Clothing options....

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Well, If I wore skin tight leather, Ladies and small children would run in fright - the rest would point and laugh. :eek:

Stitch here - 113F highest +27 lowest. YMMV

Did you see the "Save Your Hide" Guide?

I am flying down to Motoport on the 30th for a fitting. I am going to get the mesh Kevlar for the jackets and pants. After talking with Wayne (you should call or email him) he suggested mesh Kevlar for me since my riding temps change from 5 degrees to 110 degrees.

I will post a review after I wear it for a month or so. However, that will be in about two months. Wayne is making some modifications to my suit for me.

I also own a pair of first gear mesh pants. I agree they just don't feel safe. I decided to upgrade the armor, but it still does not fill safe.

Did you see the "Save Your Hide" Guide?
I am flying down to Motoport on the 30th for a fitting. I am going to get the mesh Kevlar for the jackets and pants. After talking with Wayne (you should call or email him) he suggested mesh Kevlar for me since my riding temps change from 5 degrees to 110 degrees.

I will post a review after I wear it for a month or so. However, that will be in about two months. Wayne is making some modifications to my suit for me.

I also own a pair of first gear mesh pants. I agree they just don't feel safe. I decided to upgrade the armor, but it still does not fill safe.
I'm interested in your review of the Cycleport Kevlar. I've been toying with the idea of getting a set since last summer when I got caught in 114 deg weather in my 'Stitch, just haven't been able to justify the expense yet.

I'm interested in your review of the Cycleport Kevlar. I've been toying with the idea of getting a set since last summer when I got caught in 114 deg weather in my 'Stitch, just haven't been able to justify the expense yet.
Seen Andrew's report of MadMike's gear?

IMO Cycleport has proven its value. Mike, after two days was looking so much better. I'm glad to see him recovering so fast. I want to thank Wayne and Cycleport for making a product that IMO saved Mike from much worse injury.
I will be buying Cycleport gear.
As for the hot stuff, I've found that the undergarments are critical for safe travel in temps over a buck. The problem is that air goes through the mesh so well that it won't allow cooling from perspiration, so you need the right thing to keep the air from drying your skin too fast. I use some microfiber pants and long sleeve shirt under my mesh for extended travel in the heat.

I'm interested in your review of the Cycleport Kevlar. I've been toying with the idea of getting a set since last summer when I got caught in 114 deg weather in my 'Stitch, just haven't been able to justify the expense yet.
Seen Andrew's report of MadMike's gear?

IMO Cycleport has proven its value. Mike, after two days was looking so much better. I'm glad to see him recovering so fast. I want to thank Wayne and Cycleport for making a product that IMO saved Mike from much worse injury. I will be buying Cycleport gear.
As for the hot stuff, I've found that the undergarments are critical for safe travel in temps over a buck. The problem is that air goes through the mesh so well that it won't allow cooling from perspiration, so you need the right thing to keep the air from drying your skin too fast. I use some microfiber pants and long sleeve shirt under my mesh for extended travel in the heat.
I linked Andrew's report in my first post of this thread.

Roger-Dodger on the correct undergarments. You can buy the microfiber (UnderArmor-type) shirts and pants at any "Sports-in-a-box store" (Sports Authority, Sports Chalet, even Walmart) who will usually carry UnderArmor and their own house-brand. This type of undergarment will also help you stay warm in the cold weather.

Regarding the thread title:

Clothing options...., Why can't we just ride naked??
Yew cain dew whut yew wants tuh. Et's yer skin en yer thuh wun who'll has tuh mek the dee-cision. Noebuudy h'yar shood be a'tellin' yew whut tuhdew. We'all kin bee tokkin 'bout whut we dew er whut we is bin doin' er had happin' tuh us'ns in thuh pass. Thet kood be WYE we'all whare whut we'all whare, butt we shoodint be tellin' noebuddy ess whut THEY shood whare tuh proteck thems skin, ebbows, neeze er byoo-tocks. I s'pose we'all shun't tell noebuddy jist how tuh proteck thems all haid, neither, tew. Weeze kud only sey whut wee does tuh be reddy fer summa them reely badd sitchee-ayshuns. Eye hopes yew doesn't ever has tuh fine ott whut werks. Eye did, en mye choice werked purdy gude fer me. Eye'm thinkin thet slidin along on the rode en knot havin noe skin rashy thangs es purdy gude news. En only havin tuh ree-pare thuh jackit 'cuz thems rescue fokes cut et off iz purdy gude nooze, tew. (En thet jackit lukes lak knew.)

