Commuting On Your Bike

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formerly SouthernFJR
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
This isn't the tired old thread about whether or not you commute on your bike... I'm curious about how many commute on bikes at your place of work.

Out of about 700 employees, I'm the only one that commutes in the Birmingham office. No one in the Raleigh or Delaware offices commute, and one guy commutes who's in the Houston office. So... 2 people out of 2,200 commute. I thought I'd see more when gas prices started going up. How about at your work?

On our project, we have about 40-50 people and there are about 8 people that regularly use their bike to commute. At our site, we have about 2-3k people working, and I think if you walk around our parking lots, you will easily count 100 bikes at any given time. More if it's nice sunny weather.

I am the only one of fifty-two employees to commute by bike. The only other rider in the company transferred to another office 75 miles away about a year ago.

I'm curious about how many commute on bikes at your place of work.
I'm confused (nothing new there!)...

Do you mean commute to work then commute for work (i.e. deliveries, run bosses errands, etc.) or because your work place is so damned big, you need transport to get around?

Or is the 'at' in the quote above supposed to be a 'to'?

If it's the former, I'll sometimes ride the bike to visit customers if I don't have to schlep stuff that can't fit into the bags.

If it's the latter, whenever I'm office bound and the friggin' 'marine layer' ain't in, I ride to the office.

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We have about 4 or 5 including me.

All the other guys ride Harley's.

I commute 60 miles a day in Los Angeles traffic.

My cars are collecting dust.

We have 28 here in our office and 2 (my FJR of course and my counter part on his 959) of us commute on a regular basis. Although with the heat lately, my partner has opp'd for the truck. If gas prices continue on their current path, I believe even he will re-think the heat issue.

Currently, 100% of employees at my site ride to work! Of course, I work out of my own house... :eh:

Previous office was in Denver; I rode every day there wasn't fresh snow on the ground, and there were 3 others (out of ~80) that rode most days between March and October- basically, when it was warm enough that heated gear wasn't necessary.

Before that (back here in Oregon), I rode about 50% of the time, but so did 2 other guys, for 3 of 6 total employees.

While fuel costs may enter into it, a friend and fellow Team Oregon instructor (and retired business owner) will show that a mid-80s compact car can be cheaper to operate than a motorcycle, after you figure in tires, insurance, and gas.

150 employees here. On an average day 2 besides me, both old Honda's. When it's 75F, no wind, hasn't rained for 3 days, isn't predicted to for the next 3, then there may be a gaggle of HD's added to the lot.

I'm the only faculty or staff member at my university who rides in regularly. There is another faculty member of my department who shows up on his BMW cruiser (the James Bond one) about once every two months.


There's about 350 of us in two buildings where I'm at... it's me and 2 others who are regular commuters.

But there's a Goldwinger that drives home for lunch and then rides back for the afternoon. :blink: :lol: :lol:

There are 4-7 other bikes in the parking lot on a misc rotation that I can't quite figure out... it's not always sunny and warm... or always on Friday... just seems odd.

There's only two of us that commute when it dips below 40 degrees overnight.

I stop riding when there's ice on the lawns in the morning, but my counterpark Dan on his old, reliable Nighthawk keeps going until the snow sticks to the pavement! :bigeyes:

There are about 5000 people ( yes thats correct ) where I work and there are 4 parking areas reserved for motorcycles and the are all full.

This morning I was parked next to a couple of Goldwings, some fatboys, a sweet R1 and a brand new Triumph and so many other bikes sometimes I walk the parking lot and lust er I mean look.

I have seen a 04 FJR and an 05 also.

Guessing I would say about 100 to 150 Bikes on a good day.

Percentage wise I guess it's not much but it is a lot of different bikes all in one place.

I'd say out of 100 in my building, there are 5 riders, 3 fair weather riders, and 5 once in a while riders (optimum conditions).

I ride every day year round and out of 250+ employees 2 others ride almost every day year round. Other than that there are maybe 4 others that ride occasionally.

About 5000 people here. Parking lots scatterred around the campus. About 30 to 40 bikes on a good day. A lot of Harleys and some BMWs. I have the only FJR.

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Before my heart attacks and getting uncerimoniously put on Unpaid LTD at TexAss Instruments...about 6 folks at my fab were diehards...mostly HD's, probably 20 out of 6000 on the campus.


Most of our 40 or so office workers are women, none of whom ride. One office worker, a mnager/director, a QA person, a computer facilities person ride, and a computer system deveoper ride to work a few times a week Spring till Fall. I ride every day.

There's a few thousand people at the airplane factory where I work. A few dozen MC commuters at best. There are 5 FJR's that I have noticed there! An '04 and 4 '05's (including mine). That's a pretty decent FJR ratio! But these are aeronautical engineers and whatnot. B)

I'm incredibly fortunate to work in an office of about 100 and there's 15 regular riders. We even get reserved parking right by the front door so the guards can keep an eye on the bikes, and "the man" even ponied up for breakfast and ride-to-work mugs for us on ride-to-work day.

We try to make a group lunch ride into the mountains once a month or so.

Gotta love it!
