Commuter King?

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150 miles R/T Hagerstown to D.C. Pass by the White House on Constitution Ave. Only have to go 2 or at most 3 times a week. Ride all year except in snow, ice. Will split lanes in D.C. (I lane split in CA for 32 years) as it is somewhat tolerated by law enforcement and drivers. Will lane split in Maryland/Virginia only when frustrated. Drivers honk, guys in Pickup trucks move to block and sometimes open doors--I guess lane splitting is an offence against their manhood etc.

I do 75 miles r/t almost entirely on the M4 from Chiswick to Reading. Record is a tad over 24 minutes for the 38 miles home late at night.

If the M4 is kind and empty there are sweet spots with no bridges, junctions or police lay-byes where the only thing you have to watch for is a helicopter. Once cracked it for a reckless 8 miles right up to the start of the cameras into London, tailing a Daytona at almost 160 on the clock !

Otherwise you can average 85-90 mph with no stress. I sold my BMW R1100S for the FJR as it is perfectly suited to this kind of riding.

The some days it chucks it down and there are multiple accidents on the motorway and you get to filter for 30 miles which is a long time to spend tensed for a dodgy car.

I ride it 5 days a week if I can. When it is raining I take the truck.

I will ride until the weather is below 50 or so.

I picked up mine July 7th and I have almost 4500 miles.

My daily commute is 45 1 way mostly highway.

Occasionaly I take it to West Virginia to a friends that's about 50 miles from me.

I have yet to do any type of riding with my friends but they all keep asking. I have a group of friends that are all Harley guys and a completely different group of friends that all ride sport bikes.
