Cougar Sighting

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
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Laurens SC
At the end of October Mrs1911, the dog and I go down to Florida to see the kids new place in Clermont, just a little northwest of Orlando. So we're walking the dog around the neighborhood at sunup when one of the neighbors asks us where we are from and if we would recognize a bobcat if we saw it, pointing across the pond. I can't quite make it out but it sure is no housecat. He hands me a pair of binocs. Through the binocs it's obvious that it's not a bobcat-it's a PANTHER.

The only reason I didn't move in for a closer pic is because breakfast was ready

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Hello Kitty!

When I was @ 12 or so, I was stalked by one as I walked home alone along an unpaved rural road in BC's Shuswap region.

My hair, (I had hair then!), stood up, and I stopped, turned and shone my flashlight right in the cat's face as it crouched in among the trees at roadside.

It was extremely difficult not to run, but I remembered being advised never to run from a cougar, as that would trigger its predatory instinct to chase.

As I stepped inside and closed the cabin door, my brother asked me why I was so pale and shaking. He didn't believe me until next morning when he saw the tracks all around the cabin.

I can still see those eyes.

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i did think it would be cool to get close enough for a better pic and to make the cat move to get it on video but i recalled seeing this on tv

across the pond there was a dog chained up in a back yard. it was a pretty big dog.

I watched a family of 5 of them walk down a cart path across from my dad's house in was pretty cool to see them that close up.

Ok - I give. This old fart can't see the panther in the pic. Where is it?

A friend was bow hunting mule deer here in Utah and kept getting that 'some one is watching me feeling'. He finally noticed the cat stalking him about 10 feet away. Said it was creepy how stealthy that big of a beast could be. End of the story is he wet himself a little and got out of there while the getting was good.
