Crashed :(

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I hope everything works out OK, sounds like her ego may have got the worst damage. The flesh usually heals pretty quick.
I got the dreaded 'there's been an accident' phone call last year when my wife took a spill after hitting a Chevy Suburban and sliced her knee up pretty well. It was a lump in your throat scene to come upon with the bike scattered all over the road and your bride laying in the middle of it holding her leg. A short ambulance ride and a few hours in the hospital and the leg wounds were fine. Nothing broken fortunately. Thank you Lord.

Interesting side note: The ER Doc was on the ER team in PA when Ben Rothslesburger(sp?) had his little Hyabusa mis-hap so he has some cycle accident cleanup experience.

All is OK now and she's riding again on a new scoot.

Best wishes to you and her as she heals and relives this experience. Time heals.
Hey take it from a Swiss, it's "Roethlisberger"

Happy riding


Glad for the happy ending. My wife dropped her bike on I5 in central WA at about 65MPH and the feeling of doom that came after looking in my rearview mirror and seeing her bike sliding behind me still comes back to haunt me occasionally. She was banged up and had a fractured shoulder, but otherwise ok and still rides the same FZ1 today. Scary, but I'm over it now!!


GLAD she is gonna be allright! :clapping: I can't imagine the thoughts going through your head as raced back to the scene... :huh:

stupid jap bikes!

(quote of a HD mechanic as a customer rode away on his Ducati)

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SCARY!!!!!!!!..... this would be my worse visual!! watching her leave the pavement and not be able to stop and pursue right away

Glad to here she will live to ride again!

Scary stuff for sure. Glad it wasn't worse and that she'll heal up soon.

On the bright side, except for the accident, excellent idea to ride the bikes to IKEA. Can you imagine the $$$ you saved by not having a vehicle with you that could actually transport the stuff that you inevitably would have purchased!?

On the bright side, except for the accident, excellent idea to ride the bikes to IKEA. Can you imagine the $$$ you saved by not having a vehicle with you that could actually transport the stuff that you inevitably would have purchased!?
I thought that too when my wife wanted to go but, in some locations, IKEA delivers. :(

Glad to hear she's going to be OK. My wife rides and her going down is my biggest fear. She crashed on her bicycle last year and that scared the hell out of me. I won't discourage her to ride her own but when she decides to ride on the back of mine I'm relieved.
