Clutchless Down Shifts

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
I have found that this topic (controversial as it may be) might be of interest to some members:

clutchless up shifting is rather simple, and to a point trivial; however, down shifting takes a bit more finess and skill to dominate, so... :)

Here is the clutchless down-shift technique:

While cruising on "x" gear (given that x>1) accelerate to rev the engine up just a tad, then decelerate (slightly release the accelerator) AND downshift simultaneously. It is not the speed of the gears that allow you to do this, but the change of their speed that does; i.e. On acceleration, the engine is moving the tire via the transmission, but on deceleration, it is the tire that moves the engine, you just have to shift during the transition. It would take a few tries before you get the hang of it, but once you dominate it, it is a blast!!!

It is always good to learn and practice new skills; who knows, this technique can be usefull if, for example, one highsides the bike, breaks the left hand and has to ride oodles of miles back home

It is always good to learn and practice new skills; who knows, this technique can be usefull if, for example, one highsides the bike, breaks the left hand and has to ride oodles of miles back home
Well, well, well, aren't you the smart one? :p

Yes, I must admit that little journey home with a broken wrist was the first time I ever did clutchless downshifts. I was getting pretty good at them, and they didn't feel to bad at all. At least most of the time. ;) Of course clutchless upshifts are very easy to do, though once again, Never had I done so many until that little journey.

Now if I could have just mastered the clutchless start from a complete stop. Hmmm.....maybe next time.

Some years ago, riding my 67 Sporty, the clutch cable broke at the lever while riding home from a long field party type weekend. Well, being the good HD rider I was, and, in keeping with tradition, being quite drunk, I simply took a vise-grips, and used that at stops. That worked about three times, then dropped the vise-grips. Well, Snort got bang shifted all the way home (80 or so miles), and I dealt with the lights etc by simply not stopping. Then it started pouring. And no front fender. And so a lot of the public was treated to the sight of this maniacal apparition laughingly cruising through the intersection with a 20 foot rooster tail shooting skyward off the front and into his face and disappearing into the distance with a roar and a series of clunks that only a HD can produce. And no helmet. :D I sometimes wonder how I made it this far, I really, really do.

Oh, and on topic, yeah, Just unload the tranny, do it nicely, and the clutch becomes superfluous. Just tough to do consistantly, and done wrong, the dogs are history, and so is a large chunk of your Visa card.

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