Crashed FJR & "God really loves me"

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Wild ride there, Mr Toad! Good you made it through.

I had a bout with target fixation on the way to Park City. All those long straights serenaded me into complacency, then a curve almost got the best of me. I remembered "Look where you want to go" just in time, took my gaze out of the gravel, pushed on the bar, and recovered. The FJR is rather nimble, given the opportunity.

Hope your recovery is as quick & complete as mine was. Hint- Ice Baths.

Thanks everyone!

Forgot to mention that on this day it was fairly hot and I had my riding jacket (Leather w/ some armor at elbow), my riding pants both stuffed into the side bags. I did have my boots, gloves and helmet on. The only damage to the gear that I was wearing is a scratch on the visor of the helmet, right about where my left eye would have been looking through. I still can't beleive how I had such little damage... the bike took the damage for me. I normally ALWAYS wear my gear, why I didn't on this day.... I don't know.... it was very hot and riding with jeans and T-shirt seemed better. Probably won't do that again.

Yamaha dealer gave me a written estimate... about 2 pages of parts that they would replace. The labor was a little over 1k. Being an estimate, I would expect that the actual cost to be higher as they start rebuilding. Could easily turn into a money pit...

I had liability insurance only... so the cost of the bike is a loss. I don't know what to do with the FJR... keep it, junk it, sell it? I guess if I get the 07 that the 06 could be kept and used for spart parts? I'm a pack-rat by nature but keeping the FJR around might be a bit overboard. It would be a good daily reminder though... At this point I really don't know what to do with it.

I'll tell my wife that you all think I should keep her... I think she'll get a laugh out of it.


From the description, it would probably take so long to rebuild, it would become the the "Six Million Dollar FJR"

A sick twisted part of me would consider taking on the challenge if you decide to sell....

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Welcome to the "God Loves Me Club". I'm not a religious person who goes to church and I haven't put my FJR down. However, with my mountaineering, firefighting and high speed "slipseys" in corners on the FJR I have spoken with God more times than I like to admit.

Yes, your bike is totaled. Yes, you will be a little more moderate when you get back on your new bike. Very important fact; you are a lucky man your wife is a keeper.


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As I lay on the gurnny I see my son come into view. He holds my hand and asks if I'm ok. I'm lucky, I'm alive and know that things could have turned out much worse. The doctor finally comes back and informs me that nothing is broken. I have contusions (bruises) in many areas, but NOTHING BROKEN.

My wife thinks I should get a new red FJR. She says "it's only money"
Mr. K9, you are a man w/ many blessings. Be sure to post up some pics of your new FJR...we'll be waiting! :clapping:

Glad to hear you're ok. Hang in there.

If your pack-rat nature tempts you to keep the bike, then why not keep it for your own parts needs and/or to part out to the vultures on here? I call first dibs on ... ;)

(Good-natured ribbing only acceptable upon proof of post-crash physical and mental wll-being)

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yep, that was bad and your trusty steed did toss you softly over the trees.......

the fact that your body gear was stowed and you just had light bruising is another god loves you tail...

oh and providing you with that type of women is something that is even more priceless!!!!!!

glad you are okay, be sure to replace the helmet.....i am sure it has unseen damaged, kind of sucks liability only on this one......

take care and heal up soon, that has to be a bummer after rehabing, I bet you were thinking not again....

take care


Get a new one and part the old one out on Ebay. That should pay for the entire new bike!!

Oh, Glad you Aint ded man

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Welcome to The Crash Club, and the sub category of " I walked away?". Glad to hear you're okay, shoulda stayed home and played the lottery that day, I wish I did the day of my accident.

I need to get your wife to talk to mine about the new/other bike issue, she's not as supportive, but is letting me get one w/ trepidation. She just needs t relax,mine that is.

Get a new one and part the old one out on Ebay. That should pay for the entire new bike!!
Wouldn't surprise me! Ebayers will bid higher than the price of buying the parts new!

I wouldn't want to fix that one, I agree with the part it out vote. It may take time, but you will sell peices 1 at a time. I'm curious what parts are still good. From your description, the bike sounds pretty rashed. If you get a chance, get us some pics so we can see it.

