Coast to Coast in 5 days

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That's a nice passel of pictures right there. Great write-up.
I liked your choice at Pikes Peak. Always make "that" choice. Good job!
Great day I hope to do the same.....coast to coast...

For now, all I can manage are 3-4 day jaunts...when its warmer

Thanks for sharing the ride...

Awesome ride report and an inspirational kick in the pants reminder that you can get out and ride any time of the year. Great report. Thanks.

That first page of photos especially! Fan-fucking-tastic. So many of those shots are beautifully composed. Amazing how light, and nature, and horizons can combine to make an incredible image.

Note to all. Morning and evening light are the best! The sun is a beautiful thing.

Thank you for putting that out there for everyone to enjoy.

I'm sure you've many more images than just the few you posted. Where might we find them?

THANKS for the excellent ride report...that was great! I have a new screensaver :)

(...and thanks to you both (& yer families) for fighting for us "over there"...and anywhere you are :clapping: :clapping: )

Fantastic writeup and pics! Really appreciate you taking the time to share -- gives me some inspiration to venture out a little farther in 08! :rolleyes: And, thanks for serving. Jay

Great story and pictures. I'm planning my own cross country trip next spring so I really enjoy reading other peoples experiences.

Great report and you haad a whole bunch of fun and memories.

The forth picture with your bike against the morning sun comming up is outstanding what a good shot

That is a calender material

Thanks all for the comments; I'm glad I was able to put something on here for some to enjoy.

I continue to be impressed with the camera I picked up for this trip. It's a Pentax E-40 8mp / 3x lens. It's so compact and easy to use, I wasn't expecting this type of pictures out of it. Best $100 bucks I'd spent for the trip (except the liner from warm'n'safe!).

A trip like this definitely expands your riding horizons. The FJR will just pound out the miles, day after day, and not kill you in the process.

Oh, and holy cow for the old av45/46 Avon Azarro's. This set now has over 8k miles on them, the rear is just getting to the wear bars. I can believe that the rear help up the way it did; this was not a "baby the tires" ride. I was fully loaded (side & top cases, tank bag, and Expandable T-Bag on the rear seat) and running +10 over expressway speeds. The trip home (IBA 50cc) was even more abusive; +10-15 over, and hard braking / acceleration. They don't stick like other tires I've run, but I'd give up some on the rear tire to get one that will last like this! I wish Avon still made these in the correct size.

Thanks again to everyone. If you'd like a hi-res version of any of these pictures, let me know (pm) & I'll email 'em.


Greatly enjoyed your write-up. Great pictures. Sorry about the performance award, but they sell more RD's than all the advertising in the world.


I was forced to U-turn just 3 miles short of the summit.
You climbed that far and then turned around because of a few cones in the road? What a wimp!

I'm JOKING - please don't kill me :lol:

Great write up and pictures! I was stationed at Fort Carson a few years and know those roads well. I really can't believe you went up Pikes Peak at that time of year.


It wasn't the cones, it was the ranger in the snow plow talking about the 3-5' of snow just around the next bend. This just gives me a reason to go back!

The only reason I made it was because of this little adventure sponsored by Haulin'Ashe at EOM!


I was forced to U-turn just 3 miles short of the summit.
You climbed that far and then turned around because of a few cones in the road? What a wimp!

I'm JOKING - please don't kill me :lol:

Great write up and pictures! I was stationed at Fort Carson a few years and know those roads well. I really can't believe you went up Pikes Peak at that time of year.

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Damn, how in the hell did I miss this post? Wow, Wayne, this makes me completely jealous.

mmm, don't know, maybe too busy wise-cracking on other threads? I'm hurt, thought we were tight after I helped pick your bike up off you last year...

oh, thanks for reading, here's another you might have missed.


Damn, how in the hell did I miss this post? Wow, Wayne, this makes me completely jealous.
mmm, don't know, maybe too busy wise-cracking on other threads? I'm hurt, thought we were tight after I helped pick your bike up off you last year...
oh, thanks for reading, here's another you might have missed.


Damn, how in the hell did I miss this post? Wow, Wayne, this makes me completely jealous.
Uh, yeah, busted. Actually, looking at the dates and all, that's when I took the wife to Helen for some days. Then, when we returned, it was the various non-stop family invasions for the holiday.

Not an excuse...well, yes it is.

Great ride, man! I know it couldn't have been easy, but I'm still jealous! You da man!

(And I'll try to stay out from under my bike)

Excuse accepted, and at least the fz6 is lighter... but we're not going to go there, again, right?


mmm, don't know, maybe too busy wise-cracking on other threads? I'm hurt, thought we were tight after I helped pick your bike up off you last year...
oh, thanks for reading, here's another you might have missed.


Damn, how in the hell did I miss this post? Wow, Wayne, this makes me completely jealous.
Uh, yeah, busted. Actually, looking at the dates and all, that's when I took the wife to Helen for some days. Then, when we returned, it was the various non-stop family invasions for the holiday.

Not an excuse...well, yes it is.

Great ride, man! I know it couldn't have been easy, but I'm still jealous! You da man!

(And I'll try to stay out from under my bike)
Great ride report. Also thank you for your service. Logistical question? What was your fuel cost from coast to coast?


According to Mr. Visa, I spent $263.24 on gas between Beaufort, SC & San Diego, CA. That was about 3400 miles. I was looking for gas about every 200 miles, and I averaged around 75-85mph (+10 over posted speed limit - except for the short lapse in Kansas).

Hope this helps, and good luck.


Great ride report. Also thank you for your service. Logistical question? What was your fuel cost from coast to coast?