Cool Cop!

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Apr 1, 2006
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I got this as an email and figured I would share!!

I don't know who wrote this, but they obviously had been a cop


>several years!!



> Things Police Would Like You to Know


> Your 5 year old kid getting pushed down by another 5 year old kid


>NOT a police matter; talk to the other kid's parents, not the



> If your kid won't do his homework or do his chores, 911 is not




> If a cop causes a car accident we usually get a ticket, and


>we get suspended. When is the last time you got 3 days off

(without pay)

>for rear-ending a guy at Wal-Mart?


> If you think you can fan all the pot smoke out of the car before


>smell it, good luck.


> We know you've had more than two beers. When I've had two beers,


>didn't hit six parked cars, drive my car through the front doors

of a

>Toys-R-Us, pee my pants or pass out at a traffic light.


> When you see an emergency vehicle behind you with its lights and

>sirens on, pull to the RIGHT, and stop. We are usually required to


>cars on the left.


> When you're driving in the fast lane and you see a cop behind


>don't go 5 MPH under the speed limit. We are not impressed by how

safe of a

>driver you can be, we're trying to go help someone (or catch that

guy in

>the SUV that just cut you off). Safely move over and let us pass



> If you get a warning instead of a ticket from a motorcycle cop,

go buy

>a lottery ticket, because you've already beaten the odds.


> When you see an officer conducting a traffic stop, or with a


>in handcuffs, it is generally not a good idea to approach him and

ask for

>directions. If you do, don't expect the officer to be nice when he


>you to get lost, and don't expect the officer to take the time to



> Here's how to get out of a ticket. Don't break the law.


> If you drive a piece of crap, that is why you're getting pulled



> In one week I pulled over 10 cars for minor traffic violations. 5


>of 10 had no vehicle insurance. 3 out of 10 had suspended driver's

>licenses. 2 out of 10 had warrants. 1 out of 10 had felony

warrants. 1 was

>a known sex offender with his 12 year old niece in the car without



> knowledge.


> If you've just been pulled over doing 70 in a 35, do not greet


>officer with, "What seems to be the problem, officer?"


> We get coffee breaks too, and sometimes we run into stores and do


>shopping during them.


> When you're the victim of a burglary, take the time you spend


>for the officer to find the model number and the serial number of

the stuff

>that was taken.


> Some cops are just jerks, but take heart in the fact that other


>don't like them either.


> If it's nighttime and you're driving a vehicle with tinted

windows and

>I pull you over, it's not because of your skin color. I usually

can't tell

>if the vehicle even has a driver until the windows rolled down.


> Every time you hear on the news about people running away from a

>crazed gunman, someone's son or daughter in a police uniform is


>TOWARD that crazed gunman.


> Yes, it's true, cops usually don't give other cops tickets. Think


>it as an employee discount, perk or benefit. Other cops are family

and you

>wouldn't give your brother a ticket if you were a cop either.


> If your local police agency has a helicopter, everyone knows it's


>and annoying, but did you know it can cover the same area as 20


>officers and safely chase criminals that are driving 90 MPH

through city

>streets. Many times the guy has no idea it's there and slows down.


> Police work is.... writing reports.


> If you rob a gas station you're only going to get about $100, but


>get to see a K9 dog use your arm as a chew toy. For all I care you


>keep the $100.


> In one year of patrol work in a large city, only about ten


>would be cool enough to be on the television show Cops.


> Every traffic stop could end in gunfire, but we have to be polite


>professional until that time.


> I've taken about the same amount of men and women to jail for


>violence, so NO, it's not always the man.


> People love fire fighters.


> If the light was yellow, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


> Cops know you pay taxes and that your taxes pay cops' salaries.


>also pay taxes, which also pay cops' salaries so, hey, this

traffic stop is

>on me. Now sign here; press hard. There are four copies.


> Police Officers...our job is to protect your butt, not kiss it.


> Remember the two places you are always welcome- church and


>house! :assassin:

I have to say, with all of the LEO's I've met over the years, almost all were nice polite professionals. Only real jerk one I can remember was giving out tickets left & right "because he had to work unpaid overtime" (like nobody else has had to work unpaid or lousy hours or holidays...)

