cleaning the throttle body and plates

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Cortland, NY
Hi all,

This last weekend I performed the RDC U-TBS. In the write up by FredW (final paragraph) advises to clean the throttle bodies/plates with something like seafoam spray or something similar. Do you put this thing down the vacuum hose? Do you disconnect it from the pressure regulator just above cylinder #4?


I removed the air filter, and sprayed seafoam directly into the intakes. This was done on a non-windy day, in a reasonably non-dusty area. I didn't rev the engine more than necessary to keep it running.

BTW, I did this after I had replaced the PAIR system with Wynpro block off plates, as imo the PAIR system is the source of most of the grunge found on the TB plates.

The vacuum ports are behind (engine side) of the throttle plates, so while that is a good way to get a lot of seafoam into the combustion chanber to decarbonize your valve seats, it won't help clean the butterflies. UNfortunately, doing that will require removing the airbox. I'll be doing that myself sometime soon. Whenever I get off the procrastination train...

Thank you!

FredW, would you take some pics when you do it so we can all see how is done?


...doing that will require removing the airbox. I'll be doing that myself sometime soon. Whenever I get off the procrastination train...
I'm thinking that the procrastination train will pull into the station shortly after the first foot of snow is on the ground, sometime in November or December.

Fred is still dialing in his new valves on the front forks and doing test rides while working. All in time.


Actually, the front suspension seems to have adjusted up pretty smartly. Good thing, (and none to soon) cause next week we're planning on pounding it across the *smooth* roads of Vermont all week.
