Considering an 08' AE

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Nov 12, 2008
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B'ham., Al
I'm looking at a new 08' AE and was wondering how hard is it to get used to no clutch? Any problems with slow speed maneuvers? Any helpful suggestions or things to look out for? Thanks in advance.


I shared your concerns prior to buying my 07 about a year ago.

Took me all of about 15 minutes to get used to the lack of a clutch lever. Using the paddle shifter, I did accidentally hit the horn button on a few downshifts, until I realized I could use my forefinger on the front paddle for downshifts also. Even with winter gloves on, it's not a problem. Low speed maneuvers do take a little bit of practice. The bike in general is top heavy, which takes a bit of getting used to. A little trail-braking keeps the AE steady though, and I spent a bit of time in a parking lot just getting used to the difference with not having a clutch lever.

You'll find there are two schools of thought regarding the AE. Those that have it, love it, and those that have never tried it, are just not interested in it.

One year on, I love this bike more each time I ride it. Yeah, I was skeptical before I bought it, but since there were no 'A' models available nearby, and the 08's hadn't been released, I took a chance, and I don't regret it. Since the technology on the AE hasn't had it's reliability really tested over many years, I did take advantage of D&H Cycles awesome price on the YES four year extended warranty, ($389), but to date I have had no problems with the bike at all.

If they are still making it when it's time to retire the 07, I would not hesitate to buy another AE.

I have on 07 AE on the floor and i would sell it for, 12650.00 if you are interested give me a shout.

I have on 07 AE on the floor and i would sell it for, 12650.00 if you are interested give me a shout.
Thanks for the relies. I'd definently be interested if you were in B'ham instead of Arkansas. I also desperately need to get rid of my wife's 07' VStar 1100 with 200 miles. Thanks again.


I have an 06 AE and you would need to pry it from my cold dead hands before I parted with it. I think you would like it and I think if it took you 10 mins to get use to using it that would be too long.

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I have an 07' AE, really like it. The paddles took a bit to get used to, like the others experienced. But I really like not having to clutch while in traffic. The accidental horn will happen as well. No big deal, let's others around you know you've arrived... :) As long as you're not looking for race-shifting, the AE works well. Enjoy!

I have an 06 AE. It took me a while to get the shifting down, but that was because I read the Yamaha manual. Forget that. After 5 minutes of instruction from my tech I had it down. It is just great. What I like most is that I can keep all my attention on the road and just snick-snick-snick up therough the gears listening to the engine sound to decide when to shift. It works a advertised and I am sold on it.

Same here, 45k miles of pleasure on my 06 AE. I plan on riding it in the 2009 Iron Butt Rally and do so without concern for it.. The bike is every bit as great as my previous 05 model FJR. I truly hope that Yamaha continues and somehow refine either further the electronic shifter system. It was not difficult to get used to it in slow or lock to lock turning situations.

Good luck on your hunting.

I bought my '06 AE about 4 weeks and 1.2k miles ago. Took me one trip around the parking lot to get down with it.

Just like any bike, you can screw up the shifts, just have to try harder with this one.

Go for it, you won't ever look back!


Best idea, ride one and find out.

A few have dropped them in car park situations, best idea is to use a little back brake and keep the throttle on when doing slow U type turns.

When it hits a certain rev you lose drive instantly, you got to stay above that range.

I rode one and didn't like it at all, preferred the manual clutch.

To each their own.

The "E" models in Aust didn't take off very well at all, now they are heavily discounted which is annoying the hell out of people who paid full price for them.

Their second hand value is not too good either.

I bought an 07AE and if I had it to do all over again I would buy another AE. I don't think you will find to many people that own one that does not like it. Most of the Haters are those who think it's not manly if you don't have to pull in a clutch lever... Just sayin...

I'm looking at a new 08' AE and was wondering how hard is it to get used to no clutch? Any problems with slow speed maneuvers? Any helpful suggestions or things to look out for? Thanks in advance.
I got mine some 6 months or so ago and have had some low-speed trials and tribulations.

If I too had it to do all over again, too, I'd buy the AE. It is fun and different.

I can totally understand / see why more spirited/advanced drivers might prefer a manual clutch for increased modulation control. That being said, I'm not one of them. Unlike many other new Feej owners, I did not smile for the first month I had my bike. Under my helmet my face was a gaping jaw-drop "O" of awe and horror. About 6 weeks later the smiling started!

No regrets...!


Check previous posts for more input.

Love mine. Snow showers tomorrow but can't bring myself to put it into the rear of the garage yet.

08: great colors.

There are a number of issue to deal with with the AE but they can be delt with and it is an enjoyable bike to ride. I've owned an 3 FJR's 2 of them being AE's. The question you need to answer to yourself is it really worth the extra $$$$ for the AE. I was in accident and have issues with my left foot so the AE really helped me ride again. If it weren't for that I don't think I would perfer the AE but I do enjoy the bike very much.
