Creative Zen 8GB mp3 player ?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
North Georgia
Does anybody use the 8GB Creative Zen?

If so what do you like/dislike about it?

I currently use a Rio that uses SD cards and 1 AAA battery (I keep a few rechargables and like that)

I wonder how long the battery lasts and if you can carry spares (doubtful) you can get a car charger for it and it seems like I could use that with the outlet on my '07 FJR.

I would like to put music in folders then play a certain folder of maybe shuffle between certain folders. This seems like a good player but I don't want to shell out $200 only to find I should have stuck with my Rio and changing SD cards.





i have the 8gig zen microphoto.

works pretty well, batteries recharge through the USB cable.

A trick -- if you setup a small jump-drive -- any USB cable will recharge the batteries -- otherwise if you do not have the Zen software loaded, and it is not in jumpdrive mode -- it won't charge!! Unsure of how long batteries last, never payed attention to that.

folders work fine. you can select to play folders, artists, albumns, etc.

it has an FM receiver also. I never loaded pictures on it -- as the screen is so small I figured whats the point?

If I had to do it over .. I'd get an Apple Ipod merely for the availability of accessories. But it works fine.

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i have the 8gig zen pretty well, batteries recharge through the USB cable.

A trick -- if you setup a small jump-drive -- any USB cable will recharge the batteries -- otherwise if you do not have the Zen software loaded, and it is not in jumpdrive mode -- it won't charge!! Unsure of how long batteries last, never payed attention to that.

folders work fine. you can select to play folders, artists, albumns, etc.

it has an FM receiver also. I never loaded pictures on it -- as the screen is so small I figured whats the point?

If I had to do it over .. I'd get an Apple Ipod merely for the availability of accessories. But it works fine.

Will the Creative and ipod play mp3 files from kazaa or limewire?

I know the ipods are good but I thought they only work/play with Mac files


it'll play MP3's -- you can drag/drop them, or use the provided software interface.

I've drag/dropped hundreds of songs, only one wouldn't play -- no prob on the Zen -- it just wouldn't play that one song.

I've use the software to load -- never have any problems.

I checked out the 30 gig Zen and it seemed like the touch screen controls wouldnt work underway on the bike, much less with gloves. Am I missing something or do you have to stop to change playlists etc?

A trick -- if you setup a small jump-drive -- any USB cable will recharge the batteries -- otherwise if you do not have the Zen software loaded, and it is not in jumpdrive mode -- it won't charge!! Unsure of how long batteries last, never payed attention to that.
Cool trick. Thanks. I've got the Zen Vision:M at it should work on that one too.

My only caution is that the Zen Micro is a hard drive based player. Myself and a brother in law had the 5GB Zen Micro. Last year we went on a week long ride. About 4 days in to the ride, his Zen crapped out and lost all of the music on there. We were able to reload everything, but I don't think it ever worked the same after that. I suspect that it failed due to the heat as well as the hard drive being jostled around all of the time.

We switched to the Sandisk Sansa 8GB player this year. It has most of the same features but it is flash based so no major moving parts.


Does anybody use the 8GB Creative Zen?If so what do you like/dislike about it?

I currently use a Rio that uses SD cards and 1 AAA battery (I keep a few rechargables and like that)

I wonder how long the battery lasts and if you can carry spares (doubtful) you can get a car charger for it and it seems like I could use that with the outlet on my '07 FJR.

I would like to put music in folders then play a certain folder of maybe shuffle between certain folders. This seems like a good player but I don't want to shell out $200 only to find I should have stuck with my Rio and changing SD cards.



