Clutch usage?

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ever try downshifting without the clutch from fifth to neutral and bring her to a stop without touching the clutch?



darksider #44

On my Trophy.

After I was having severe pain in my left little finger.

I'd try to change down as I slowed, usually worked. If I had to stop, I either found neutral or stalled. (Not easy to stall that thing, its 1200 ccs of carburettored low speed torque really didn't want to stall.)

Then to start off, I'd have the engine off, get it into second, and hit the starter motor.

That's what led me into the strange world of the FJR and its even stranger Forum
. If it wasn't for the AS being available in '06, I wouldn't have been riding for the last six years. That's why I won't hear anything bad said about it, I enjoy my riding too much.

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So since we're all in the mindset, ever try downshifting without the clutch from fifth to neutral and bring her to a stop without touching the clutch?
CAUTION: many parenthesis to follow:

Well to be clear, I do that every day. I let her clutch as she sees fit. My fingers are touching the paddle shifters a lot (among other things). Why should I be bothered? I have asked racing 905 (makes rear hand brakes for stunt folks as well as the engine crash bars for FJR) to see about squeezing the collar of a rear hand brake on the left (been suggested here before). Now we're talking.

I can envision it now. Cruise control set. both legs propped up on the well forward highway pegs (mounted to crash bars), throttle hand/arm resting (or worse) and left hand guarding the linked brake hand lever as granny starts crossing the centerline.

Threadjack complete.

Ah yes gentlemen, but I was quick to massage the posed question in #2 to read "clutch lever" to be clear.

Lawyers best trick: If you don't want to answer the posed question, answer a different one.