Take a look at your rear subframe, exhaust, plastic cowlings, seats, mirrors.... Those are the parts that will sell the quickest on ebay.

Good luck!

Glad you're ok...prolly woulda felt much better with that gear on...

I heard there's this new sweet bike called the C-14.........

(she's not as perty though)

K-9,God definately loves you to have spared you serious injury& your bike being as tore up as you describe.

Everytime I read one of these accident reports it make me reflect on my own riding cause it can happen to the best rider in the world through no fault of his own.

Sometimes circumstances just take you out.Glad you're relatively unscathed,machines can be replaced,people can't.

Good on your wife for giving you unconditional support.Get well soon and get anew bike.

Glad your ok.

Yes he will, get the new shiny red one its purty ;)

After you get your new one you will in time decide what to do with the other, no hurry unless you need the money for the new one :)


I was riding home from work last week, traveling through one of the canyon roads that connect my home and work. I had just gotten back to work the previous week from a five month disability leave for neck & back problems. Getting back to work and picking up where I left off was important to me. Riding my FJR after the five month time was good. I didn't feel that I was "rusty" from the lack of riding. I was wrong.The canyon roads are often filled with many challenges. The sharp curves, gravel on the road, drivers that are filled with road rage, etc. Normally I ride through being "hyper alert", seeking out danger and avoiding it. On this day I noticed the road had the usual gravel obsticals on the roadway. I make a point of avoiding as much as I could. The curve ahead, I spot gravel and set my line around the outside. What I didn't realize is that I must have been traveling faster than I should. My turn was fairly tight but not scrapping the pegs. I broke one of the commandments of riding... my focus shifted to where I was headed - Off the road. In a brief moment I realized that I was going off the road. The decreasing radius turn, gravel, and my "rusty" riding skills led me to a place I have never been. Sliding off the roadway I hit several trees. I don't remeber being able to see much but I do recall hearing the sound of my FJR being torn apart. Very quickly it was over. I lay prone beside a pine tree. opening my eyes I could see branches filled with pine cones. My body hurt all over. My left leg and arm were in pain. I could barely move, so I lay there hoping someone would come to my aid. Time passed and eventually a motorist drove by and yelled that his cell phone didn't work in the canyon but he would get help. As I lay there I couldn't imagine what I just did. I felt like such an idiot. How the hell could I have done that? My FJR! I know it was damaged, but no idea of the extent. I hear vehicals approaching. Forest service personel, they tell me not to move. Lots of questions: Do you know where you are? Can you move your toes? Did you lose conscieneness? The CHP arrive. More questions... Have you been drinking? How fast were you going? I told the CHP officer that I wasn't drunk, just stupid. Over the next several hours, from the ambulance ride to ER, CT scans, xrays, etc. As I lay on the gurnny I see my son come into view. He holds my hand and asks if I'm ok. I'm lucky, I'm alive and know that things could have turned out much worse. The doctor finally comes back and informs me that nothing is broken. I have contusions (bruises) in many areas, but NOTHING BROKEN. I tell the doctor that since nothing is broken, I'll be dancing out of here! Over the next several hours I push myself to get off the bed so I can see how my leg feels. It was difficult to stand but I did. I think the doctors eyes were going to explode out of his head when he walked by seeing me standing up. After convincing the doctor that I was Ok, he discharged me and my wife drove me home.The next day, while the pain was bad. All I was thinking about was my FJR... how is she? My wife drove me to the tow yard so that I could get my MC and get it into the repair shop. The owner of the tow asks me if I was the rider. He looked a bit shocked... and said to me "God loves you very much". I ask to see my bike and he points to where it is resting. I approach... the windscreen is gone, the mirrors are missing, the sides are scrapped to hell, the front end is smashed in, forks bent, front wheel forced back into the radiator, tweaked. I feel sick looking at it. My wife tells me I'm lucky. I tell her I know. The FJR hit the trees and threw me over. A few bruises, that are healing... a FJR that could be repaired for $7000. I'm lucky to be alive. So what next? I don't think I will get the FJR fixed. I'm not sure what to do with the bike now. My wife thinks I should get a new red FJR. She says "it's only money". I guess she's right, it's only money and I'm pretty damn lucky. Would God still love me if I got the red one?K9
