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Ok so the problem he is having stems from parking outside. Spring traps and Glue traps only work if you were to surround the entire bike with them. I believe he may live in a Apt is why he doesn't have a garage. If this is the case someone will end up kicking or moving the glue traps and as funny as it would be you know sure as God made little Apples the neighbor kid would get stuck in a spring trap and get you sued. So the Cat is the best option, but how to keep the cat from wondering off or worse getting kid napped but that little snot gobbler from next door. Chain it to the Bike. Maybe put the little Rat Dog on the other side to keep the little Life Ruiner's away from your Cat. You could also move cause I am not sure if Full Coverage Ins would cover a mouse eating the wires and making the ECM burn out. Just my thoughts.

It seems that you're pretty fond of little kids, huh?

That's some funny shit there.

I had this problem with a new car I bought, mice eating the wiring cost me $700 in repairs (not covered under warranty as it not considered defective).Bait/traps weren't as option as I have pets (dogs).

What did work was pee, my pee.

Someone told me that cats are the best deterent and it's the cat pee that wards off the rodents.
So I am going to point out to you once and only once. Cat Pee doesn't ward off mice. The Cat EATING the mice makes them go away. I mean come on, Cat Pee? Of course getting the pee out of the cat could be fun. I found when it's snowing and dog has to go out all I have to do to speed him up is squeeze. The harder I squeeze the fast he goes.

Ok so the problem he is having stems from parking outside. Spring traps and Glue traps only work if you were to surround the entire bike with them. I believe he may live in a Apt is why he doesn't have a garage. If this is the case someone will end up kicking or moving the glue traps and as funny as it would be you know sure as God made little Apples the neighbor kid would get stuck in a spring trap and get you sued. So the Cat is the best option, but how to keep the cat from wondering off or worse getting kid napped but that little snot gobbler from next door. Chain it to the Bike. Maybe put the little Rat Dog on the other side to keep the little Life Ruiner's away from your Cat. You could also move cause I am not sure if Full Coverage Ins would cover a mouse eating the wires and making the ECM burn out. Just my thoughts.

It seems that you're pretty fond of little kids, huh?

That's some funny shit there.
I love Kids what are you talking about. I mean as long as they stay away from me they are not only great, but safe from beatings. The other thing I like about Kids is you know when you see them with their Moms that she puts out. At least once. :devil:

Spread a circle of lime around the bike. The mice get it on their feet when they come out to look for food and water. They lick it off and, since they can't vomit it back up, they die.

I suppose the down side is that you may end up with a few corpses to dispose of.

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I had this problem with a new car I bought, mice eating the wiring cost me $700 in repairs (not covered under warranty as it not considered defective).Bait/traps weren't as option as I have pets (dogs).

What did work was pee, my pee.

Someone told me that cats are the best deterent and it's the cat pee that wards off the rodents. Well as cat pee isn't readily available at the local store, I read that any carnivore's pee works to an extent. So I pissed all over the engine of my new car.

No more problems. Just a really bad urine smell the first time I turned on the vents!!!

Now that's some funny shit there :lol:

Just be sure the engine is cool before you let loose. The steamy mist coming off won't play well when you show up at work the next day.

Wolf piss. That's right, wolf piss. We make communications equipment for the Army and they always have trouble with varmints that like to gnaw on cables atc left out in the field for days on end. One of the veteran training guys told me that his guys carry a little bottle of wolf piss to sprinkle around the site when theyre done setting up. Little critters done like wolves apparently.

Never tried it my self but then again there are lots of things I haven't tried yet.

Next time I talk to GI Joe I'll ask where he gets his pee.

Hi all
No garage so I have to park it in the great outdoors. I have a problem with the mice. I live in Westchester New York, and for now I have to park the 08 outside. I noticed that the mice have made a nest in the back under the rear seat. Also they chewed some of the insulation. How can I keep them out, until I get the black beauty indoors, any suggestions?
Hi! I am a hairstylist and have always heard that human hair keeps critters out of a garden. Why not also your ride?

People come to my shop all the time and ask me to save the swept up hair for them. Maybe you could go to a local salon and ask them if you can have some of their swept up hair. You can put the hair in some panty hose or some other kind of similar fabric and pack it up inside the bike.. Cant hurt to try. Hope it works.....BB

Hey Tony,I believe Ponyfools son has a recently aquired BB did buy the touchup paint right? :rolleyes:

Seriously, why not try some sticky traps around the wheels...just an idea...good luck.

Scab has actually done this IN MY HOUSE.....but i guess its worked. Ask him about this sometime....Talk about redneck <_<
My riding pal rolled his Blackbird out of his shed and we took off down the road--about a mile later he had flames shooting out of one of the cans- we found a huge mouse nest in there.. You might try one of those fold up bike garages that you see in the mags or a large plastic storage bin from Home Depot-will keep the weather out too..

my scooter sucks.
Yeah, I've heard that before. :)

BTW, to the OP, if you've got mice nesting in your bike's tail section, you'd better check out your airbox, too.

Them little bastards LOVE airboxes for nesting.

Don't ask how I know. Let's just say putting pods on my ZRX was more than a style/performace issue.

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Hi all
No garage so I have to park it in the great outdoors. I have a problem with the mice. I live in Westchester New York, and for now I have to park the 08 outside. I noticed that the mice have made a nest in the back under the rear seat. Also they chewed some of the insulation. How can I keep them out, until I get the black beauty indoors, any suggestions?
Hi! I am a hairstylist and have always heard that human hair keeps critters out of a garden. Why not also your ride?

People come to my shop all the time and ask me to save the swept up hair for them. Maybe you could go to a local salon and ask them if you can have some of their swept up hair. You can put the hair in some panty hose or some other kind of similar fabric and pack it up inside the bike.. Cant hurt to try. Hope it works.....BB
Can you save me some. I am a truck driver and would like to make a horn pull cord out of human hair. I keep asking the girls that I date for some but I never hear back from them.
