BTW - thanks for the technical explanation, Chief.
Well the job is done, and it's done right. I'm proud of my accomplishment and I really appreciate the help I have received on this forum. My buddy taught me how to "feel a feeler gage". The tool he brought over is what he calls a "go or no go" set of gages. For example, on the intake side, we used a 0.006 - 0.008" gage - it actually gets thicker toward one end of the gage. Really takes the guess work out of it. I will be purchasing a set of these pronto.
As it turns out, all of my valves were well within spec. My buddy advises that at the next check, I will likely need 2 or 3 exhaust shims, and maybe 1 intake. We'll see.
I purchased my parts from Partshark, and there price and service was excellent as expected.
In addition to the 2 coolant pipe o-rings and the 1 T/S housing o-ring, I purchased:
- The coolant drain bolt brass washer.
- A timing cover gasket, but I didn't use it. I removed the plug and was able to turn the crank to check the valves. If I needed to replace a shim, I would have had to remove the timing cover.
- A timing cover plug o-ring, which I used, but didn't have to. The old one was in great shape and barely compressed.
- 4 quarts of honda pre-mix coolant (barely got into the 4th quart)
- Set of OEM NGK spark plugs. Previous set had 20K miles on them and looked a fantastic ashy brown color. Only gapped about 0.005" over. Really impressed with that. Don't forget to sqirt a little di-electric grease in the s/p boot on re-assembly. I chose not to use never-sez on the s/p threads, but I didn't really hunk down on the plugs either.
I chose to re-install the AIR system, but for the next service, I may go ahead and buy the blank plates. It should makes things much cleaner under the tank. I'll read up on it and decide later.
- I chose not to use any sealant on the cam cover gasket and it did not leak.
I'd say between the 2 days, the whole job took me about 7 hours. Next time, I can do it in much less time.
So my girl is back together and I'm ready to go. I finished about noon and decided to go fishing this afternoon. Picked up about 15 nice redfish with a friend - keeping 10 and releasing the rest. Life is good, stay thirsty, my friends.