Concerns on Spot 2 mount near GPS

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, IA
Just got a Spot 2 and directions say it should be mounted 12 inches away from all other GPS units. Has anyone experience issues with mounting it closer? I plan to use 2 GPS's and the Spot 2 all in the cockpit - Zumo 1 + GXM30 on lefthand mirror bolt and Zumo 2 + Spot 2 on Rambone and Passport 8500 on Right side.

TIA, Corey

I posted pretty much the same question when I was mounting up my SPOT. I've got it pretty close to my Tom Tom and it all works fine. Others said it wouldn't be an issue either...

Here's how mine is set up:


Another consideration is to mount it on your riding suit. I use mine for backpacking and other simular activities and it helps keep the wifey happy to know where I have been. Another thing, don't depend on the clip to stay in place, use some sort of tie strap to the device as a back-up. The Spots have been known to fall off. During this year's Mt. Whitney (64 miles, 5 days) hike I spoke with the back country ranger and she stated when the spots were first out they were great. Only serious issues pushed the 911 button. Now however with the increase of numbers less serious events are starting to show up. She suggested a Sat Phone for the ability to have two way communication, but as she stated the costs/ benefit isn't there yet. The intent was for the device to be used in a life threatening event not a "I bit off more than I can chew and want a helicopter ride home" issue.

Corey Glad you got the Spot I was worried I was going to have to try and keep up with you. This is a pic of my cockpit. I did the ride aroung the lakes with this setup. If you check that spot track it worked great and I had no gps issues.


Mine is mounted thusly..and I have had no problems. I have to ask though, why 2 GPS devices for your scoot?


... I have to ask though, why 2 GPS devices for your scoot?
5 day is for main route following...other is to do what if's enroute (mileage/time calcs) and always know your ETA time back to a checkpoint/finish if you need to bail. Additionally, I plan to keep one on the 2 dimension view (typical map) along with the 3 dim for turn by turn.

Also a backup in case one goes doa for some reason.


... I have to ask though, why 2 GPS devices for your scoot?
5 day is for main route following...other is to do what if's enroute (mileage/time calcs) and always know your ETA time back to a checkpoint/finish if you need to bail. Additionally, I plan to keep one on the 2 dimension view (typical map) along with the 3 dim for turn by turn.

Also a backup in case one goes doa for some reason.

Corey I get it. I thought maybe you were just really really paranoid about getting lost. :D

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I really think putting the SPOT on the bike is the wrong idea. Think about it: when you really need it, you will likely have crashed. You are making a big assumption that:

i. The SPOT will remain on the bike during a crash

ii. You will be able to reach the bike (something that was not the case with Beemer Reemer's get off, or OM for that matter)

iii. If the Spot falls off during the crash (highly likely), you will be able to find it and use it.

That is why I keep the Spot on me, usually on my arm or in a pocket. Where I can reach it. Otherwise, it is useless for the purpose I bought it.

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I velcro my spot 1 to the top of the brake res right next to my gps for the last 3 years-no isuues.

I really think putting the SPOT on the bike is the wrong idea. Think about it: when you really need it, you will likely have crashed. You are making a big assumption that:
i. The SPOT will remain on the bike during a crash

ii. You will be able to reach the bike (something that was not the case with Beemer Reemer's get off, or OM for that matter)

iii. If the Spot falls off during the crash (highly likely), you will be able to find it and use it.

That is why I keep the Spot on me, usually on my arm or in a pocket. Where I can reach it. Otherwise, it is useless for the purpose I bought it.
Excellent point. I was thinking along those same lines as well. If I have an uh-oh and end up in a "Help! I've fallen and can't get up!" position, the SPOT on my bike 100+ feet away really won't save my bacon. Of course, this assumes you didn't land on it, crush it, and pop a lung with a piece of it. My last off, thanks to the dude who let his dog off the leash next to a 50mph roadway, sent me into the bushes along the road and my scoot down the road quite a ways. I suppose I could have dragged my broken ankle over to it, but a SPOT in the pocket would have been easier. BTW, the dog died on impact (too bad it wasn't the dips**t owner IMO. :angry: )
