Bounce,Yeah, try to keep up as much as possible. With 40 machines to watch over, it can become a full time job. And I'm the only IT guy. Guess I need to work about 60 hours a week. NOT! It's starting to warm up and there's an FJR in the garage that really needs some exercise.
Understood. As primary support[1] for a facility with 250 machines[2] I sympathize. We are currently using Update Expert to push updates out. It takes about 3 hours to set up a detailed schedule of updates for all machines, but it's faster than going keyboard to keyboard[3].
[1] Only additional help is when doing a major project[4] or under serious attack[5].
[2] A mix of Win98se, Win2K and WinXP machines and ranging from 450Mhz to 3+Ghz speeds. With multiple servers running Netware, M$ AD, Lynux and Solaris.
[3] Or even via remote access.[9]
[4] We're currently migrating to Active Directory, so that counts... eventually[10]
[5] NIMDA was the last big deal.[6]
[6] Thanks to an aggressive update policy and setting all users[7] to User level access.[8]
[7] Except people with IT job descriptions that require Admin access to support users.
[8] And, yes, they bitch like hell but it doesn't do them any good.
[9] WUS is supposed to be a little more elegant[11]
[10] But for now each facility is working their migrations. When the smaller ones[12] get done they'll chip in and help those of us with large facilities.
[11] Once we replace the slower machines with something that can be migrated.
[12] Or those large facilities with larger IT staffs.