco/home deco) all seem to be scarce at best. Is it me, or do everyone see a fall-off in the visual celebration of the season...........I pray not the true spirit is lost; just some decorations.

I haven't read all the posts, but I gotta say, "I fucking hate Christmas." All the people fighting over gifts, and me running all over the place looking for stupid gifts for grown fucking adults that can buy their own shit is ridiculosStupid Christmas.....Hahahaah....

Gotta say that I have some sympathy for Scrooge's point of view. My husband has never been one for any kind of celebration, but he and I were both willing to play along when the kids were little. Now that they're grown, the 'Hallmark Holiday' seems more and more over the top. I do enjoy exchanging cards with far-away friends and family, and hearing their news. We all lead such busy lives that without the impetus of the holiday, we would lose touch altogether.

As usual, I have offered to work Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. That allows the nurses with kids to be home, and I hopefully get a quiet day with bonus $$. I will not be tempted to overeat and will not be getting drunk (then regretting it).

There is no Christmas tree in our house but that has a lot to do with having two humongous puppies, who would probably eat the tree and all the ornaments.

Token gifts are nice, just to show that you were thinking of someone and cared enough to get a little something that you thought they'd like, but this isn't the time to be spending a lot on gifts that may miss the mark. I recall unwrapping a beautifully presented gift from a family member, years ago. It contained a set of sparkly, jeweled purses. One for your cigarettes and lighter (I don't smoke). One for your glasses (I wore contacts) and the other was an evening purse (I used the pockets in my bike jacket). Well meant but....... You have only to look at the return lines on the 26th December to see my point.

I would suggest that a real celebration of Christmas involves taking a step back, thinking of what is significant about the 25th and offering a prayer of thanks. Perhaps a donation to charity? Or a practical gift for friends who are getting bitten hard by the recession?

JMHO, and I wish a Merry Christmas to all who are going to celebrate.

Slap an anglophile! It'll make you feel better. It's too bad Americans fell for that Charles Dickens slop.

The pages A Christmas Carol will be fuel in the Lake of Fire.

On the other hand, I don't mind a little midwinter partying. Yesterday was the Winter Solstice and I look forward to the days getting longer.

Speaking of getting longer... I saw my Holiday Wife on Saturday. She is another reason I look forward to midwinter. My buddy and his wife always have an open house and her smoking hot sister is always there. I've lusted after that woman for years (and never acted on the impulse.) She is one of those women who gets more attractive when you talk to her. She's intelligent, funny, tall...

I think her heart breaks a little every year when I show up to the open house and my wife is with me. Poor thing... She tried to cover it up this year by talking about her boyfriend.

Yeah, amazingly that category has zero entires! :blink:
I was thinking that I would be able to cross correlate station in life with Christmas spending pattern. You know like when the kids are young you spend a butt load, but when you retire (or approach it) you get a little more stingy thrifty. ;)

But I forgot that I can't see which votes go together so the age thing is a waste other than to show that most of us fall in the 40-60 category, with an equal distribution above and below that. I think we already knew that.

In fact, the age distribution plot looks a lot like this: :****:

your chart is opposite for me,

my age is 24 (25 on dec. 27, woohoo!) and since my father been off work for over a year, i have spent just about all of my "free" money on him and family so they can keep the house this month and buy grocery's every week. so x-mas spending is up to about $43 this year for oil for his car this year and no tree this year. on the upside he got an job finely and starts 1.7.2010, hopefully 2010 will be a better year. It would be nice to start doing some riding soon (with only 14233 miles on an 07, its kinda sicking to see it become an "garage queen")

but normally yes since i am single i spend an way too much on x-mas gifts (when money flow is a non-issue)
My friend you have given the best gift anyone could and that is taking care of your family during rough times. That IMHO is very special.


My friend you have given the best gift anyone could and that is taking care of your family during rough times. That IMHO is very special.

Badcat is right, Daniel. You're giving the best gift of all in showing your love and respect for your family when they need it most. Guess they did something right when they raised you!

Sin Loki = A guy who deserves a great Christmas. Well impressed, young man.

We're really looking forward to Christmas. It's cold, there's snow on the ground, and it feels like Christmastime. The kids are 6 and nearly 4, and they are stoked for Santa. My wife & I have been working our tails off this year. She's getting everything on her list. I'm probably getting some nice things on my list and something special for the FJR. And we're making a very healthy contribution to charity. In all, we're probably spending a bit more than we did last year, though the altruism will take it materially higher.

We're extraordinarily grateful to have had a good year, especially when surrounded by so many Americans in such challenging situations, including some of my closest friends.

Wishing all of you happy, healthy holidays!

On a lighter note, a friend told me about Christmas traditions in his native Finland. Each Christmas Eve, someone dressed as Santa brings gifts to all the children. If there is no Dad, friend or neighbor to play the role, people can rent a Santa. So, the hired Santa shows up and does his thing then Dad offers to share a slug of vodka to wish him well, on his way. You can see where this is going? when Santa had a long list of clients to see.

So...... there are now ads posted for Sober Santas.

Too many Scrooges around here. Making merry for Christmas is what gets me past the dark days of the winter solstice. I especially enjoy the bright lights and colorful decorations. If we didn't have Christmas at the end of December I believe we'd have invented some other reason to celebrate and cheer ourselves up.