This hyar pitcher be ME en Debs (Theuh purdy haff uh Rogdebs) en Eye gots my ree-pared jackit on. My FURSTIST ride en Fore munths! Yuh cee them dirty stayns frum mye fallin-down-crashin Eye leff on thems pants?


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Yew cain dew whut yew wants tuh. Et's yer skin en yer thuh wun who'll has tuh mek the dee-cision. Noebuudy h'yar shood be a'tellin' yew whut tuhdew. We'all kin bee tokkin 'bout whut we dew er whut we is bin doin' er had happin' tuh us'ns in thuh pass. Thet kood be WYE we'all war whut we'all war, butt we shoodint be tellin' noebuddy ess whut THEY shood war tuh proteck thems skin en ebbows en neeze er byoo-tocks. I s'pose we'all shun't tell noebuddy jist how tuh proteck thems all haid, neither, tew. Weeze kud only sey whut wee does tuh be reddy fer summa them reely badd sitch-ee-ayshuns. Eye hopes yew doesn't ever has tuh fine out whut werks. Eye did, en mye choice werked purdy gude fer me. Eye'm thinkin the slidin along on the rode en knot havin noe skin rashy thangs es purdy gude news. En only havin tuh ree-pare thuh jackit 'cuz thems rescue fokes cut et off iz a purdy gude tahng, tew.
Does somebody know of an online translator program for this type of stuff? Hurts my brain trying to decipher it. :blink:

Yew cain dew whut yew wants tuh. Et's yer skin en yer thuh wun who'll has tuh mek the dee-cision. Noebuudy h'yar shood be a'tellin' yew whut tuhdew. We'all kin bee tokkin 'bout whut we dew er whut we is bin doin' er had happin' tuh us'ns in thuh pass. Thet kood be WYE we'all war whut we'all war, butt we shoodint be tellin' noebuddy ess whut THEY shood war tuh proteck thems skin en ebbows en neeze er byoo-tocks. I s'pose we'all shun't tell noebuddy jist how tuh proteck thems all haid, neither, tew. Weeze kud only sey whut wee does tuh be reddy fer summa them reely badd sitch-ee-ayshuns. Eye hopes yew doesn't ever has tuh fine out whut werks. Eye did, en mye choice werked purdy gude fer me. Eye'm thinkin the slidin along on the rode en knot havin noe skin rashy thangs es purdy gude news. En only havin tuh ree-pare thuh jackit 'cuz thems rescue fokes cut et off iz a purdy gude tahng, tew.
Does somebody know of an online translator program for this type of stuff? Hurts my brain trying to decipher it. :blink:
Try this from the Google translator:

[SIZE=8pt]"In the end, you will do what you want. It's your skin and you are the one who will make the final decision. We can't tell you what to do. We can only speak from our own decision or past experiences. That is why we wear the gear we own, but we shouldn't tell you what YOU should wear to protect skin, elbows, knees or buttocks. Neither can we tell you how to protect your head. We only state what WE do in case of a "worst case" scenario. I hope you never have to find out what works or doesn't work. I did, and my choice of gear worked very well. I slid along the pavement and had no "road rash". The jacket was repaired only because the Rescue personnel cut it from my unconcious body."[/SIZE]

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Yew cain dew whut yew wants tuh. Et's yer skin en yer thuh wun who'll has tuh mek the dee-cision. Noebuudy h'yar shood be a'tellin' yew whut tuhdew. We'all kin bee tokkin 'bout whut we dew er whut we is bin doin' er had happin' tuh us'ns in thuh pass. Thet kood be WYE we'all war whut we'all war, butt we shoodint be tellin' noebuddy ess whut THEY shood war tuh proteck thems skin en ebbows en neeze er byoo-tocks. I s'pose we'all shun't tell noebuddy jist how tuh proteck thems all haid, neither, tew. Weeze kud only sey whut wee does tuh be reddy fer summa them reely badd sitch-ee-ayshuns. Eye hopes yew doesn't ever has tuh fine out whut werks. Eye did, en mye choice werked purdy gude fer me. Eye'm thinkin the slidin along on the rode en knot havin noe skin rashy thangs es purdy gude news. En only havin tuh ree-pare thuh jackit 'cuz thems rescue fokes cut et off iz a purdy gude tahng, tew.
Does somebody know of an online translator program for this type of stuff? Hurts my brain trying to decipher it. :blink:
I think there's something wrong with me...I can unnerstan it just fine. :)

