I haven't been checking in much since I retired 4 years ago. Since then I bought a 2020 FJR1300ES and sold my 2007 FJR that I put 145,000 miles on. And now my motorcycle world may be changing.
My wife and I are mourning the loss of her 2013 NC700 DCT back in July 2023 that was totalled after a driver made a last second left turn in front of her and she center punched the front wheel of the SUV which caused her to slam into the front windshield pillar, deflect into the air about 7 feet off the ground and crash into the turn lane the driver just pulled out of.
I had the nightmare of being behind on my FJR1300 and got to watch it all transpire in front of me. We have surveillance video from a local store to prove negligence by the offending driver. Note the SHATTERED front wheel, bent forks and engine case damage that cause oil to run out. The fork lights that should have helped avoid not being seen by drivers didn't help in this case.
Thank GOD for our belief in All The Gear All the Time! Besides a badly bruised leg, concussion, sore neck and hands she made out surprisingly well. She's finally almost back to normal now, although she probably won't ride her own bike again. But there's hope because she's looked at some used Gold Wings and is considering buying one and hiring me as driver. LOL Nothing is decided yet, but it sure brings up questions about me keeping the FJR if I end up with a Gold Wing in the garage. Feels like I'd be cheating on the FJR and might have to get a divorce. LOL More will be revealed........

My wife and I are mourning the loss of her 2013 NC700 DCT back in July 2023 that was totalled after a driver made a last second left turn in front of her and she center punched the front wheel of the SUV which caused her to slam into the front windshield pillar, deflect into the air about 7 feet off the ground and crash into the turn lane the driver just pulled out of.
Thank GOD for our belief in All The Gear All the Time! Besides a badly bruised leg, concussion, sore neck and hands she made out surprisingly well. She's finally almost back to normal now, although she probably won't ride her own bike again. But there's hope because she's looked at some used Gold Wings and is considering buying one and hiring me as driver. LOL Nothing is decided yet, but it sure brings up questions about me keeping the FJR if I end up with a Gold Wing in the garage. Feels like I'd be cheating on the FJR and might have to get a divorce. LOL More will be revealed........