I get easily terrorized by large packs of cars & SUVs in vacation traffic. Almost got pushed off the road by a Suburban last year, luckily the throttle response on the FJR is so good. So my last LEO encounter was me trying to get ahead of a pack that had started to envelope me. I was on the gas, not hard, but making use of the bike's small size to move ahead in traffic from right to left to right to etc etc. LEO (didn't see him) must've thought I was a crazy crotch rocket type, started to give chase. I saw the lights, said "Oh crap", pulled over to the right lane in order to be able to safely pull over to the side of the road. LEO pulled alongside, took a good look at me, yelled real load "Hey keep it down !!", gave me the glare & the palm flat push down "slow down" signal, waited for me to nod acceptance, then just motored off.

I've got a lot of respect for the LEO's, they do a job I would be piss poor at...

My favorite:

Police Officers...our job is to protect your butt, not kiss it.

> If a cop causes a car accident we usually get a ticket, and sometimes

>we get suspended. When is the last time you got 3 days off

(without pay)

>for rear-ending a guy at Wal-Mart?
Hell, I work in grocery store in Seattle and got a weeks suspension for catching a robber! :yahoo:

Why the smilie? Cause I found out they weren't goin to terminate me :p Although next time I leave the store for a robber or shoplifter, I'll be puttin' the feejer up for sale. Better yet, I'll put my truck up for sale and take two months off from job hunting and tour the states :dribble:

For all the crap and being lied to all the gotta have some respect for the job they do!

A well written ditty B)



> People love fire fighters.

The other day we were out doing hydrants an some guy in a POS three-tone Camaro yells out "IT TAKES FOUR OF YOU TO DO THAT?" We don't get many hecklers, so imagine our surprise when, an hour or so later, as we were shopping for some dinner, some lady says, "It takes four of you to go shopping?"

I wanted to say "No, only two of us are shopping. The other two just came in to check out the pussy", but we have an image to uphold.

A big shout out to all the brothers in blue. You guys do strong work, with very little thanks. So, THANKS!!!

In my line of work we count on the police departments to be professional. This person sounds like the type of officer I would want in my town.

> People love fire fighters.
But, right now, an awful lot of folks don't appreciate when we come put their trash fire out or take away their fireworks. Just because we are under a burn ban, 20"+ behind on rainfall for the past 12 months, after one of the worst wildfire seasons (2005) ever, they think we are "trampling their rights" when we do our jobs.

Somedays I wonder why I ever became a volunteer fire fighter. Particularly when we have to deal with the drunks who started their "controlled burn" after dark so no one would see `em...

Well, Bob, the budding mensa candidate assumes it is typical government waste/overkill. He's the same type who would sue if he called 9-1-1 and you were late responding because the 4-man "unit" wasn't complete with the truck when the radio call was sent.

Doh! He prolly woodent unnerstan if'n yew toll him wye!

> People love fire fighters.

Yep, mostly everyone love firefighters but there are those out there that do not and many times some of the same ones that yell f*** the Police as we pass.

There is too many reasons to list why I like the Firefighters. They call us to go with them on many of their calls and will not get on scene without us many times. I was run over once on the interstate spent almost a year in the hospital and rehab before I was back on the streets. Now I love it when they assist with our accidents on the interstate. They sometimes do not even have to stay but will as long as circumstances permit. Police cars and officers get hit a lot, the big engine parked behind the scene is great! No one seems to run into them. There are unfortunatly fireman run over too though.

I am 6' 150 lbs. was tangling with a almost 7' 225 lbs person once and before my back up arrives a rescue unit shows up and the two of them get out and well lets just say he was in handcuffs in the back of my car in short order. They run to fires and hurt people we run to violence and hurt people.

I have had to have several over for a cookout at the house or out to dinner somewhere several times for their efforts that made my job much easier or saved my skinny butt.

Rick Sherman

Hell, in my area police and fire like each other so much they marry each other :D

My FJR,Sam and Missy

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is that some sort of inbreeding?....or sleeping with the enemy kind of thing?

:D > Cops know you pay taxes and that your taxes pay cops' salaries.


>also pay taxes, which also pay cops' salaries so, hey, this

traffic stop is

>on me. Now sign here; press hard. There are four copies.


> :assassin:
Amen...used this many times. Bamacop, where do you Police? Hoover here.

toecutter, did I know you were a hoser?

bamacop and the others in blue, [SIZE=12pt]THANKS![/SIZE]