Oh yeah...and why is Debs covering her eyes? :blink: :D

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Yew cain dew whut yew wants tuh. Et's yer skin en yer thuh wun who'll has tuh mek the dee-cision. Noebuudy h'yar shood be a'tellin' yew whut tuhdew. We'all kin bee tokkin 'bout whut we dew er whut we is bin doin' er had happin' tuh us'ns in thuh pass. Thet kood be WYE we'all war whut we'all war, butt we shoodint be tellin' noebuddy ess whut THEY shood war tuh proteck thems skin en ebbows en neeze er byoo-tocks. I s'pose we'all shun't tell noebuddy jist how tuh proteck thems all haid, neither, tew. Weeze kud only sey whut wee does tuh be reddy fer summa them reely badd sitch-ee-ayshuns. Eye hopes yew doesn't ever has tuh fine out whut werks. Eye did, en mye choice werked purdy gude fer me. Eye'm thinkin the slidin along on the rode en knot havin noe skin rashy thangs es purdy gude news. En only havin tuh ree-pare thuh jackit 'cuz thems rescue fokes cut et off iz a purdy gude tahng, tew.
Does somebody know of an online translator program for this type of stuff? Hurts my brain trying to decipher it. :blink:
I've run into this same drivel here abouts. The only thing that works for me is ...BabalCatfish

Its the price is right

Try this from the Google translator:[SIZE=8pt]"In the end, you will do what you want. It's your skin and you are the one who will make the final decision. We can't tell you what to do. We can only speak from our own decision or past experiences. That is why we wear the gear we own, but we shouldn't tell you what YOU should wear to protect skin, elbows, knees or buttocks. Neither can we tell you how to protect your head. We only state what WE do in case of a "worst case" scenario. I hope you never have to find out what works or doesn't work. I did, and my choice of gear worked very well. I slid along the pavement and had no "road rash". The jacket was repaired only because the Rescue personnel cut it from my unconcious body."[/SIZE]
Perfect! Thanks a bunch! Now, could you please (before repairing the bike too much) go duplicate the feat with a D.O.T. or overseas equivalent non-Snell helmet (like the one I use), so we can see if you will fare better or worse? I'd do it, but a different brain would throw off the consistency of the results, and it might make me type funny afterwards. I'd let you borrow my helmet but it's too small for your he-man head and obviously larger brain.

[SIZE=8pt]And if you're actually thinking of trying this, your brain injury is much worse than diagnosed. I was making an inappropriate remark, while trying to feel secure with my choice of head protection.[/SIZE]

I have both. I personally like leather when it's not to hot. It feels like a good pair of gloves with that perfect fit. I also have some nice armored summer textiles that I got at a Beemer store that are nice.I had a First Gear Speed jacket on during a bad crash two months ago. In slide of 100',the leather part of the jacket by far held up better than the textile portion. The textile part did it's job but was totally torn to shreds. The leather could have been worn again. So in my case I put a lot of value in the leather. I have never tried the Cycle Port brand.

Now, could you please (before repairing the bike too much) go duplicate the feat with a D.O.T. or overseas equivalent non-Snell helmet (like the one I use), so we can see if you will fare better or worse?
[SIZE=12pt]Not likely, in this lifetime![/SIZE] :p

[SIZE=8pt]And if you're actually thinking of trying this, your brain injury is much worse than diagnosed. I was making an inappropriate remark, while trying to feel secure with my choice of head protection.[/SIZE]
However, I will lend my full support should YOU decide to attempt a re-enactment of my feat. :rolleyes:

Are you going to sell tickets to the discussion when you make the "reveal" to Bren? I'm thinking that you'll see clearly in about 2 weeks...once the swelling goes down....and you can open your eyes. :lol:

Are you going to sell tickets to the discussion when you make the "reveal" to Bren? I'm thinking that you'll see clearly in about 2 weeks...once the swelling goes down....and you can open your eyes. :lol:
Hey, that gives me an idea!

I'll just put my helmet on before telling her, which should incite a very similar test impact without scratching up my bike!

I like the way she has the one hand strategically placed so that conclusive identification will be impossible. I am sure this is a security measure meant to provide "plausible deniability" of being in close proximity to you should this picture fall into the wrong hands and be displayed somewhere like the internet.

But, I'm sure you get that alot.

I like the way she has the one hand strategically placed so that conclusive identification will be impossible. I am sure this is a security measure meant to provide "plausible deniability" of being in close proximity to you should this picture fall into the wrong hands and be displayed somewhere like the internet.

But, I'm sure you get that alot.
Debs is a lady of great distinction and discerning. She is shielding her face purposely!

I'm used to rejection, I used to be married to the "Rejection Queen"!

Clothing options...., Why can't we just ride naked??

You can! Join NANMBA (North American Nude Motorcycle Riders Association).

If you go to their Yahoo group they are also discussing clothing options.

Go figure. :ph34r:

And there still ain't no pics of naked chicks riding scoots......what a useless thread.