I was riding home from work last week, traveling through one of the canyon roads that connect my home and work. I had just gotten back to work the previous week from a five month disability leave for neck & back problems. Getting back to work and picking up where I left off was important to me. Riding my FJR after the five month time was good. I didn't feel that I was "rusty" from the lack of riding. I was wrong.The canyon roads are often filled with many challenges. The sharp curves, gravel on the road, drivers that are filled with road rage, etc. Normally I ride through being "hyper alert", seeking out danger and avoiding it. On this day I noticed the road had the usual gravel obsticals on the roadway. I make a point of avoiding as much as I could. The curve ahead, I spot gravel and set my line around the outside. What I didn't realize is that I must have been traveling faster than I should. My turn was fairly tight but not scrapping the pegs. I broke one of the commandments of riding... my focus shifted to where I was headed - Off the road. In a brief moment I realized that I was going off the road. The decreasing radius turn, gravel, and my "rusty" riding skills led me to a place I have never been. Sliding off the roadway I hit several trees. I don't remeber being able to see much but I do recall hearing the sound of my FJR being torn apart. Very quickly it was over. I lay prone beside a pine tree. opening my eyes I could see branches filled with pine cones. My body hurt all over. My left leg and arm were in pain. I could barely move, so I lay there hoping someone would come to my aid. Time passed and eventually a motorist drove by and yelled that his cell phone didn't work in the canyon but he would get help. As I lay there I couldn't imagine what I just did. I felt like such an idiot. How the hell could I have done that? My FJR! I know it was damaged, but no idea of the extent. I hear vehicals approaching. Forest service personel, they tell me not to move. Lots of questions: Do you know where you are? Can you move your toes? Did you lose conscieneness? The CHP arrive. More questions... Have you been drinking? How fast were you going? I told the CHP officer that I wasn't drunk, just stupid. Over the next several hours, from the ambulance ride to ER, CT scans, xrays, etc. As I lay on the gurnny I see my son come into view. He holds my hand and asks if I'm ok. I'm lucky, I'm alive and know that things could have turned out much worse. The doctor finally comes back and informs me that nothing is broken. I have contusions (bruises) in many areas, but NOTHING BROKEN. I tell the doctor that since nothing is broken, I'll be dancing out of here! Over the next several hours I push myself to get off the bed so I can see how my leg feels. It was difficult to stand but I did. I think the doctors eyes were going to explode out of his head when he walked by seeing me standing up. After convincing the doctor that I was Ok, he discharged me and my wife drove me home.The next day, while the pain was bad. All I was thinking about was my FJR... how is she? My wife drove me to the tow yard so that I could get my MC and get it into the repair shop. The owner of the tow asks me if I was the rider. He looked a bit shocked... and said to me "God loves you very much". I ask to see my bike and he points to where it is resting. I approach... the windscreen is gone, the mirrors are missing, the sides are scrapped to hell, the front end is smashed in, forks bent, front wheel forced back into the radiator, tweaked. I feel sick looking at it. My wife tells me I'm lucky. I tell her I know. The FJR hit the trees and threw me over. A few bruises, that are healing... a FJR that could be repaired for $7000. I'm lucky to be alive. So what next? I don't think I will get the FJR fixed. I'm not sure what to do with the bike now. My wife thinks I should get a new red FJR. She says "it's only money". I guess she's right, it's only money and I'm pretty damn lucky. Would God still love me if I got the red one?K9
sure am glad that you are allright.Your wife is right get a new red one and enjoy the ride.

New FJR. Keep wife. Really glad you're not contemplating stopping (riding). Heal up fast, slow down.

Sheesh. I am sorry to hear about the crash. BTDT. I offer a begrudging "welcome" to the crash club. I am glad, however, that you are relatively okay. It only takes a split second and all of the sudden it's just not the world we lived in yesterday. Such is life. There's not always rhyme nor reason.

To answer your question: Yes, I can say from experience that God does favor red bikes. After I totalled my fjr, I replaced her with TWO red motorcycles. Count your blessings, and go for the RED!

Oh, to offer further evidence: After reviewing the history of all the bikes that I have owned...I have NEVER crashed on one that was RED!!! While this is not conclusive proof, I do think it has enough validity for you to proceed with the purchase of a new red bike. ;)
